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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: The Leafs Defensive Targets: Part 2 – 5 Possible Trade Targets
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Name the Traitors!, AB
Joined: 06.29.2006

Jun 20 @ 12:28 PM ET
The conversation was abut the finals - I know reading is hard but try to keep up.
- Cush29

so the point a game pace in first 3 finals games against the selke winner and hot goalie is terrible. I wish the leafs had someone like that
Location: Leafs AAV Champs, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jun 20 @ 12:28 PM ET
Apparently that no longer matters - Mc Jesus's insane run is the best because he racked up points in the 2 games the Oilers lit it up / Bob fell off his pedestal.

If the Oilers don't win the cup I'm sure Oilers fans will rejoice the amazing playoff point run of McDavid the same was Leaf fans celebrate regular season accolades like AM 69 goals but playoff failure. Right?

And anyone who says the Oilers losing in the finals isn't failure is full of it considering they have the best 1-2 offensive combo in the league/world right now.

- Cush29

I would (frank)ing kill for a playoff run like the Oilers have had. winning the cup is very hard now with 32 teams and you need a ton of luck and things you cant really control.

downplaying a cup run and how the Oilers have not just rolled over and let the Panthers win in 4 is impressive and I hope Mcd drags his team to 7 games.

anything else just feels like sour grapes..its not my team wah wah
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 12:35 PM ET
Draisaitl is injured and has been for a while.
But had McDavid scored pts in those three games his stats would be even more remarkable.
Also, the first game....Edmonton was all over the panthers, should have won. But bob was amazing
So thats gonna happen

- Fakepartofme

Yes if McDavid had scored points in the first three games his stats would be even more amazing. That’s some deep thinking on your part Fake. But the fact is he did nothing and it put his team in a 3 nothing hole.

If it was Matthews you’d be all over him if he did that, no matter how many points he had previously.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 12:37 PM ET
I would (frank)ing kill for a playoff run like the Oilers have had. winning the cup is very hard now with 32 teams and you need a ton of luck and things you cant really control.

downplaying a cup run and how the Oilers have not just rolled over and let the Panthers win in 4 is impressive and I hope Mcd drags his team to 7 games.

anything else just feels like sour grapes..its not my team wah wah

- senstroll

Getting to the finals and blowing it wouldn’t do a thing for me. It would just be even worse heartbreak.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 20 @ 12:41 PM ET
so the point a game pace in first 3 finals games against the selke winner and hot goalie is terrible. I wish the leafs had someone like that
- drexel

You mean like Auston Matthews with 4 points in 5 games in the games he played while obviously nowhere close to 100% or William Nylander's 4 points in the 5 games he played while also not 100 %?

Hard not to imagine that if both had been 100% their .8 points per game would have been 1 or more.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 20 @ 12:45 PM ET
I would (frank)ing kill for a playoff run like the Oilers have had. winning the cup is very hard now with 32 teams and you need a ton of luck and things you cant really control.

downplaying a cup run and how the Oilers have not just rolled over and let the Panthers win in 4 is impressive and I hope Mcd drags his team to 7 games.

anything else just feels like sour grapes..its not my team wah wah

- senstroll

Ya it's not sour grapes at all from me, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy in here.

If this was a Leaf accomplishment nobody would care if they don't win the cup and the Oilers fans will likely feel the same. You know like all the "regular season doesn't mean anything" grumbling that goes on in here non stop.

Oilers found a way to get through Bob - that's impressive considering no team really did with any sustained success this playoff run and most of last years too until the finals.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 20 @ 12:45 PM ET
Big games today

Den v eng
Spain v italy

Canada v arg. Could be a blow out
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Jun 20 @ 12:45 PM ET
A game 7 in the final would be tasty.
Location: Leafs AAV Champs, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jun 20 @ 12:45 PM ET
Getting to the finals and blowing it wouldn’t do a thing for me. It would just be even worse heartbreak.
- shack67

iv had 40 years to not find out how it would feel.
hopefully not another 40 before i do
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 20 @ 12:46 PM ET
I would (frank)ing kill for a playoff run like the Oilers have had. winning the cup is very hard now with 32 teams and you need a ton of luck and things you cant really control.

downplaying a cup run and how the Oilers have not just rolled over and let the Panthers win in 4 is impressive and I hope Mcd drags his team to 7 games.

anything else just feels like sour grapes..its not my team wah wah

- senstroll

Totally agree.
Leafs fans would be going nuts if the leafs went on a similar run.
Location: I think I'll just sit back stage until somebody that matters calls me out.-King of HB Systemtool
Joined: 06.02.2010

Jun 20 @ 12:46 PM ET
Can't decide if:

A) I want Edmonton to do the badass 4 straight wins for the comeback and win the Cup at home to shove in the Cats face;


B) I want the Cats to win at home in 6 so they can get it out of the way and fuk all the way off next season, not make the playoffs and the Leafs can win. (we are in the East after all and it's hard to repeat)


C) Edmonton falls short at home in a Game 7 for a heart breaking loss and then the Cats can get it out of the way and fuk all the way off next season, not make the playoffs and the Leafs can win.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 20 @ 12:47 PM ET
A game 7 in the final would be tasty.
- Zezel

I'm down for it!
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 12:48 PM ET
You mean like Auston Matthews with 4 points in 5 games in the games he played while obviously nowhere close to 100% or William Nylander's 4 points in the 5 games he played while also not 100 %?

