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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: Leafs Goaltending Targets: Part 1 – Retaining Their Own
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Belleville, ON
Joined: 07.06.2007

Jun 22 @ 10:49 PM ET
You really think a 5.5 hour flight is going to be the death knell for a group of athletes who fly 41 times a year minimum?

Because Edmonton probably flies a 2-2.5 hour flight time average to Florida's 1.5 to 2 hours?

We're into full on silly season now aren't we.

- joel878

You have to admit, Bobrovsky looks like he hit a wall, the last 3 games. Edmonton seems to have the better legs and even small differences can become big differences quickly. Watching the Oilers defense, I see them faking more shots and walking into the slot. The secret of Florida's defensive system is them blocking many of the tough shots, but now the Oiler defensmen are moving in and either deking around the high forward and shooting the puck high, or driving around the outside forward and trying to hit a streaking team-mate on the back door. It looks like the Edmonton coaching staff has found the key to unlocking the Florida defensive system.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: All Ontario Scientist (Masters Level III)
Joined: 04.11.2018

Jun 22 @ 10:52 PM ET
What team doesnt rely on its stars to win?
Special teams are key to winning in the playoffs
Oilers outplayed the panthers in game 1. Bob was the only reason they won.

- Fakepartofme

prior to Game 6 the Oilers only had 3 PP goals (they came in games 4/5) - In games the oilers had zero PP goals and 97/29 were a non factor? They lost ALL 3 games. Then 97 took over and they got their first 3 PP goals of series. What do you suppose happened? They won.

Oilers rely heavily on Mega Stars and PP to win a lot of games. McDavid said it. Knoblauch said it.

While I absolutely acknowledge successful teams (in Cup run) need special teams to be good - Oilers rely on it and 97/29 almost exclusively.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Belleville, ON
Joined: 07.06.2007

Jun 22 @ 10:57 PM ET
prior to Game 6 the Oilers only had 3 PP goals (they came in games 4/5) - In games the oilers had zero PP goals and 97/29 were a non factor? They lost ALL 3 games. Then 97 took over and they got their first 3 PP goals of series. What do you suppose happened? They won.

Oilers rely heavily on Mega Stars and PP to win a lot of games. McDavid said it. Knoblauch said it.

While I absolutely acknowledge successful teams (in Cup run) need special teams to be good - Oilers rely on it and 97/29 almost exclusively.

- Big23Questions

You can bet that there will be few penalties in the final game of the season to decide the Cup winner. The referee's might call a couple of penalties in the first 2 periods, but the 3rd period, you'd need an assassin's bullet to get a penalty called in a winner take all Championship game. Special teams may be moot if it stays close into the third period.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 04.22.2014

Jun 22 @ 10:59 PM ET
It's not an overly fair comparison. You have the best player in the world playing like the best player in the world. I'm not sure how the other guys could possibly be expected to compare!

Bouchard and Hyman each have 3 GWG in the playoffs; putting it in perspective Bouchard has 32 points in 24 games - and only 9 of those don't feature Connor McDavid. Hyman has 22 points and 7 don't feature McDavid; RNH has 22 points and 11 don't feature McDavid. Draisaitl has 31 points and 15 of those don't feature McDavid.

If McDavid weren't playing like this would the Oilers have made it this far? I very much doubt it - but that doesn't mean that several other players on that team aren't contributing in very important ways that are just overshadowed.

- Monkeypunk

You're pulling away from the point that you yourself said at the end. If McDavid wasn't putting the team on his back would they get this far? The answer is no. Just like I pointed out in the first three games. If the duck's point that other guys were pulling equal weight then they would be outscoring one guy. 3 to 1 and you can't outscore him? That doesn't even matter if McDavid is the best in the world.

As I said, it's the McDavid show. If he doesn't do it then they dont win. If this counts "as a real way to build a team" then the leafs are doing the exact same thing and Fifty's points about the leafs are just him crying some more.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 04.22.2014

Jun 22 @ 11:01 PM ET
You haven't been watching. McDavid got zero points last night. Drai 1 assist iirc. They're a team. It's the same stuff all the time. Discount every other team except your own which you make endless excuses for - the one that doesn't win poop.
- fifty__missions

I had a post written for you but this suits you better "

Just you. Every day.
Joined: 06.13.2009

Jun 22 @ 11:01 PM ET
You have to admit, Bobrovsky looks like he hit a wall, the last 3 games. Edmonton seems to have the better legs and even small differences can become big differences quickly. Watching the Oilers defense, I see them faking more shots and walking into the slot. The secret of Florida's defensive system is them blocking many of the tough shots, but now the Oiler defensmen are moving in and either deking around the high forward and shooting the puck high, or driving around the outside forward and trying to hit a streaking team-mate on the back door. It looks like the Edmonton coaching staff has found the key to unlocking the Florida defensive system.
- PrinceLH

