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Forums :: Blog World :: Ben Shelley: Islanders re-sign Kyle MacLean
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New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 21 @ 3:49 PM ET
If you want to build on your cap space. This one way to do it. I would give Bolduc 20 to 25 games. Run him out there regardless of any mistakes. As those 20 to 25 games approach, you make a decision. Are you going to give him another 20, send back to Bridgeport or trade him. My feel is that you need to make a move before he loses value as what we have seen with Wally.

Wally, I give him a one-year deal take or leave it deal.

- Nfdbulldawg

Young defensemen especially take a while to get comfortable. You cannot play them a few games and then sit them for a while.

Bringing Wally back only make sense if you are giving him a legit shot. We can continue to just blame the player, or we can admit the way the Islanders draft and develop is very flawed.
New York Islanders
Joined: 11.05.2011

Jun 21 @ 4:39 PM ET
Young defensemen especially take a while to get comfortable. You cannot play them a few games and then sit them for a while.

Bringing Wally back only make sense if you are giving him a legit shot. We can continue to just blame the player, or we can admit the way the Islanders draft and develop is very flawed.

- ses111

I get everyone wants to play the kids but I don’t necessarily disagree with bringing them on slowly. Especially when it’s defenseman we’re talking about. Bolduc had a couple of Luke warm games then his game fell into the toilet the limited time he played. There isn’t an nhl coach or team for that matter that’s going to trot out a young defenseman for 20-25 games if they aren’t playing well and potentially sacrifice wins.

Bolduc has to play well enough to stay in the lineup or at least show something that he belongs. Period. He has yet to show that. That’s unless they are tanking and I wouldn’t hold your breath on that.
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 21 @ 4:55 PM ET
I get everyone wants to play the kids but I don’t necessarily disagree with bringing them on slowly. Especially when it’s defenseman we’re talking about. Bolduc had a couple of Luke warm games then his game fell into the toilet the limited time he played. There isn’t an nhl coach or team for that matter that’s going to trot out a young defenseman for 20-25 games if they aren’t playing well and potentially sacrifice wins.

Bolduc has to play well enough to stay in the lineup or at least show something that he belongs. Period. He has yet to show that. That’s unless they are tanking and I wouldn’t hold your breath on that.

- Cptmjl

There is slow and then there is Islander slow. I thought Bolduc showed some good things when teaming with Bortuzzo. It no accident this team has struggled with young players with the way they draft and develop. It's not just bad luck at drafting. Even a player like Dobson has a lot to improve on in terms of defense. What is Houda doing still employed by this team?
New York Islanders
Joined: 11.05.2011

Jun 21 @ 5:56 PM ET
There is slow and then there is Islander slow. I thought Bolduc showed some good things when teaming with Bortuzzo. It no accident this team has struggled with young players with the way they draft and develop. It's not just bad luck at drafting. Even a player like Dobson has a lot to improve on in terms of defense. What is Houda doing still employed by this team?
- ses111

I feel like every teams fans complain about young player development. I’m not defending the islanders I don’t necessarily agree with everything they do or don’t do for that matter. As far as Bolduc goes he hasn’t really shown any reason to stay in the lineup from what I’ve seen. I get that young players have to take their lumps and teams need to be patient but when they become a detriment to the teams success said development will be stalled.

That’s the harsh reality of professional sports. Bolduc hasn’t done enough to get an extended look or deserve that patience imo. Hopefully that changes.
New York Islanders
Joined: 02.25.2018

Jun 21 @ 7:56 PM ET
There is slow and then there is Islander slow. I thought Bolduc showed some good things when teaming with Bortuzzo. It no accident this team has struggled with young players with the way they draft and develop. It's not just bad luck at drafting. Even a player like Dobson has a lot to improve on in terms of defense. What is Houda doing still employed by this team?
- ses111

