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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Briere Presser, Laperriere, Ottawa, TIFH (Lindros 1992 Trade)
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: “How many times is she gonna ask this f'n question?”, NT
Joined: 12.09.2006

Jun 20 @ 7:06 PM ET

good read

- hello it's me 2050

The damage done to the Rangers is immeasurable; what free agent will EVER sign there again?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 20 @ 7:08 PM ET
Do not see any roster purge at all. Not even a partial one.

Maybe they move out Frost and Farabee because the coach seems to have soured on both.

Until proven otherwise they like the veteran core they have and think they are instrumental to help win going forward.

- furio16

how many of these players do you think will still be here- TK, Laughton, Sanheim, York, Drysdale, Seeler, Tippett, Risto, Farabee, and Couts. I singled these players out because these core players have been drafted by the team, used significant assets to acquire, or recently extended. My number is 4.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Moscow, ID
Joined: 06.07.2007

Jun 20 @ 7:13 PM ET
how many of these players do you think will still be here- TK, Laughton, Sanheim, York, Drysdale, Seeler, Tippett, Risto, Farabee, and Couts. I singled these players out because these core players have been drafted by the team, used significant assets to acquire, or recently extended. My number is 4.
- Trox88

Be here when? How many years out we talking?

Of that group they probably move Farabee. Risto will expire in 3 years.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 20 @ 7:16 PM ET
Be here when? How many years out we talking?

Of that group they probably move Farabee. Risto will expire in 3 years.

- furio16

Sorry, I edited out the timeframe. Be here after next summer-'25
New Jersey Devils
Location: HEY. Does this pole still work?, NJ
Joined: 01.14.2011

Jun 20 @ 7:20 PM ET
Do not see any roster purge at all. Not even a partial one.

Maybe they move out Frost and Farabee because the coach seems to have soured on both.

Until proven otherwise they like the veteran core they have and think they are instrumental to help win going forward.

- furio16

The problem is that even when they do “purge” anything it’s almost always immediately filled by another poorly thought out signing. Every time we think there is an end in site they do something stupid again.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Moscow, ID
Joined: 06.07.2007

Jun 20 @ 7:21 PM ET
Sorry, I edited out the timeframe. Be here after next summer-'25
- Trox88

Sanheim, Couturier, Tippet all signed long term. TK and York I believe will be signed long term. There is 5.

Laughton, Seeler, and Drysdsle will not be moved. Risto is unmovable at this time.

So to me at least 9 will be on this roster come October 2025
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 20 @ 7:28 PM ET
Sanheim, Couturier, Tippet all signed long term. TK and York I believe will be signed long term. There is 5.

Laughton, Seeler, and Drysdsle will not be moved. Risto is unmovable at this time.

So to me at least 9 will be on this roster come October 2025

- furio16

Ok, appreciate the response. With your number, then I agree with the overall sentiment this is not a rebuild. At a minimum for me, Briere needs to move 2 players on that list before training camp. I do hope you are wrong.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Moscow, ID
Joined: 06.07.2007

Jun 20 @ 7:32 PM ET
Ok, appreciate the response. With your number, then I agree with the overall sentiment this is not a rebuild. At a minimum for me, Briere needs to move 2 players on that list before training camp. I do hope you are wrong.
- Trox88

It is possible though will believe it when I see it.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 20 @ 7:48 PM ET
Would you rather draft like a mid #2 D, or a 1st line winger
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 20 @ 7:50 PM ET
Would you rather draft like a mid #2 D, or a 1st line winger
- bradster

Am i nuts thinking id rather Yakemchuk over D!ckenson
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 20 @ 7:53 PM ET
Ok, appreciate the response. With your number, then I agree with the overall sentiment this is not a rebuild. At a minimum for me, Briere needs to move 2 players on that list before training camp. I do hope you are wrong.
- Trox88

If they flyers have shown for decades how they build a team, why would anyone thing they are rebuilding? Everyone knows what they are until they can prove they arent. It doesnt matter at all what a GM says. GMs rarely give plans away, are transparent with injuries etc..If i was GM, i would be the same way
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 20 @ 8:13 PM ET
If they flyers have shown for decades how they build a team, why would anyone thing they are rebuilding? Everyone knows what they are until they can prove they arent. It doesnt matter at all what a GM says. GMs rarely give plans away, are transparent with injuries etc..If i was GM, i would be the same way
- bradster

You're right team building happens thru different avenues- drafting, trades, and free agency. Past Flyers GMs have tried to team build using certain avenues more then others. I certainly do not believe Homer had the same method to build a team in the salary cap era like Fletcher. Briere to this point has used free agency the least amount so far.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 20 @ 9:10 PM ET
That becomes an expensive, and pretty old D-core for a "rebuilding" team, and York will need a new contract next season.