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with travel. Bobrovsky put on a bed poopting clinic in the finals last year too, maybe it's just his thing.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: All Ontario Scientist (Masters Level III)
Joined: 04.11.2018

Jun 22 @ 11:03 PM ET
You can bet that there will be few penalties in the final game of the season to decide the Cup winner. The referee's might call a couple of penalties in the first 2 periods, but the 3rd period, you'd need an assassin's bullet to get a penalty called in a winner take all Championship game. Special teams may be moot if it stays close into the third period.
- PrinceLH

I get everyone’s different - but I do personally miss the days where that’s how they called the playoffs Round 1 to Cup. I get the argument about let the talent flourish and that but to me it always did. I feel cheated out of seeing the Panthers play the way they typically do (a bit over the line). They clearly dialled it back cause of the oilers PP/97 and all the chirping oilers did in the Stars series about not getting calls…I think they saw it coming you know.

I am not in the least invested in this Cup as the Wings are nowhere near it and the Leafs (family friends hometown) are out. I will say tough that there is no way I would bet against The Jesus. Power plays or not I think he just tears up game 7. He is just too damn good
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 04.22.2014

Jun 22 @ 11:03 PM ET
I believe Mcd had no points last game
- Fakepartofme

So now everyone is using a single game (which EVERYONE here claims is too small a sample size anytime its a leaf player) as their point that "Well it's a team game now!Full team credit!" Congrats...21 other players showed up once in 6 games.

For the record it's okay to win however you need to win. I find it laughable is all that when the leafs are doing it the same way it's a disaster, no way to play, not tough enough, etc. Leaf fans in these comments are always hyperbolic because they want the leafs to copy other teams but when they do it's not good enough.

Once again, 31 teams a year lose. You can do it right and still fail.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 04.22.2014

Jun 22 @ 11:07 PM ET
I wouldn't say it has anything to do with travel. Bobrovsky put on a bed poopting clinic in the finals last year too, maybe it's just his thing.
- joel878

They had a 6 day rest before the finals and they get a travel day during the finals. How can they be so tired?!
Boston Bruins
Location: ON
Joined: 06.20.2012

Jun 23 @ 12:21 AM ET
You're pulling away from the point that you yourself said at the end. If McDavid wasn't putting the team on his back would they get this far? The answer is no. Just like I pointed out in the first three games. If the duck's point that other guys were pulling equal weight then they would be outscoring one guy. 3 to 1 and you can't outscore him? That doesn't even matter if McDavid is the best in the world.

As I said, it's the McDavid show. If he doesn't do it then they dont win. If this counts "as a real way to build a team" then the leafs are doing the exact same thing and Fifty's points about the leafs are just him crying some more.

- Aaron_85

Leafs don't have a Bouchard ( 32 pts in post-season) and Leafs also don't kill penalties like Edm has. Edmonton PK is outscoring Florida PP. And McDavid barely plays on the PK.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 01.14.2019

Jun 23 @ 3:00 AM ET
Edmonton is still playing because McD is that much better than everyone else.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Jun 23 @ 7:40 AM ET
I wouldn't say it has anything to do with travel. Bobrovsky put on a bed poopting clinic in the finals last year too, maybe it's just his thing.
- joel878

Lol bed poopting clinic lmao nice one
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: God Leafs Satan The Oneness, ON
Joined: 02.28.2011

Jun 23 @ 7:44 AM ET
I think if I was a degenerate gambler and I had to bet money on game 7 I'd go with Florida, although I would be antsy betting against McAllah.
Tampa Bay Lightning
Location: We shoulda let Uncle Billy finish the job.
Joined: 01.29.2013

Jun 23 @ 8:16 AM ET
Unless somebody commits murder, expect the whistles to get put away for Game 7.
Season Ticket Holder
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: ON
Joined: 01.24.2011

Jun 23 @ 8:25 AM ET
You're pulling away from the point that you yourself said at the end. If McDavid wasn't putting the team on his back would they get this far? The answer is no. Just like I pointed out in the first three games. If the duck's point that other guys were pulling equal weight then they would be outscoring one guy. 3 to 1 and you can't outscore him? That doesn't even matter if McDavid is the best in the world.

As I said, it's the McDavid show. If he doesn't do it then they dont win. If this counts "as a real way to build a team" then the leafs are doing the exact same thing and Fifty's points about the leafs are just him crying some more.