Hard not to imagine that if both had been 100% their .8 points per game would have been 1 or more.

- Cush29

The guys who are singing the oilers praises are the ones who trash our best players the most. We have the weirdest fan base in the land.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 20 @ 12:48 PM ET
The guys who are singing the oilers praises are the ones who trash our best players the most. We have the weirdest fan base in the land.
- shack67


Grass is always greener somewhere else I guess.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 20 @ 12:48 PM ET
Yes if McDavid had scored points in the first three games his stats would be even more amazing. That’s some deep thinking on your part Fake. But the fact is he did nothing and it put his team in a 3 nothing hole.

If it was Matthews you’d be all over him if he did that, no matter how many points he had previously.

- shack67

Thats all im reading from you, whining.
Players arent going to score every single game, welcome to hockey.
If the leafs were in the finals and matthews was scoring points at mcdavid rate and dragged the team back into the series....no i wouldn't be all over him.
Good try though.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 12:49 PM ET
iv had 40 years to not find out how it would feel.
hopefully not another 40 before i do

- senstroll

40? Pfft
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 20 @ 12:50 PM ET
Getting to the finals and blowing it wouldn’t do a thing for me. It would just be even worse heartbreak.
- shack67

Well, you should learn to enjoy life more.
If the leafs getting to game 6 of the cup finals for the first time since 1967 wouldn't do a thing for you.....then maybe youre not a leafs fan?

Seems weird.

I still remember their 3rd round runs from the 90's fondly
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 12:51 PM ET
Thats all im reading from you, whining.
Players arent going to score every single game, welcome to hockey.
If the leafs were in the finals and matthews was scoring points at mcdavid rate and dragged the team back into the series....no i wouldn't be all over him.
Good try though.

- Fakepartofme

So the first three games if Matthews didn’t do a thing you’d be okay with him? Be honest ffs
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Jun 20 @ 12:52 PM ET
Can't decide if:

A) I want Edmonton to do the badass 4 straight wins for the comeback and win the Cup at home to shove in the Cats face;


B) I want the Cats to win at home in 6 so they can get it out of the way and fuk all the way off next season, not make the playoffs and the Leafs can win. (we are in the East after all and it's hard to repeat)


C) Edmonton falls short at home in a Game 7 for a heart breaking loss and then the Cats can get it out of the way and fuk all the way off next season, not make the playoffs and the Leafs can win.

- underhill14

Game 6 is in Edmonton, but I can appreciate the schadenfreude.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 12:53 PM ET
Well, you should learn to enjoy life more.
If the leafs getting to game 6 of the cup finals for the first time since 1967 wouldn't do a thing for you.....then maybe youre not a leafs fan?

Seems weird.

- Fakepartofme

You’re the one who has said here that you’re no longer emotionally invested in the team, that you checked out years ago. Is that what a fan does?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Name the Traitors!, AB
Joined: 06.29.2006

Jun 20 @ 12:55 PM ET
Can't decide if:

A) I want Edmonton to do the badass 4 straight wins for the comeback and win the Cup at home to shove in the Cats face;


B) I want the Cats to win at home in 6 so they can get it out of the way and fuk all the way off next season, not make the playoffs and the Leafs can win. (we are in the East after all and it's hard to repeat)


C) Edmonton falls short at home in a Game 7 for a heart breaking loss and then the Cats can get it out of the way and fuk all the way off next season, not make the playoffs and the Leafs can win.

- underhill14

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Jun 20 @ 12:55 PM ET
Dudes, a real fan tracks Nylander's movements around the city for years, learning his patterns.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 20 @ 12:56 PM ET
So the first three games if Matthews didn’t do a thing you’d be okay with him? Be honest ffs
- shack67

McDavid still played well just couldnt break through with a goal. He still had 3 assist.
So it would suck that Matthews didnt hypothetically score, but if he still played well and got some points. Then no i wouldnt.
Cause in this hypothetical scenario that means Matthews would have lit it up in elimination games. Which is great.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 12:56 PM ET

Grass is always greener somewhere else I guess.

- Cush29

And making injury excuses for draisaitl. But all of our injuries didn’t count.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 20 @ 12:58 PM ET
You’re the one who has said here that you’re no longer emotionally invested in the team, that you checked out years ago. Is that what a fan does?
- shack67

Ya meaning when they lose, it doesnt impact me at all emotionally.

But i still enjoy watching them and watching them win.
And going to a cup final would be a very very fun run. Sucks if they were to lose, but the run would be worth it.
Something different for a change
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