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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Briere Presser, Laperriere, Ottawa, TIFH (Lindros 1992 Trade)
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Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 02.15.2020

Jun 20 @ 10:42 AM ET
That ended up being such a crazy bad trade for the Flyers despite how good Lindros was, with how controlling his parents were, how much the team was forced to lean on him after trading away so much in the trade, and how little the team cared about Lindros's physical well-being with the medical treatment of players still a concern to this day.

What i didn't remember, is that the Flyers 7th overall pick, Ryan Sittler, never suited up for the Flyers while Chris Simon played 15 years which makes it even worse.

- Flyers_01

I remember being thrilled the Flyers got Lindros in the trade and he was one of the best players in the league for several years but Forsberg was a similarly dominant player.
In retrospect the trade was not a good one for the Flyers although I bet it was a huge marketing and financial success.

I am still a Lindros fan!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 20 @ 10:45 AM ET
Didnt mean prospect in the purest sense should have said an unknown. Is he a 15 to 20 goal scorer in the nhl or will he develop into something more. He is established but the level of player he will be is still unknown
- hfc355

He is also not an unknown. He's an established top 6 NHL forward. I agree there is still some upside there
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 12.09.2018

Jun 20 @ 10:49 AM ET
I remember being thrilled the Flyers got Lindros in the trade and he was one of the best players in the league for several years but Forsberg was a similarly dominant player.
In retrospect the trade was not a good one for the Flyers although I bet it was a huge marketing and financial.

I am still a Lindros fan!

- Hosher12

Me too.
landros 2
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 20 @ 10:54 AM ET
The Flyers may lack talent, but they not a bad team, not by a long shot. I'm with you though, DB needs to be aggressive in this draft and get a top player. I hope the Flyers can keep 12 also because I really want the Flyers to draft Solberg too!
- jd250

They are a bottom 12 team? How is that a good team? They do have some good pieces, hence why I think the over all “rebuild” does not need to be a total tear down. I also think with some of the contracts, that’s probably impossible anyways.

Please tell me you don’t think Solberg is anywhere close to D*ckinson as a prospect.
I brought up Ottawa’s pick a month or so ago…and was told they would never move that pick ? I actually think teams like them, NJ and Utah are prime examples of teams that are in a situation that trading that pick for an immediate upgrade to their current group is probably in their best interest….low and behold they are all said to be available.
Even if this deal does not get done I still think this year could be an outlier….where by teams in the 6-10 range may actually move their pick.
landros 2
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 20 @ 10:55 AM ET
I remember being thrilled the Flyers got Lindros in the trade and he was one of the best players in the league for several years but Forsberg was a similarly dominant player.
In retrospect the trade was not a good one for the Flyers although I bet it was a huge marketing and financial.

I am still a Lindros fan!

- Hosher12

Hard to not like the guy when he brought so much.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 20 @ 11:01 AM ET

good read
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Wyomissing, PA
Joined: 06.23.2017

Jun 20 @ 11:02 AM ET
The Flyers may lack talent, but they not a bad team, not by a long shot. I'm with you though, DB needs to be aggressive in this draft and get a top player. I hope the Flyers can keep 12 also because I really want the Flyers to draft Solberg too!
- jd250

Lay off the pipe man...
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 20 @ 11:08 AM ET
I was confused by this, I was reading that as "half punch" of Lindros/Forsberg...I'm so stupid LOL. I get it now, it's 1-2 punch down the middle of 88/21.

No team in the NHL salary cap era, and before, will be competitive in the playoffs and be a serious contender unless they have a really good 1-2 punch down the middle. As of right now, the Flyers are completely void of any of this, so any of these little middling moves don't really excite me.

- Dave21Brown

Ahh, lol, now that I read it back to myself I'm reading it as half punch.

It was early...
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Wilkes-Barre, PA
Joined: 08.06.2015

Jun 20 @ 11:10 AM ET
Ahh, lol, now that I read it back to myself I'm reading it as half punch.

It was early...

- MBFlyerfan

1/2 punch, 1/2 bourbon...
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 20 @ 11:11 AM ET
In hindsight I would have just let the Rangers have 88.

A team with Foppa, Brindy and all the pieces Quebec received would probably have had a better chance.

- Tomahawk

Not a chance. Lindros was the better player by far. Plus, the success of the avalanche makes it seems like Forsberg was better. But the Avs were good even without Forsberg, considering they beat NJ in ‘01 without him. Forsberg also missed decent chunks of time with injuries, including a full season. How would that have played with Philly management and media? Let’s not forget that the Avs went and got Roy, which the Flyers likely wouldn’t have done considering how they handle the goalie situation all those years. Then on top of it, they’d have had Lindros on the Rangers, kicking their ass every year.

The real shoulda, coulda, woulda, in hindsight would have been to put Brind’Amour in the deal instead of Forsberg. But that would have meant being worse in the immediate because Forsberg didn’t come over for another 2 years and was no guarantee whereas Brind’Amour was already established.

All in all though, I don’t think even that changes much. The Flyers failed during that era because they didn’t acquire enough quality depth on defense behind Desjardins and they relied on an aging Hextall and Beezer.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: DE
Joined: 02.13.2013

Jun 20 @ 11:14 AM ET
Lappy's record as an AHL head coach is 98-92-30. In the 8 team Atlantic Division, the Phantoms have finished 8th, 6th and 6th. So you can see why the Flyers felt they had to lock this former Flyer up before other NHL teams poached him.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 20 @ 11:16 AM ET
Ahh, lol, now that I read it back to myself I'm reading it as half punch.