I don’t really pay too much attention to how well other teams develop their younger players, but I feel like the Isles have a relatively decent amount of youth in the lineup with Dobson, Romanov, Holmstrom and MacLean. They have all seized the opportunity and made the best of their playing time. Then there are cusp players like Iskakov, who really is just about to get a real shot I think, and Salo and Bolduc who have been given more of a chance but play defense, which takes longer to develop. I think Wahlstrom has been given more than a fair shot and hasn’t fully captured the opportunity. Maybe he was still struggling with the knee injury this past season and wasn’t fully comfortable and give him one mor final chance, but he was given top line minutes and never seemed to play into a consistent role.
Edit: look at Wotherspoon, who we gave up on, and at 26 has played into a role with the Bruins.
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 22 @ 9:04 AM ET
How the heck did the Oilers even this series?
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 22 @ 9:15 AM ET
I don’t really pay too much attention to how well other teams develop their younger players, but I feel like the Isles have a relatively decent amount of youth in the lineup with Dobson, Romanov, Holmstrom and MacLean. They have all seized the opportunity and made the best of their playing time. Then there are cusp players like Iskakov, who really is just about to get a real shot I think, and Salo and Bolduc who have been given more of a chance but play defense, which takes longer to develop. I think Wahlstrom has been given more than a fair shot and hasn’t fully captured the opportunity. Maybe he was still struggling with the knee injury this past season and wasn’t fully comfortable and give him one mor final chance, but he was given top line minutes and never seemed to play into a consistent role.
Edit: look at Wotherspoon, who we gave up on, and at 26 has played into a role with the Bruins.

- streaks

It still remains to be seen how Holmstrom and MacLean work out. They may also be more bottom 6 type players. Islanders need home grown top 6 players. Dobson still needs a lot of work on defense. You sort of made my point about Wotherspoon Do not forget Jared Spurgeon as well. The Islanders have to do a much better job at identifying the players that are keepers.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 06.29.2007

Jun 22 @ 10:01 AM ET
Young defensemen especially take a while to get comfortable. You cannot play them a few games and then sit them for a while.

Bringing Wally back only make sense if you are giving him a legit shot. We can continue to just blame the player, or we can admit the way the Islanders draft and develop is very flawed.

- ses111

I understand that young defensemen take a while to develop and feel comfortable. However, if you are going to give a young defenseman a shot. You need to give him a little leeway, so that they do not feel as though they are constantly looking over their shoulder. You need to give them a level of comfort and accept the fact that they will make mistakes. Hopefully in turn that will develop confidence and a solid player in return.

In Wally's case, I think it was bad timing and bad luck. There were a lot of expectations place on Wally when he was first drafted. If you look back at his original development, he only played a total of 50 AHL games. The was a combination of two seasons. Yes, first round pick but that does not mean that he does not need some seasoning.

Given the situation and hindsight I believe the organization rushed him. Then came the injuries. He has not been able to truly establish himself without looking over his shoulder. If you are going to give the kid a chance to prove himself, you need to give him a legitimate chance. Also, based on some articles it sounded like he was not only dealing with confidence issues, but the knee was still healing. The isles must make a decision and be clear on what they are doing with him. I give him another shot, if he does not work out, I move him at the end for whatever we can get.

Regarding that scouting staff, everyone knows how I feel about that. I believe this team needs a major overall on the scouting staff as our track record sucks. It has for years. This needs to be one the best parts of this organization with cap issues and the inability to sign or trade for the right players.

New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 06.29.2007

Jun 22 @ 10:03 AM ET
How the heck did the Oilers did this series?
- ses111

McDavid, willed this team back to life and now the momentum is completely theirs. The Cats are on the verge of a catastrophic failure.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 06.29.2007

Jun 22 @ 10:05 AM ET
I don’t really pay too much attention to how well other teams develop their younger players, but I feel like the Isles have a relatively decent amount of youth in the lineup with Dobson, Romanov, Holmstrom and MacLean. They have all seized the opportunity and made the best of their playing time. Then there are cusp players like Iskakov, who really is just about to get a real shot I think, and Salo and Bolduc who have been given more of a chance but play defense, which takes longer to develop. I think Wahlstrom has been given more than a fair shot and hasn’t fully captured the opportunity. Maybe he was still struggling with the knee injury this past season and wasn’t fully comfortable and give him one mor final chance, but he was given top line minutes and never seemed to play into a consistent role.
Edit: look at Wotherspoon, who we gave up on, and at 26 has played into a role with the Bruins.

- streaks

You need to draft players that work within your system. Some players can adapt, and some players do not. Hence, they thrive in other organizations.
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 22 @ 10:50 AM ET

I understand that young defensemen take a while to develop and feel comfortable. However, if you are going to give a young defenseman a shot. You need to give him a little leeway, so that they do not feel as though they are constantly looking over their shoulder. You need to give them a level of comfort and accept the fact that they will make mistakes. Hopefully in turn that will develop confidence and a solid player in return.

In Wally's case, I think it was bad timing and bad luck. There were a lot of expectations place on Wally when he was first drafted. If you look back at his original development, he only played a total of 50 AHL games. The was a combination of two seasons. Yes, first round pick but that does not mean that he does not need some seasoning.

