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Forums :: Blog World :: Zach Jarom: Draft and Free Agency Talk With Ben Pope
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Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.23.2015

Jun 23 @ 11:14 AM ET
McGroatry for Korchinski? Similar to the Gauthier/Drysdale trade. Obtain a needed talented forward for one of many D (and probably more soon) in the system. Have to give to get.

edit - Just read Paul's post before mine. Or is McGroatry the next Dubois?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 23 @ 11:18 AM ET
McGroatry for Korchinski? Similar to the Gauthier/Drysdale trade. Obtain a needed talented forward for one of many D (and probably more soon) in the system. Have to give to get.

edit - Just read Paul's post before mine. Or is McGroatry the next Dubois?

- boilermaker100

NO NO no

Kaiser for McGroatry.
The Jets won't be dealing from a position of strength, so they Will take the best offer, but doubtfull that KK is on the block already.

KK has a lot to learn, but you don't pull the plug on his developement, yet.

Here’s how I see the entire draft runway to selection #34:

Lot’s of talk about teams interest in defensemen, but I am actually not envision any defensemen other than Carter Yakemchuk, Zayne Parekh, Anton Silayev, Sam Richardinson, Zeev Buium and Artyom Levshunov, I really don’t sufficient reason for one to go after these six unless a team reaches for another mid-first round for toughness LD Stian Solberg, or offensive generator Cole Huston, or Adam Jiricek two-way upside.

Of the possibles, Adam Jiricek could go as the 7th defender or stick around until almost the second round, depending upon the latest consensus in scout meetings.
Solberg is plain rough, and not unable to make a few plays at the other end, and Jirircek cannot be called a wall flower and has good physical presence and is confident at his abilities to jump up in the offensive end.

You can tell ME where Cole Hutson gets selected, because I see talent but just don’t know where his name gets called.

So despite not having a clue on who the Blackhawks will pick at #2, I am not so sue if taking one of the two “other defenders” like Stian Solberg or Adam Jiricek become more strategic if the go forward at #1.

I do think that despite my draft board from #19-32 being full of forwards, there is a good chance other NHL teams see potentially valuable backliners in the second half of round one, and they get taken earlier.

On my current board, there seems to be a very good chance that most of the 34th overall players hopefuls ARE in fact defenders! It will be interesting to see if my logjam is incorrect, and NHL teams decide to just take the ones they like in the bottom end of the first, thereby dropping so hugely interesting forwards into the hawks lap at #34.

You simply don’t know until the top 33 are chosen.

For sure pick #s 50, 67, and 72 are all spots where there is potential to help the Blackhawks, but you will have to wait a bit for their games to round out.

My current board has Artyom Levshunov there as the future laid-back partner for Korchinski, or his replacement if he cannot grow more game offensively.
I have no problem with a defenseman at #2, but I think that means more forwards later.
If the Blackhawks take Demidov, I think they will be assured that they can get a couple defender prospects with the some of the 2nd and 3rd round picks.

This is the first year where I will WATCH and publish the updated round later that night;
Same goes with day two.
I just felt like last year I was so intent at updating my draft board, that I wasn’t able to interact will you all on Buzz, or actually watch the telecast unfolding, so maybe after the Hawk picks I will be here, not cocooned with yet another “job.”

I read all these comments on the prospects that fans write as the prospects’ strengths, games etc. that are so “mis-informed” like I read on the Athletic that Adam Jiricek was an offenisve defenseman only, so I will try to get in-deth with the guys the Hawks select, if they are not all from Outer Mongolia and unseen by my eyes.

Btw, I love how Wheeler’s new list seems to have mirrored closer to mine, with his elevation of Lukas Fischer, who I have had as a early mid-second defenseman since November.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 23 @ 11:34 AM ET
How can I stay away from politics? I’m a full blown pinko commie.
- paulr

Nowhere near full blow...
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 23 @ 11:38 AM ET
It doesn’t sound like an integrity thing to me, from what Friedman reported it sounds like he wants out because the team didn’t promise him a spot, apparently the Jets seem to think players have to earn their spot. That won’t go well on most teams. What do you think Dots, if the reporting is accurate is it an integrity issue or is McGroarty is acting a little privileged?
- paulr

That's the reason I'm asking you, you are the supposed expert on that subject.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 23 @ 11:39 AM ET
McGroatry for Korchinski? Similar to the Gauthier/Drysdale trade. Obtain a needed talented forward for one of many D (and probably more soon) in the system. Have to give to get.

edit - Just read Paul's post before mine. Or is McGroatry the next Dubois?

- boilermaker100

I don't think it'll go over well, at least that's what I've been informed of.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 05.23.2013

Jun 23 @ 11:43 AM ET
Seeing reports this morning that Michkov is leaving SKA to come over to the NHL and will be represented by CAA.

Yeah. I’m taking Demidov and not thinking twice about it.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: AB
Joined: 01.26.2018

Jun 23 @ 11:55 AM ET
Seeing reports this morning that Michkov is leaving SKA to come over to the NHL and will be represented by CAA.

Yeah. I’m taking Demidov and not thinking twice about it.

- TommyHawk

I came here to post this same thing.
Season Ticket Holder
Joined: 07.09.2016

Jun 23 @ 11:58 AM ET
Thanks to all here who post stuff on the prospects. I watch very little of the prospects, so I don't comment of the relative worth of them as potential pros. Because of the back-and-forth here, I at least know the names.
- mohel

There has to be a Savard in there somewhere?
Season Ticket Holder
Joined: 07.09.2016

Jun 23 @ 12:07 PM ET
Mostly, I hope KD doesn't draft a player from China or North Korea.
- mohel

You forgot Iran.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 23 @ 12:08 PM ET
McGroatry for Korchinski? Similar to the Gauthier/Drysdale trade. Obtain a needed talented forward for one of many D (and probably more soon) in the system. Have to give to get.

edit - Just read Paul's post before mine. Or is McGroatry the next Dubois?

