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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: The Leafs Defensive Targets: Part 2 – 5 Possible Trade Targets
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Jun 20 @ 1:00 PM ET
McDavid still played well just couldnt break through with a goal. He still had 3 assist.
So it would suck that Matthews didnt hypothetically score, but if he still played well and got some points. Then no i wouldnt.
Cause in this hypothetical scenario that means Matthews would have lit it up in elimination games. Which is great.

- Fakepartofme

I think this was Matthews year to really take over...he took over that one game before double injury and illness.

Really the issue is the way the team was built if Matthews is operating at 50% and Nylander misses half the series the Leafs likely dont see the 2nd round.

Did not help that they had to start the 2nd most mentaly soft goalie the Leafs have ever had in game 7.

I thought Matthews looked dominant when healthy, its too bad we did not get to see what he could do...Brad needs to do better this offseason, can't have a few unlucky breaks with health cripple this team.
Tampa Bay Lightning
Location: We shoulda let Uncle Billy finish the job.
Joined: 01.29.2013

Jun 20 @ 1:01 PM ET
A true contender needs a string of deep runs. One team can't keep winning every year, it's why back to backs and threepeats are so rare.

The Lightning's mini dynasty is over. I wanna see the Leafs do it now. I'd be happy if they made it to the finals and went down swinging. I'd be happiest if they won it all, but the finals would be a good step on the way.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 20 @ 1:03 PM ET
You mean like Auston Matthews with 4 points in 5 games in the games he played while obviously nowhere close to 100% or William Nylander's 4 points in the 5 games he played while also not 100 %?

Hard not to imagine that if both had been 100% their .8 points per game would have been 1 or more.

- Cush29

Ive said before, had both Am and Nylander played all games, the leafs probably would have won the series.
But prior to this year matthews averaged .88 ppg in the playoffs. So .8 isnt that far off.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 1:04 PM ET
I think this was Matthews year to really take over...he took over that one game before double injury and illness.

Really the issue is the way the team was built if Matthews is operating at 50% and Nylander misses half the series the Leafs likely dont see the 2nd round.

Did not help that they had to start the 2nd most mentaly soft goalie the Leafs have ever had in game 7.

I thought Matthews looked dominant when healthy, its too bad we did not get to see what he could do...Brad needs to do better this offseason, can't have a few unlucky breaks with health cripple this team.

- Santo_44

This year’s playoff Leafs had about the worst luck I’ve ever seen. That Woll injury on the last play of game six was the icing on the cake.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Jun 20 @ 1:04 PM ET
Been hearing a lot of Dobson talk.

He is only 24 but worth noting his D is pretty bad, was last year at least.

He could figure it out but Rielly scored 72 points at 25. If we are being honest with ourselves his trajectory is leading him to a MR level D.

Seen some Isles fans say no way but also some that want to move him because of his D and giveaways.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 20 @ 1:06 PM ET
I think this was Matthews year to really take over...he took over that one game before double injury and illness.

Really the issue is the way the team was built if Matthews is operating at 50% and Nylander misses half the series the Leafs likely dont see the 2nd round.

Did not help that they had to start the 2nd most mentaly soft goalie the Leafs have ever had in game 7.

I thought Matthews looked dominant when healthy, its too bad we did not get to see what he could do...Brad needs to do better this offseason, can't have a few unlucky breaks with health cripple this team.

- Santo_44

Leafs had some bad luck these playoffs for sure.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 20 @ 1:08 PM ET
Can't decide if:

A) I want Edmonton to do the badass 4 straight wins for the comeback and win the Cup at home to shove in the Cats face;


B) I want the Cats to win at home in 6 so they can get it out of the way and fuk all the way off next season, not make the playoffs and the Leafs can win. (we are in the East after all and it's hard to repeat)


C) Edmonton falls short at home in a Game 7 for a heart breaking loss and then the Cats can get it out of the way and fuk all the way off next season, not make the playoffs and the Leafs can win.

