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Forums :: Blog World :: Jan Levine: Barclay Goodrow claimed off waivers as originally reported by San Jose
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New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 24 @ 1:28 PM ET

- jimbro83

dudes like him believe in witchcraft- just bring on the next conspiracy theory and he is all in - fuck science.
New York Rangers
Joined: 11.08.2013

Jun 24 @ 1:28 PM ET

- jimbro83

Look it up buddy. Crazy
New York Rangers
Joined: 11.08.2013

Jun 24 @ 1:30 PM ET
dudes like him believe in witchcraft- just bring on the next conspiracy theory and he is all in - fuck science.
- Greschnergy#4

Pretty sure conspiracy theories held up pretty well vs “the science” on the “vaccine”. But keep believing what AI wants you to believe. 👍
New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 24 @ 1:31 PM ET
Pretty sure conspiracy theories held up pretty well vs “the science” on the “vaccine”. But keep believing what AI wants you to believe. 👍
- nyrangers9479

Your ignorance has no bounds.
New York Rangers
Joined: 11.08.2013

Jun 24 @ 1:33 PM ET
Your ignorance has no bounds.
- Greschnergy#4

Your “facts” had no truth
New York Rangers
Location: Handsome Eddy, IA
Joined: 07.30.2010

Jun 24 @ 1:34 PM ET
Pretty sure conspiracy theories held up pretty well vs “the science” on the “vaccine”. But keep believing what AI wants you to believe. 👍
- nyrangers9479

Do we think PLD took the infamous JAB and is now being controlled by the government to be a bad NHL player?
New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 24 @ 1:38 PM ET
Im in the group that says; keep kakko- his value is too low to trade
Sign Shesty but a line has to be drawn - someone wrote 10% - thats a good number.
keep Lindy
Keep Trouba- cant replace the element he brings

Im ok with trading: Miller, Schnieder, Othman (one of) and Chytil for the best return

*This is my opinion - (i feel like you have to say that here before getting attacked for having one)
New York Rangers
Location: Handsome Eddy, IA
Joined: 07.30.2010

Jun 24 @ 1:43 PM ET
Im in the group that says; keep kakko- his value is too low to trade
Sign Shesty but a line has to be drawn - someone wrote 10% - thats a good number.
keep Lindy
Keep Trouba- cant replace the element he brings

Im ok with trading: Miller, Schnieder, Othman (one of) and Chytil for the best return

*This is my opinion - (i feel like you have to say that here before getting attacked for having one)

- Greschnergy#4

I don't hate this.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 11.03.2008

Jun 24 @ 1:45 PM ET
ask eChiefs is a better product

- Greschnergy#4

New York Rangers
Location: Lets Go Rangers!, NY
Joined: 12.25.2009

Jun 24 @ 1:46 PM ET
I dont understand anyone having the desire to trade Braden Schneider
New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 24 @ 1:48 PM ET
Your “facts” had no truth
- nyrangers9479

people that use AI know that there are hallucinations - AI is a TOOL and should always be vetted (and i provided a warning because i knew there was a possibility of it being wrong and I also knew that someone would post the correct info, which they did) and because i was too lazy to do the work. Directionally it was correct- Lindy mostly plays.... up until this point of career.

AI is in its infancy- it will improve.

let's stop technology so the ignorant can keep up- nice!
New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 24 @ 1:49 PM ET
I dont understand anyone having the desire to trade Braden Schneider
- jimbro83

I think you have to make sacrifices to get something of value - He is the third pair iif you keep Trouba)-- it would be reluctantly
New York Rangers
Location: Lets Go Rangers!, NY
Joined: 12.25.2009

Jun 24 @ 1:52 PM ET
I think you have to make sacrifices to get something of value - He is the third pair iif you keep Trouba)-- it would be reluctantly
- Greschnergy#4

I mean, whether Trouba leaves now or in a couple of years, Schneider should be here a long time
New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 24 @ 1:53 PM ET
- eichiefs9

New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 24 @ 1:54 PM ET
I mean, whether Trouba leaves now or in a couple of years, Schneider should be here a long time
- jimbro83

Trouba is untradable for multiple reason and we are in a win now- also the return for Scheider should be huge.
New York Rangers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 03.01.2018

Jun 24 @ 1:55 PM ET
Catching up on the last few pages. Without naming names:

