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Forums :: Blog World :: Zach Jarom: Draft and Free Agency Talk With Ben Pope
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Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Joined: 04.17.2011

Jun 23 @ 9:30 PM ET
And therein lies the reason it’s best to leave politics off here. Even though I’m a pinko commie Liberal and 1000% correct in all my assertions I’ll never convince others so there’s no point in posting about …. Even though I’m right.
- paulr

Here in Canada we can have the luxury of voting for the person with the funniest name if we want to since we have enough parties. Watching American politics is watching this massive train wreck, and the ones with skin in the game don't seem to see what needs to be done. It all seems to be on the verge of becoming like democracy in India. If I was voting in the states, I would be seriously scared.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 23 @ 9:36 PM ET
Here in Canada we can have the luxury of voting for the person with the funniest name if we want to since we have enough parties. Watching American politics is watching this massive train wreck, and the ones with skin in the game don't seem to see what needs to be done. It all seems to be on the verge of becoming like democracy in India. If I was voting in the states, I would be seriously scared.
- wizardofi

We are no where near the poverty level in India. Id be scared to if people were poopting in the streets and water was scarce. Politician is another name for self interest group and how i can build my family fortune.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Wherever I leave my hat
Joined: 07.26.2006

Jun 23 @ 9:46 PM ET
We are no where near the poverty level in India. Id be scared to if people were poopting in the streets and water was scarce. Politician is another name for self interest group and how i can build my family fortune.
- BetweenTheDots

Some people enter politics to do good, others to do well.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 23 @ 9:48 PM ET
Some people enter politics to do good, others to do well.
- Revco38

I agree the first part to few, the latter part to many.
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 23 @ 9:51 PM ET
Way to take the high road and win people over.
- HawkintheD

I don't think I said anything offensive but that's probably your point?? ...... Back to hockey, who do you think the Hawks draft and who do you hope they draft, D?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 23 @ 10:00 PM ET
I don't think I said anything offensive but that's probably your point?? ...... Back to hockey, who do you think the Hawks draft and who do you hope they draft, D?
- Mr Ricochet

I love it when someone makes a political statement and then says "back to hockey" when called on it.

How about not entering the political realm in the first place?
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 23 @ 10:06 PM ET
I think they are going to draft the Levshunov. After watching the highlight tape, which is BS because there you don't get to see them away from the puck, Demidov is going to be hard to pass up. 5 years from now, everyone will probably wish they drafted Iginla.

My son and I are going to Vegas Wednesday. See the Awards show Thursday and the Draft Friday-Saturday. Is anybody else going?

- stevefrmglencoe

This has been my stance all along, that Levshunov will be so hard for anyone to pass up while he's on the board. Big right shot D that plays physical and skilled, that can skate and had a fine true freshman season in the NCAA. Add the kid has only been on this continent for 2 yrs and not only has he adapted to the small ice he's adapted to the language and culture in such a short time.

You like Iginla that much? Think he has even a chance to end up the best player outside of Celebrini? ........

Curious if you have a thought on this, Steve? Have you paid attention to or researched what is the most successful number of players to have as a core and ideally what is the breakdown of a core?

For example a 4 man core consisting of 2 centers and 2 Dmen, or 1 center, 2 Dmen and a wing? ........ Or, ideally the percentage of the cap that is eaten up by a core?

And, I wonder if organIzations build/draft their squad in accordance with the organIzational beliefs/model of core building or just draft BPA and adjust their philosophy by the development of the pipeline?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Sick Bay, MI
Joined: 02.22.2012

Jun 23 @ 10:06 PM ET
I don't think I said anything offensive but that's probably your point?? ...... Back to hockey, who do you think the Hawks draft and who do you hope they draft, D?
- Mr Ricochet

Oh no Rico...what you said was highly offensive no matter what side of the aisle you're on. Hope I get this right but Chunk was merely trying to point out that there's a large swath of people in this country who have opinions that don't synch up 100% with either party and you swatted him down.