- underhill14

A game 7 would be sweet.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Burkie's Rented Barn, ON
Joined: 02.12.2013

Jun 20 @ 1:12 PM ET
This year’s playoff Leafs had about the worst luck I’ve ever seen. That Woll injury on the last play of game six was the icing on the cake.
- shack67

The excuses are as ripe as June strawberries.
Location: Leafs AAV Champs, ON
Joined: 02.22.2008

Jun 20 @ 1:13 PM ET
40? Pfft
- shack67

congrats on being born before me?
Location: I think I'll just sit back stage until somebody that matters calls me out.-King of HB Systemtool
Joined: 06.02.2010

Jun 20 @ 1:16 PM ET
Ya it's not sour grapes at all from me, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy in here.

If this was a Leaf accomplishment nobody would care if they don't win the cup and the Oilers fans will likely feel the same. You know like all the "regular season doesn't mean anything" grumbling that goes on in here non stop.

Oilers found a way to get through Bob - that's impressive considering no team really did with any sustained success this playoff run and most of last years too until the finals.

- Cush29

I think it goes something like this in Leafland:

1st round win = mild excitement, ya been here before. ZZ covered in blue goo. AA says it's only because of MM.

2nd round win = holy fuk balls poop wtf muthafuker we finally fuking WON!!! Feels like a Cup win. ZZ dies suffocated in his own blue goo. AA stalks and finds MM and orally rapes him.

3rd round win ECF = 80% of the fan base has a coronary event and 20% survive to watch the cup final. Drexel blames all the deaths on the Covefe-19 vaccine.

4th round SCF = WE GOT THIS! Lowest TV ratings ever. AA thinks he's really great at MM BJs and believes him and MM are soulmates and they did this together.

4th round SCF = down 3-0 fuking Leafs going to Leaf. This fuking team sucks. Fire everyone. Just bought my Utah jersey. 1967. Over 56 fuking years. Media goes nuts. Drexel says Fake News.

4th round SCF GM 5 = comeback to 3-2, WE GOT THIS! BeLeaf. Never had a doubt. ZZ resurrected from all the new found positivity.

4th round SCF Gm 6 = comeback to 3-3, 10% of the surviving 20% die from coronary event. Drexel blames all the deaths on the Covefe-19 vaccine. ZZ covered in blue goo and suffocates again. Drexel blames ZZs death on the vaccine too.

4th round SCF Gm 7 = LOSS, suicide rates in Toronto sky rocket. Drexel blames all the deaths on the Covefe-19 vaccine and 5G and Trump's convictions.


4th round SCF Gm 7 = Win, last 10% of the Leafs fanbase dies of a coronary event. AA goes full PDiddy on Marner when he carries the Cup around the ice. ZZ rolls in his grave. Skalapy's post are never to be understood again and he is only ever seen riding the elevator with Gunnarson. Drexel blames all the deaths on the Covefe-19 vaccine.

Either way, Leafs fanbase is gone. Plan the Parade is a ghost town. Cheaper tickets due to the tank in demand from a dead fanbase.

Atomic Wedgie is the only winner when he get his 75% discounted season tickets letter in the mail.

Edit: nice alliteration
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 1:18 PM ET
congrats on being born before me?
- senstroll

Way before you unfortunately.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 1:22 PM ET
I think it goes something like this in Leafland:

1st round win = mild excitement, ya been here before. ZZ covered in blue goo. AA says it's only because of MM.

2nd round win = holy fuk balls poop wtf muthafuker we finally fuking WON!!! Feels like a Cup win. ZZ dies suffocated in his own blue goo. AA stalks and finds MM and orally rapes him.

3rd round win ECF = 80% of the fan base has a coronary event and 20% survive to watch the cup final. Drexel blames all the deaths on the Covefe-19 vaccine.

4th round SCF = WE GOT THIS! Lowest TV ratings ever. AA thinks he's really great at MM BJs and believes him and MM are soulmates and they did this together.

4th round SCF = down 3-0 fuking Leafs going to Leaf. This fuking team sucks. Fire everyone. Just bought my Utah jersey. 1967. Over 56 fuking years. Media goes nuts. Drexel says Fake News.

4th round SCF GM 5 = comeback to 3-2, WE GOT THIS! BeLeaf. Never had a doubt. ZZ resurrected from all the new found positivity.