- Aaron_85

Except there is one McDavid.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Living rent free... in your head, ON
Joined: 09.20.2010

Jun 23 @ 9:34 AM ET
So now everyone is using a single game (which EVERYONE here claims is too small a sample size anytime its a leaf player) as their point that "Well it's a team game now!Full team credit!" Congrats...21 other players showed up once in 6 games.

For the record it's okay to win however you need to win. I find it laughable is all that when the leafs are doing it the same way it's a disaster, no way to play, not tough enough, etc. Leaf fans in these comments are always hyperbolic because they want the leafs to copy other teams but when they do it's not good enough.

Once again, 31 teams a year lose. You can do it right and still fail.

- Aaron_85

A star player carries his team
Big news!
Well Draisaitl has been injured all series, so hes been ineffective.
Oilers have a true top pair dmen and a good 3rd, along with a goalie who got hot snd stayed healthy.
Stars with heart who drag the team to win.
Quality tpp 3 dmen
A hot healthy goalie.

Everything the leafs have never had
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Whenever, wherever, ON
Joined: 06.27.2013

Jun 23 @ 10:05 AM ET
You're pulling away from the point that you yourself said at the end. If McDavid wasn't putting the team on his back would they get this far? The answer is no. Just like I pointed out in the first three games. If the duck's point that other guys were pulling equal weight then they would be outscoring one guy. 3 to 1 and you can't outscore him? That doesn't even matter if McDavid is the best in the world.

As I said, it's the McDavid show. If he doesn't do it then they dont win. If this counts "as a real way to build a team" then the leafs are doing the exact same thing and Fifty's points about the leafs are just him crying some more.

- Aaron_85

I don't want the belabour the point because we're all saying largely the same things, just from a different perspective. Yes, the best player in the world is a difference maker and the reason Edmonton is where they are in the playoffs. Certainly McDavid's presence allows Edmonton to make mistakes that might hurt other teams without a generational superstar on their team.

But that was Pittsburgh with Crosby and Malkin - or Tampa with Kucherov and Point (although Vasilevskiy and Hedmon were their Smythe winners, I believe). Your superstars are supposed to do some of the heavy lifting.

When other teams work to contain McDavid and Draisaitl, they are leaving other very good players - like Bouchard, RNH or Hyman available as options and they can still burn you. The Oilers defense has been buoyed by the presence of Ekholm and it's allowed them to push some of their lesser defensive players down the depth chart.

That all said, like any team in a salary cap world, if you pay on one end, you have to pay for it on the other and their 5/6 D-men and 4th line aren't particularly good and you wouldn't rely on them for much of anything except hopefully eating some ice and not losing the game while they do it.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Burkie's Rented Barn, ON
Joined: 02.12.2013

Jun 23 @ 10:24 AM ET
I don't want the belabour the point because we're all saying largely the same things, just from a different perspective. Yes, the best player in the world is a difference maker and the reason Edmonton is where they are in the playoffs. Certainly McDavid's presence allows Edmonton to make mistakes that might hurt other teams without a generational superstar on their team.

But that was Pittsburgh with Crosby and Malkin - or Tampa with Kucherov and Point (although Vasilevskiy and Hedmon were their Smythe winners, I believe). Your superstars are supposed to do some of the heavy lifting.

When other teams work to contain McDavid and Draisaitl, they are leaving other very good players - like Bouchard, RNH or Hyman available as options and they can still burn you. The Oilers defense has been buoyed by the presence of Ekholm and it's allowed them to push some of their lesser defensive players down the depth chart.

That all said, like any team in a salary cap world, if you pay on one end, you have to pay for it on the other and their 5/6 D-men and 4th line aren't particularly good and you wouldn't rely on them for much of anything except hopefully eating some ice and not losing the game while they do it.

- Monkeypunk

Maybe one day one of our pinup boys will carry us to a Cup Final. 🤔
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Burkie's Rented Barn, ON
Joined: 02.12.2013

Jun 23 @ 10:49 AM ET
A star player carries his team
Big news!
Well Draisaitl has been injured all series, so hes been ineffective.
Oilers have a true top pair dmen and a good 3rd, along with a goalie who got hot snd stayed healthy.
Stars with heart who drag the team to win.
Quality tpp 3 dmen
A hot healthy goalie.

Everything the leafs have never had

- Fakepartofme

This kind of logic does not fly in here for the most part.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Burkie's Rented Barn, ON
Joined: 02.12.2013

Jun 23 @ 11:03 AM ET
Sad but true.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 01.14.2019

Jun 23 @ 1:07 PM ET
80 game suspension for the new Jays callup
Canada Cup
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Not here to sell jerseys , ON
Joined: 07.06.2007

Jun 23 @ 2:15 PM ET
80 game suspension for the new Jays callup
- Azuredoom

Didn’t know Kadri baseballed
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