It was early...

- MBFlyerfan

It was just a slip, the Flyers currently have ½ punch at center. They need to find that 1 before they move on to 2.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 20 @ 11:17 AM ET
It was just a slip, the Flyers currently have ½ punch at center. They need to find that 1 before they move on to 2.
- Glak18

More like a 1/4 punch.
Joined: 06.17.2013

Jun 20 @ 11:18 AM ET
Flyers should have waived Atkinson. Reports are SJ was interested in him but he wouldn't waive to be traded to SJ so they took Goodrow off waivers who also refused to be traded to SJ
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 12.09.2018

Jun 20 @ 11:19 AM ET
Lappy's record as an AHL head coach is 98-92-30. In the 8 team Atlantic Division ,the Phantoms have finished 8th, 6th and 6th. So you can see why the Flyers felt they had to lock this former Flyer up before other NHL teams poached him.


- Feanor

Who cares what their record is at that level, they don't have much to work with, and, what's important is teaching young players good habits and developing their game on both sides of the puck.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 20 @ 11:19 AM ET
Doesn't move the needle for me.
- jd250

If they acquired 7th overall in a deal centered around TK, that wouldn’t move the needle for you even a little bit?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: DE
Joined: 02.13.2013

Jun 20 @ 11:23 AM ET
Who cares what their record is at that level, they don't have much to work with, and, what's important is teaching young players good habits and developing their game on both sides of the puck.
- Dave21Brown

They have plenty to work with. The Flyers buy high priced AHL vets every summer. And their development record is among the worst in the entire league.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 02.15.2020

Jun 20 @ 11:24 AM ET
Hard to not like the guy when he brought so much.
- landros 2

Both players Lindros and Forsberg were dominant players and both were plagued with injuries. Has any one ever heard if Lindros and Scott Stevens have any ill will towards each other? I never remember reading any stories on what fueled the Stevens and Lindros rivalry ( other than two top dogs competing) or if they ever talked to reconcile the rivalry.

I’d love to know if anyone heard or remembers any stories!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Baltimore, MD
Joined: 03.12.2014

Jun 20 @ 11:24 AM ET
In hindsight I would have just let the Rangers have 88.

Yeah - they probably don't win the Cup in '94 if their trade had gone through. That's the ironic part of the whole thing - we trade Forsberg to QUE/COL, enabling them to win the Cup, and we block NYR from gutting their team, and so they win it as well.

The Flyers did get to the semis once the finals once with Lindros (not counting 2000 because they won most of the games they did with 88 out injured), but to not win when the other two teams involved did is pretty bitter tasting.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 20 @ 11:25 AM ET
Lappy's record as an AHL head coach is 98-92-30. In the 8 team Atlantic Division ,the Phantoms have finished 8th, 6th and 6th. So you can see why the Flyers felt they had to lock this former Flyer up before other NHL teams poached him.


- Feanor

To be fair, and this is not to justify Lappy's re-signing, the Phantom teams lack more than the Flyers.

Compared to the final four in the Calder Cup, all the teams have legit NHL prospects or 1st rounders playing for them. Would the team be better if the Phantoms had Michkov and Bonk playing for them?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 20 @ 11:26 AM ET
Both players Lindros and Forsberg were dominant players and both were plagued with injuries. Has a one ever heard if Lindros and Scott Stevens have any ill will towards each other? I never remember reading any stories on what fueled the Stevens and Lindros rivalry ( other than two top dogs competing) or if they ever talked to reconcile the rivalry.

I’d love to know if anyone heard or remembers any stories!

- Hosher12

I always wonder if Stevens would be as successful in today's game. Or would he be a walking suspension. So many of his hits would be long term suspensions in today's game. If you took away that part of his game would he have been as good?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 20 @ 11:27 AM ET
To be fair, and this is not to justify Lappy's re-signing, the Phantom teams lack more than the Flyers.

Compared to the final four in the Calder Cup, all the teams have legit NHL prospects or 1st rounders playing for them. Would the team be better if the Phantoms had Michkov and Bonk playing for them?

- Glak18

It also speaks to how weak our prospect pool actually is.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Baltimore, MD
Joined: 03.12.2014

Jun 20 @ 11:27 AM ET
I am actually angry at the prospect of it.
- MBFlyerfan

That was my reaction as well.
Location: Driver's Seat: Mitch Marner bandwagon. Grab 'em by the Corsi.
Joined: 02.04.2009

Jun 20 @ 11:28 AM ET
Not a chance. Lindros was the better player by far.
- Schmojo


Foppa was an elite offensive force AND a Selke-level defender AND clutch in the big games AND an absolute warrior.

#88 was a human highlight reel but there were a lot of missing ingredients there.

All in all though, I don’t think even that changes much. The Flyers failed during that era because they didn’t acquire enough quality depth on defense behind Desjardins and they relied on an aging Hextall and Beezer.
- Schmojo

Well that's why you don't a half-dozen players and a couple of 1sts for a single player.

Flyers could have really used all that trade capital back then. Maybe they would have still managed to screw it up but they handed Quebec/Colorado the Cup.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 20 @ 11:29 AM ET
I always wonder if Stevens would be as successful in today's game. Or would he be a walking suspension. So many of his hits would be long term suspensions in today's game. If you took away that part of his game would he have been as good?
- MBFlyerfan

he would have adapted. he did what he did because he was allowed to imo. he was a very good fn player. one of all time favorites.,
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