- boilermaker100

I do wonder if just maybe McG saw how his teammate signed, Cutter (I'm actually surprised the Ducks agreed to do this) signed and were able to eliminate a year on their elc and was frustrated Peg wasn't willing to do the same?

I get a feed of the Blues on my Twitter, there was a lot on there about Armstrong meeting with Snuggerud and his family and assuring him he has a spot on the team whenever he decides to sign his elc.

Just a thought
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 23 @ 12:18 PM ET
Seeing reports this morning that Michkov is leaving SKA to come over to the NHL and will be represented by CAA.

Yeah. I’m taking Demidov and not thinking twice about it.

- TommyHawk

In return for his release he's agreed send three grandparents and his mother to the gulag.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 05.23.2013

Jun 23 @ 12:23 PM ET
In return for his release he's agreed send three grandparents and his mother to the gulag.
- mohel

Don’t think any of those four would have helped this Flyers team.

I would have agreed to the same terms.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 23 @ 12:34 PM ET
Don’t think any of those four would have helped this Flyers team.

I would have agreed to the same terms.

- TommyHawk

Definitely. Easy decision....
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Jun 23 @ 12:43 PM ET
Looks like Ian Mitchell signed for another year in Boston.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Woodridge, IL
Joined: 07.02.2016

Jun 23 @ 2:10 PM ET
What do the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Titanic have in common? They both look good until they hit the ice!
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.08.2021

Jun 23 @ 2:32 PM ET
Alright, can we all agree to leave this poop out of our posts? To pretend that one side tells the truth and the other lies (i.e. good vs bad) is the most shortsighted and stupid argument. Both sides lie, both have some good ideas as well as poopty ones. To literally paint half the country as rubes who just don’t know better is pretty insulting (either way), and does not help one bit - nor does it make an argument stronger. It just makes you (collective you) sound lazy. If you put the average right wing and left wing person in a room and asked their stance on the main issues in the country, they would likely agree on 80-90% of them. Name calling gets us nowhere… especially on a HOCKEY site. 🤦🏻
- Chunk

Name calling is a sign of ignorance.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.24.2010

Jun 23 @ 3:14 PM ET
Found an interesting link, a do not draft list, and Levshunov at #2

Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.24.2010

Jun 23 @ 3:34 PM ET
Not sure how reliable this is but interesting trade idea

Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.23.2015

Jun 23 @ 4:22 PM ET
Not sure how reliable this is but interesting trade idea


- captainserious

I would do that. The only hitch is Murphy's 10 team no trade list..
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.24.2010

Jun 23 @ 4:29 PM ET
I would do that. The only hitch is Murphy's 10 team no trade list..
- boilermaker100

I agree
Giving up #18 and Reichel + Murphy doesn't seem like a bad idea. Again,not sure how reliable it is,but this is the type of trade I would like to see Kyle make.
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Yorkville, IL
Joined: 08.30.2012

Jun 23 @ 4:34 PM ET
I would do that. The only hitch is Murphy's 10 team no trade list..
- boilermaker100

I like the idea behind the trade, but also like the upside of reichel. If Murphy would agree to the trade then pull the trigger. The 18th pick for a player that is further along in his development and could play this coming season or next. We will see what happens or reichel for mcgoarty straight up. Depends on Winnipeg wants in a trade. If the Hawks could give d prospect and say 50th for mcgoarty great. Maybe wiz could answer this is mcgoarty a winger or a center primarily?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Jun 23 @ 5:13 PM ET
Found an interesting link, a do not draft list, and Levshunov at #2


- captainserious

Sooo... they say don't draft Levshunov #2 and don't draft Buium, Parekh, or Richardinson in the top five. Only two D in the top five (they apparently like Silayev better than anyone) when it is the strength at the top of the draft? Not sure they thought that through.
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 23 @ 5:33 PM ET
Matvei Michkov terminates KHL contract to join Philadelphia Flyers: Report https://www.msn.com/en-us...9e49ecc1513f36d0cc6&ei=11

Not sure the validity of this site or if this info has been reported on elsewhere but this would be great news on a number of fronts......

Like some are saying Demidov measuring in at 6ft 1/2 and 190 lbs might move the needle and if Michkov is indeed coming over that'll help too...... Someone correct me or corroborate this. Thought I read Demidov is looking for a stick supplier in the US. Anyone hear/read that?

Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 23 @ 5:46 PM ET
To be fair there were a lot better plays in the draft. Celebrini would be 4th?
- wizardofi

No Wizard, not saying where Demidov or Michkov would be drafted in a particular draft. I'm saying the majority that I've seen in a few places has Michkov ranked as a better prospect than Demidov today.

But yes, in the context Michkov falling to #7 it did have something to do with the strength of last yrs draft. .. It is true though going into last yrs season quite a few saw Michkov and Bedard neck and neck. By yrs end Bedard answered any doubts who was the best but Michkov is that good.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 23 @ 6:25 PM ET
Blue pilled Californian.
- Aurora Hawk

Not sure what this means.

What really bothers me id when I read "both SIDES lie."

it is like so many use this retort as their escape clause from the reality of the situation they want to choose to ignore.

...and I am pretty sure I misspelled (what else is new?) black ball a few pages back.

I am glad the draft is before a debate, lol!
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