Chabot - 4 x $8m
Sanheim - 7 x $6.25m
Ristolainen - 3 x $5.1m
Seeler - 4 x $2.7m
Drysdale - 2 x $2.3m
York - 1 x 1.6m

- Feanor

It's perfectly normal to have an $8M 3rd pairing.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 04.04.2007

Jun 20 @ 9:19 PM ET

This organization is absolutely incompetent. I want out. Need to turn off the give a poop I have within. I need to figure out how

- Just5

It's actually pretty easy and very liberating!

My baseball team, the Orioles, is the anti-Flyers.

Grabbed a couple FO guys from the Astros, rebuilt from the ground up, top notch management with a decent window to win.

And a great new owner.

Maybe this franchise will get its act together eventually, but it will probably require poaching top FO talent from a successful team.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 06.28.2007

Jun 20 @ 9:25 PM ET
It's actually pretty easy and very liberating!

My baseball team, the Orioles, is the anti-Flyers.

Grabbed a couple FO guys from the Astros, rebuilt from the ground up, top notch management with a decent window to win.

And a great new owner.

Maybe this franchise will get its act together eventually, but it will probably require poaching top FO talent from a successful team.

- MrBuzzcut

Rebuilt for about 20 years. About time they are good.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 04.04.2007

Jun 20 @ 9:30 PM ET
Rebuilt for about 20 years. About time they are good.
- Flyers1218

They half-assed it, like the Flyers.

Didn't hit rock bottom until 2018.

At that point, they sold off anyone of value and poached Elias and Mejdal from Houston and started from scratch.

Drafting 1-1 helps!
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 20 @ 9:33 PM ET

Welp, it is confirmed the Flyer are trying to trade up for Buium. Any prospect who brings up he brings a " winning culture" is a made guy. The long term replacement for Laughton has been found. I do feel Buium is the best blueline prospect in this draft.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 06.28.2007

Jun 20 @ 9:37 PM ET
They half-assed it, like the Flyers.

Didn't hit rock bottom until 2018.

At that point, they sold off anyone of value and poached Elias and Mejdal from Houston and started from scratch.

Drafting 1-1 helps!

- MrBuzzcut

I’m happy for you guys. Fans deserve a good team.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 04.04.2007

Jun 20 @ 9:44 PM ET
I’m happy for you guys. Fans deserve a good team.
- Flyers1218

It's exciting when the games mean something.

I recall, seems like over a decade ago, getting pumped for Flyer games.

I stopped watching when they got boring.

A sports team should at least entertain.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 06.28.2007

Jun 20 @ 9:45 PM ET
It's exciting when the games mean something.

I recall, seems like over a decade ago, getting pumped for Flyer games.

I stopped watching when they got boring.

A sports team should at least entertain.

- MrBuzzcut

Apathy is killer for a sports team.

I’ve been there with all of my teams. Not sure it’s ever been worse although one of my teams, on paper, could do some damage (they won’t because they are cursed).
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 04.04.2007

Jun 20 @ 9:56 PM ET
Apathy is killer for a sports team.

I’ve been there with all of my teams. Not sure it’s ever been worse although one of my teams, on paper, could do some damage (they won’t because they are cursed).

- Flyers1218

Unfortunately, the Flyers have reached the point of self-parody.

It's astounding how far they've plummeted.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 20 @ 10:28 PM ET

good read

- hello it's me 2050

Agreed.....they have done the player well paying him handsomely to play a game. He is no longer performing and no benefit to the Flyers. He should just be waived and hope he gets claimed. I doubt he would be, but who knows. Speaking of Atkinson of course.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 21 @ 12:28 AM ET
Am i nuts thinking id rather Yakemchuk over D!ckenson
- bradster

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 21 @ 12:30 AM ET
Would you rather draft like a mid #2 D, or a 1st line winger
- bradster

Would you rather have Kimmo Timonen or Simon Gagne?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 21 @ 12:56 AM ET
You're right team building happens thru different avenues- drafting, trades, and free agency. Past Flyers GMs have tried to team build using certain avenues more then others. I certainly do not believe Homer had the same method to build a team in the salary cap era like Fletcher. Briere to this point has used free agency the least amount so far.
- Trox88

Homer’s advantage was they were in excellent cap shape in the summer of ‘07. That allowed him to acquire Timonen, Hartnell, Briere, Smith, and Lupul that summer. Flyers have never been in such great shape again. Fletcher had to make horrible moves like the Ghost trade to force open cap space to make more bad moves. At this point Briere hasn’t had the cap space to make moves in FA. If they can avoid temptation and remain patient they’ll start to finally be in good shape in 2 years.
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