4th round SCF Gm 6 = comeback to 3-3, 10% of the surviving 20% die from coronary event. Drexel blames all the deaths on the Covefe-19 vaccine. ZZ covered in blue goo and suffocates again. Drexel blames ZZs death on the vaccine too.

4th round SCF Gm 7 = LOSS, suicide rates in Toronto sky rocket. Drexel blames all the deaths on the Covefe-19 vaccine and 5G and Trump's convictions.


4th round SCF Gm 7 = Win, last 10% of the Leafs fanbase dies of a coronary event. AA goes full PDiddy on Marner when he carries the Cup around the ice. ZZ rolls in his grave. Skalapy's post are never to be understood again and he is only ever seen riding the elevator with Gunnarson. Drexel blames all the deaths on the Covefe-19 vaccine.

Either way, Leafs fanbase is gone. Plan the Parade is a ghost town. Cheaper tickets due to the tank in demand from a dead fanbase.

Atomic Wedgie is the only winner when he get his 75% discounted season tickets letter in the mail.

Edit: nice alliteration

- underhill14

I was living in Edmonton for their last run, they’re just like us.
Seattle Kraken
Location: ON
Joined: 03.01.2013

Jun 20 @ 1:31 PM ET
I was living in Edmonton for their last run, they’re just like us.
- shack67

Nah they're one up with boob flashin!!

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 1:40 PM ET
Nah they're one up with boob flashin!!
- Roadrunner75

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 20 @ 1:41 PM ET
I think this was Matthews year to really take over...he took over that one game before double injury and illness.

Really the issue is the way the team was built if Matthews is operating at 50% and Nylander misses half the series the Leafs likely dont see the 2nd round.

Did not help that they had to start the 2nd most mentaly soft goalie the Leafs have ever had in game 7.

I thought Matthews looked dominant when healthy, its too bad we did not get to see what he could do...Brad needs to do better this offseason, can't have a few unlucky breaks with health cripple this team.

- Santo_44

If McDavid was operating at 50% and DrySaddle missed half the series in any of the Oilers series hard not to bet they would have lost too.

And the Leafs had to play Sammy because the most physically fragile goalie arguably in the Leafs history got hurt - again.

Lastly - again this year as in other years as fashionable as it may be to blame goaltending that's not the primary reason they lost. It's usually not being able to score but this year it was that and add on "even on the powerplay".l;
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Rented
Joined: 08.30.2006

Jun 20 @ 1:47 PM ET
oh wow
I just saw that Donald Sutherland has past away .


Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 1:55 PM ET
oh wow
I just saw that Donald Sutherland has past away .


- dmnted

Great actor.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow since I’m way up high
Joined: 09.15.2010

Jun 20 @ 2:08 PM ET
oh wow
I just saw that Donald Sutherland has past away .


- dmnted

Just saw that myself. This is too bad. RIP to you Donald.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Rented
Joined: 08.30.2006

Jun 20 @ 2:10 PM ET
Great actor.
- shack67

he recently played a judge in the TV show Lawman Bass Reeves
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 04.22.2014

Jun 20 @ 2:10 PM ET
The excuses are as ripe as June strawberries.
- fifty__missions

Facts are facts. You can cry the sky is purple all you want but its still blue. But sure you do you.
Atomic Wedgie
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: The centre of the hockey universe
Joined: 07.31.2006

Jun 20 @ 2:13 PM ET
oh wow
I just saw that Donald Sutherland has past away .


- dmnted

I've always said that there should be "The Donald Sutherland Award" - an Oscar that goes to the actor who steals the movie with a small part.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Jun 20 @ 2:14 PM ET
oh wow
I just saw that Donald Sutherland has past away .


- dmnted

Aw no

I love that guy
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: NS
Joined: 07.05.2015

Jun 20 @ 2:21 PM ET
he recently played a judge in the TV show Lawman Bass Reeves
- dmnted

That’s right, I had already forgotten about that.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Jun 20 @ 2:27 PM ET
he recently played a judge in the TV show Lawman Bass Reeves
- dmnted

The real life Bass Reeves was Ryan Reave's great-great-something-grandfather.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 20 @ 2:39 PM ET
oh wow
I just saw that Donald Sutherland has past away .


- dmnted

He was such a great actor and his passing is a a bit freaky since I just posted this clip yesterday:

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