Back to hockey...Demidov?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 23 @ 10:08 PM ET
So Vegas says
Odds on favorite
2nd OA Levshunov
3rd Silayev
4th Lindstrom
5th Demidov
For now
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 23 @ 10:09 PM ET
I love it when someone makes a political statement and then says "back to hockey" when called on it.

How about not entering the political realm in the first place?

- mohel

You're a perceptive fellow, Mo.......... My apologies to the board for my indiscretions today. I'll do better but I'm so easily amused it's hard sometimes.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 23 @ 10:11 PM ET
So Vegas says
Odds on favorite
2nd OA Levshunov
3rd Silayev
4th Lindstrom
5th Demidov
For now

- BetweenTheDots

Interesting. I'm starting to think Demidov is 2nd, but who knows....
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 23 @ 10:12 PM ET
Oh no Rico...what you said was highly offensive no matter what side of the aisle you're on. Hope I get this right but Chunk was merely trying to point out that there's a large swath of people in this country who have opinions that don't synch up 100% with either party and you swatted him down.

Back to hockey...Demidov?

- HawkintheD

You think they'll draft Demidov, you want them to or both?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 23 @ 10:12 PM ET
If Levshunov is projected as a number one defenseman or even a top pairing guy it will be difficult to pass him by.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.15.2013

Jun 23 @ 10:16 PM ET
I don't think I said anything offensive but that's probably your point?? ...... Back to hockey, who do you think the Hawks draft and who do you hope they draft, D?
- Mr Ricochet

If KD makes that trade with Winnipeg - and it makes sense for both teams to complete so that they might better compete - I could imagine trading the 2nd overall for the 5th overall and still taking a dman (but not Leveshunov who will be drafted already).

So who do you like most among the other dmen. Crazy as it may sound, a prereiquite to move our own first round choice could be that we have to get a no more than late teens first round '24 choice in return. Could we include one our second round picks to get that first round choice. Because I like the idea to draft a dman 5th and a forward with the first round we would acquire. So if Catton and Eiserman are gone by late teens, maybe Hage or Senneke is still available.

The so cherished second overall actually.is all about making a risky pick of a forward with knee issue or a dnan not quite worthy of such lofty selection.

So make that trade with Winnioeg, take a dman and if possible a forward with first round picks

I bet Allen is a future ,3rd pair and DelMastro maybe a second pair ceiling but if he skated better he would be a lock for second pair. You know KK is not a certain first pair ceiling so I want to draft another dman and honestly the projection I would see to make our defense better is Silayev.

Not Parekt or Buium and actually i hope both of them are drafted ahead of Silayev so then we take Silayev - I take him 5th yes even that early because he has a unique skill size and has better chance to be first pair than the others.

Next season we have Hall and Foligno trying to stay healthy, eventually McCroary and Hayes, plus Nazar and Ehlers. Much better group around Bedard
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Sick Bay, MI
Joined: 02.22.2012

Jun 23 @ 10:18 PM ET
You think they'll draft Demidov, you want them to or both?
- Mr Ricochet

Not sure what you're asking Rico but I am asking should they draft Demidov? Who do you take at 2?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Jun 23 @ 10:19 PM ET
You think they'll draft Demidov, you want them to or both?
- Mr Ricochet

If Leveshunov and Owen Power were in the same draft? Which one would you take?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 23 @ 10:24 PM ET
If Leveshunov and Owen Power were in the same draft? Which one would you take?
- LAHawk

I’ve read they’re similar players, what’s crazy is the word Levshunov in Belarus means power.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

Jun 23 @ 10:25 PM ET
Blue pilled Californian.
- AuroarHawk

Not sure what this means.

You absolutely know what it means. Just stop the nonsense politics.
- Aurora Hawk

Firstly I do not lie.

I have never been in Aurora either, but I do not live in California, thought at first this was some matrix related thing, blue pilled and all.
If some mother f u c k e r (that would be you) writes something, I want to be sure I understand what they are saying to me, and it looks like if I am translating correctly you are calling me a name to chastize me, correct me, stop, me...