Given the situation and hindsight I believe the organization rushed him. Then came the injuries. He has not been able to truly establish himself without looking over his shoulder. If you are going to give the kid a chance to prove himself, you need to give him a legitimate chance. Also, based on some articles it sounded like he was not only dealing with confidence issues, but the knee was still healing. The isles must make a decision and be clear on what they are doing with him. I give him another shot, if he does not work out, I move him at the end for whatever we can get.

Regarding that scouting staff, everyone knows how I feel about that. I believe this team needs a major overall on the scouting staff as our track record sucks. It has for years. This needs to be one the best parts of this organization with cap issues and the inability to sign or trade for the right players.

- Nfdbulldawg

I agree. Maybe Bolduc lacks confidence because he knows he will be pulled quickly and not have a chance to play through his struggles. This team thinks they have a legit chance at a Cup so young players will not get the leeway they need. This team needs to go over the fantasy they are a legit Cup contender.

I think the injuries and lack of speed has hurt Wally. He may have been rushed as well like Bailey was rushed. The Islanders either rush players or keep them down too long. Look how long it took for Ruslan to get a look. Bottom line is scouting, and development has been a huge failure. Look at a team like Boston in comparison to the Islanders. You have to have to be smart and not give out bad contracts like with Pierre or Mayfield. You have to go with internal options or sign UFA's to one-year deals. The Islanders have not shown they can sign quality UFA's, so they better start drafting and developing much better.
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 22 @ 10:51 AM ET
McDavid, willed this team back to life and now the momentum is completely theirs. The Cats are on the verge of a catastrophic failure.
- Nfdbulldawg

Florida cannot lose back-to-back Cups and especially not this year after being up 3-0. The odds are not good that Florida makes a third straight Cup next year.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 06.29.2007

Jun 22 @ 11:25 AM ET
Erik Cernak is rumored to be available. he has a cap hit of 5.2 million. Considering the Lighting is looking for cap space. Maybe be able to get him for a pick. Take Pulock and try and flip him.

Cernak 2 yrs younger at (27), a million dollars cheaper, 2 years remaining on deal.
Pullock is 29, a million more, 6 years remaining on deal. The team would save close to 7 million over the next 6 years.

Flip Pullock for top 6 forward.

With Dober pushing to be the No.1 it gives you 2 yrs to fill in the 2nd d pairing.

New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 06.29.2007

Jun 22 @ 11:29 AM ET
Florida cannot lose back-to-back Cups and especially not this year after being up 3-0. The odds are not good that Florida makes a third straight Cup next year.
- ses111

I believe this will be one for record books. I have wanted the Cats from get go. Even bet on them last night. However, Oilers have momentum and confidence. To huge parts of winning. I think the Oilers will shatter the Cats dreams again.
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 22 @ 11:49 AM ET
I believe this will be one for record books. I have wanted the Cats from get go. Even bet on them last night. However, Oilers have momentum and confidence. To huge parts of winning. I think the Oilers will shatter the Cats dreams again.
- Nfdbulldawg

I still think Florida finds a way. Cannot seem them losing 4 straight. Barkov is due as well. I’ll really feel bad for KO if Florida loses.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 06.29.2007

Jun 22 @ 5:47 PM ET
I still think Florida finds a way. Cannot seem them losing 4 straight. Barkov is due as well. I’ll really feel bad for KO if Florida loses.
- ses111

I hear what you are saying. I hope the Cats find a way.
New York Islanders
Joined: 11.05.2011

Jun 23 @ 7:11 AM ET
I hear what you are saying. I hope the Cats find a way.
- Nfdbulldawg

Im finding it incredibly difficult to root against the Oilers after they just erased a three games to none deficit. Hockey is a weird sport so you never know but the Oilers have all of the momentum going into the game tomorrow. Panthers have had zero answer for the last three games. Maybe they get their crap together for game 7 but it’s certainly not looking good. They have looked completely overwhelmed the last three games.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 06.29.2007

Jun 23 @ 7:56 AM ET
Im finding it incredibly difficult to root against the Oilers after they just erased a three games to none deficit. Hockey is a weird sport so you never know but the Oilers have all of the momentum going into the game tomorrow. Panthers have had zero answer for the last three games. Maybe they get their crap together for game 7 but it’s certainly not looking good. They have looked completely overwhelmed the last three games.
- Cptmjl

It is the Oilers cup to lose. But I still want the Cats.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 06.29.2007

Jun 23 @ 10:32 AM ET
Trade and agent options for the New York Islanders
Stefen Fosner of The Hockey News: A look at some potential options for the New York Islanders this offseason.