Idiot, just get a new hobby

Smooth brain, it’s been 3 years no one cares about your dumb conspiracy anymore

ChatGPT is dumber than the two previous mentions and was literally 100% wrong here on something that can be googled in 15 seconds

New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

Jun 24 @ 1:59 PM ET
Im in the group that says; keep kakko- his value is too low to trade
Sign Shesty but a line has to be drawn - someone wrote 10% - thats a good number.
keep Lindy
Keep Trouba- cant replace the element he brings

Im ok with trading: Miller, Schnieder, Othman (one of) and Chytil for the best return

*This is my opinion - (i feel like you have to say that here before getting attacked for having one)

- Greschnergy#4

10 percent will be about 8.7 per. Shesty isnt signing for that, more like 11-12 range.
New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 24 @ 2:00 PM ET
Catching up on the last few pages. Without naming names:

Idiot, just get a new hobby

Smooth brain, it’s been 3 years no one cares about your dumb conspiracy anymore

ChatGPT is dumber than the two previous mentions and was literally 100% wrong here on something that can be googled in 15 seconds

- picklerick

But it could turn what you wrote into a Dr. Seuss poem

Catching up on pages, oh what a sight,
With whispers and giggles that last through the night.

“Get a new hobby!” cried one in a flurry,
“Smooth brain, three years? No one cares for your worry!”

ChatGPT chimed in, but oh what a blunder,
Its words were so wrong, a real Google-time plunder.

With errors galore, it stumbled along,
A mess of confusion where facts should belong.

So let’s laugh it off, and keep reading on,
For each silly mishap is here, then it’s gone!
New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 24 @ 2:04 PM ET
10 percent will be about 8.7 per. Shesty isnt signing for that, more like 11-12 range.
- Brukie

Its a problem
New York Rangers
Location: Handsome Eddy, IA
Joined: 07.30.2010

Jun 24 @ 2:05 PM ET
10 percent will be about 8.7 per. Shesty isnt signing for that, more like 11-12 range.
- Brukie

Yeah but his deal is up after this year. In 2025-26 the cap is roughly slated at 92 million. A slight increase of 10% on that number is 10 plus million.

Larry doesn't have the consistency he once had, but every so often he dials up his fastball.
New York Rangers
Location: Denver, CO
Joined: 12.31.2007

Jun 24 @ 2:08 PM ET
But it could turn what you wrote into a Dr. Seuss poem

Catching up on pages, oh what a sight,
With whispers and giggles that last through the night.

“Get a new hobby!” cried one in a flurry,
“Smooth brain, three years? No one cares for your worry!”

ChatGPT chimed in, but oh what a blunder,
Its words were so wrong, a real Google-time plunder.

With errors galore, it stumbled along,
A mess of confusion where facts should belong.

So let’s laugh it off, and keep reading on,
For each silly mishap is here, then it’s gone!

- Greschnergy#4

New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

Jun 24 @ 2:16 PM ET
The blow the whole thing up is kinda extreme but its his rationale.
- Brukie

it’s amazing how oblivious you are
New York Rangers
Location: Handsome Eddy, IA
Joined: 07.30.2010

Jun 24 @ 2:17 PM ET
it’s amazing how oblivious you are
- Slimtj100

That I don't agree with Brukie but won't insult him? Hell yeah.

Now back to Shesterkin. Are Larry Brooks and I: idiots, evil geniuses, or some kind of combination of both?
New York Rangers
Location: Panarins NYC apt
Joined: 03.04.2013

Jun 24 @ 2:18 PM ET
I assumed TJs burner account

Kane for 3 years is a pass from me. One year I’m on board with a massive boner to boot
New York Rangers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 03.01.2018

Jun 24 @ 2:20 PM ET
But it could turn what you wrote into a Dr. Seuss poem

Catching up on pages, oh what a sight,
With whispers and giggles that last through the night.

“Get a new hobby!” cried one in a flurry,
“Smooth brain, three years? No one cares for your worry!”

ChatGPT chimed in, but oh what a blunder,
Its words were so wrong, a real Google-time plunder.

With errors galore, it stumbled along,
A mess of confusion where facts should belong.

So let’s laugh it off, and keep reading on,
For each silly mishap is here, then it’s gone!

- Greschnergy#4

Literally the only thing it’s good for is silly nonsense like this

Even then, write your own damn poem bucko
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