It never worked ....talking down to my own kids never worked worked when I added a reprimand at the end, like "sit down at the dinner table, jerfoff."

And after teaching 36 years I can say teacher calling names at students or insults kinda severs any chance they will learn from you. Where this started was me saying that what someone posted was kinda stupid, not that the eprson was stupid.

You obviously found this important enough to bring back up so much later than the posts, and I wasn't feigning or untruthfully saying so.

We all make mistake, but I will gladly wiling get us to a place it can buried.

(You can PM or I will PM you y home phone)

The pill was what got me...i realize now you were calling me a California Liberal (blue State) but the pill thing...still dunno now.
But I guess that was a political insult chatizing politrics on the board, so THAT didn't solve it, did it?

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 23 @ 10:26 PM ET
Interesting. I'm starting to think Demidov is 2nd, but who knows....
- mohel

Levshunov -220
Demidov +180

We'll see if that number changes after the official measurements on Thursday
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 23 @ 10:26 PM ET
I’ve read they’re similar players, what’s crazy is the word Levshunov in Belarus means power.
- paulr

I heard it translates best to "bust".
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 23 @ 10:27 PM ET
Not sure what this means.

Firstly I do not lie.

I have never been in Aurora either, but I do not live in California, thought at first this was some matrix related thing, blue pilled and all.
If some mother f u c k e r (that would be you) writes something, I want to be sure I understand what they are saying to me, and it looks like if I am translating correctly you are calling me a name to chastize me, correct me, stop, me...

It never worked ....talking down to my own kids never worked worked when I added a reprimand at the end, like "sit down at the dinner table, jerfoff."

And after teaching 36 years I can say teacher calling names at students or insults kinda severs any chance they will learn from you. Where this started was me saying that what someone posted was kinda stupid, not that the eprson was stupid.

You obviously found this important enough to bring back up so much later than the posts, and I wasn't feigning or untruthfully saying so.

We all make mistake, but I will gladly wiling get us to a place it can buried.

(You can PM or I will PM you y home phone)

The pill was what got me...i realize now you were calling me a California Liberal (blue State) but the pill thing...still dunno now.
But I guess that was a political insult chatizing politrics on the board, so THAT didn't solve it, did it?

- wiz1901

Wiz, let’s drop the politics it never ends well.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 23 @ 10:28 PM ET
I heard it translates best to "bust".
- mohel

Maybe that was it. I failed my Belarusian course.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Jun 23 @ 10:30 PM ET
Maybe that was it. I failed my Belarusian course.
- paulr

Levbustnov, it's got a nice ring to it
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: AB
Joined: 01.26.2018

Jun 23 @ 10:30 PM ET
Ehhh i would keep our 18th and give them our 50th pick. Remember they need to move those 2 players.
- BetweenTheDots

They'll get better offers than a second rounder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 02.08.2013

Jun 23 @ 10:30 PM ET
Not sure what this means.

Firstly I do not lie.

I have never been in Aurora either, but I do not live in California, thought at first this was some matrix related thing, blue pilled and all.
If some mother f u c k e r (that would be you) writes something, I want to be sure I understand what they are saying to me, and it looks like if I am translating correctly you are calling me a name to chastize me, correct me, stop, me...

It never worked ....talking down to my own kids never worked worked when I added a reprimand at the end, like "sit down at the dinner table, jerfoff."

And after teaching 36 years I can say teacher calling names at students or insults kinda severs any chance they will learn from you. Where this started was me saying that what someone posted was kinda stupid, not that the eprson was stupid.

You obviously found this important enough to bring back up so much later than the posts, and I wasn't feigning or untruthfully saying so.

We all make mistake, but I will gladly wiling get us to a place it can buried.

(You can PM or I will PM you y home phone)

The pill was what got me...i realize now you were calling me a California Liberal (blue State) but the pill thing...still dunno now.
But I guess that was a political insult chatizing politrics on the board, so THAT didn't solve it, did it?

- wiz1901

I guess the rules don't apply you, eh? Are you special?
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