Nikolaj Ehlers – Winnipeg Jets – multiple sources have said the Islanders have asked the Jets about Ehlers. Possible

Patrik Laine – Columbus Blue Jackets – 50% retain would put his cap hit at $4.35 million. Risky but manageable. Do not want him

Mitch Marner – Toronto Maple Leafs – Would be a hockey trade. Impossible

Jake Guentzel – Pending UFA – The Islanders would need to clear cap space to fit in the big contract. Impossible

Morgan Frost – Philadelphia Flyers – Has a year left at $2.1 million. Not sure way Philly would give up a young player at 25 with a decent cap hit.

Tyler Toffoli – Pending UFA – He could be a plan B or plan C for the Islanders. Pass at 32 we would be adding to the same mess.

Martin Necas – Carolina Hurricanes – Would the Islanders have the pieces that the Hurricanes are looking for? Impossible
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 23 @ 11:00 AM ET
Trade and agent options for the New York Islanders
Stefen Fosner of The Hockey News: A look at some potential options for the New York Islanders this offseason.

Nikolaj Ehlers – Winnipeg Jets – multiple sources have said the Islanders have asked the Jets about Ehlers. Possible

Patrik Laine – Columbus Blue Jackets – 50% retain would put his cap hit at $4.35 million. Risky but manageable. Do not want him

Mitch Marner – Toronto Maple Leafs – Would be a hockey trade. Impossible

Jake Guentzel – Pending UFA – The Islanders would need to clear cap space to fit in the big contract. Impossible

Morgan Frost – Philadelphia Flyers – Has a year left at $2.1 million. Not sure way Philly would give up a young player at 25 with a decent cap hit.

Tyler Toffoli – Pending UFA – He could be a plan B or plan C for the Islanders. Pass at 32 we would be adding to the same mess.

Martin Necas – Carolina Hurricanes – Would the Islanders have the pieces that the Hurricanes are looking for? Impossible

- Nfdbulldawg

Really no great realistic options for the Islanders. They are not one or two players away. This is why I would start this re-tool this offseason by moving Nelson and Palms. If the 2024 draft is not strong enough, get 2025 picks and prospects for Nelson and Palms.
New York Islanders
Location: Snow has melted!
Joined: 02.12.2011

Jun 23 @ 12:54 PM ET
Im finding it incredibly difficult to root against the Oilers after they just erased a three games to none deficit. Hockey is a weird sport so you never know but the Oilers have all of the momentum going into the game tomorrow. Panthers have had zero answer for the last three games. Maybe they get their crap together for game 7 but it’s certainly not looking good. They have looked completely overwhelmed the last three games.
- Cptmjl

It's very odd. The Cats were dominating and suddenly they look helpless. It's such a drastic switch. I don't care much who wins, but as a hockey fan it's fun to watch. There's nothing like a game seven final. It would be even better if it goes to OT. Better for me I mean. For the fans that's a nightmare.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 11.03.2008

Jun 24 @ 9:56 AM ET
It's very odd. The Cats were dominating and suddenly they look helpless. It's such a drastic switch. I don't care much who wins, but as a hockey fan it's fun to watch. There's nothing like a game seven final. It would be even better if it goes to OT. Better for me I mean. For the fans that's a nightmare.
- JimmyP

They really weren't dominating too much at any point in this series. Edmonton pretty handily outplayed them in 2 of the 3 games that they won. Still surprised Florida couldn't take advantage of being up 3-0. I don't really care who wins the series but I'm glad it has turned into something exciting and not a sweep.
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 24 @ 10:07 AM ET
They really weren't dominating too much at any point in this series. Edmonton pretty handily outplayed them in 2 of the 3 games that they won. Still surprised Florida couldn't take advantage of being up 3-0. I don't really care who wins the series but I'm glad it has turned into something exciting and not a sweep.
- eichiefs9

I still think Florida finds a way tonight. It was not a must win for Florida being up 3-1, but you give the other team confidence when you cannot close it out again. I'm just glad it's over tonight on onto the draft Friday, whether it will be good or bad for the Islanders.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 11.03.2008

Jun 24 @ 10:17 AM ET

This would be something worth moving the 20th overall pick (and potentially other assets) for
New York Islanders
Joined: 06.07.2008

Jun 24 @ 10:18 AM ET
Does not mean much, but Islanders not mentioned on any of these players.

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