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Forums :: Blog World :: Ryan Wilson: It's about to get a little easier to trade Reilly Smith
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Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Jun 25 @ 1:23 PM ET
This was a discussion I heard (briefly) on the NHL Network on Sirius/XM. I have no idea who these guys were, but one guy said something like "let's face it, Canadian teams have to pay more to keep their talent". "Some guys don't want to play in Canada." Honestly, I don't even follow other teams much. I just thought a small market team like the Oil might have problems keeping their big 3.
- madmike71

I'm sure there's guys who dont want to play in USA as well, especially certain cities.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Jun 25 @ 1:27 PM ET
Yeah it’s pretty bad. I’ve stopped talking to a few people I know because overnight they became woke knobs. Last year there was a protest on Main Street in Canmore where like 50 people picketed about the amount of land used for corn.. in the states. I think just too many rich people with nothing better to do than take up bs causes. Why can’t they rage about real issues around the world like the pens bottom 6, or about McD not deserving the cup, or about doc still being on the team.
- 10inchTerror


You know what I find funny about that? The two woke people I know are very rich. They dont work. They've never had a financial concern in their life, never will and neither of them have kids. I think when you have that stuff going on its super easy to be really woke and really far left in views hahah
Detroit Red Wings
Location: "China was as proactive as possible" - Rinosaur, SC
Joined: 02.01.2012

Jun 25 @ 1:37 PM ET
What's the story with Berggren? He does seem like he deserves more of a shot.
- Tojo.

Was waiver exempt and when they lucked into Kane his spot was basically taken away.

But he’s a skilled offense only middle 6 winger. Had no business playing in the AHL and he was pissed and requested a trade.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Somerset, PA
Joined: 10.20.2013

Jun 25 @ 2:17 PM ET
Thats why non-Canadian elites like Matthews, Pettersen, B. Tkchuck, Draisaitl, J.T Miller, Hughes and I'd probably toss Stützle in there too all extended to stay in Canada ...that's overblown BS. Thats just top notch dudes.
- MattStrat

Yeah, and the fishing is way better.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: PA
Joined: 03.31.2016

Jun 25 @ 2:42 PM ET
Yeah, and the fishing is way better.
- Grinder47

It definitely is. My goal is to fish in each of the provinces/territories. 3 down, 10 to go.
I wouldn't mind hunting in each too but fishing comes first. I'm 2/13 for hunting.
I've spent over a year of my life in Canada, so much easier to get away from people up there.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Jun 25 @ 2:49 PM ET
It definitely is. My goal is to fish in each of the provinces/territories. 3 down, 10 to go.
I wouldn't mind hunting in each too but fishing comes first. I'm 2/13 for hunting.
I've spent over a year of my life in Canada, so much easier to get away from people up there.

- BeefCoon

Yup...2nd largest country (land size) in the world and very sparsely populated (top 10 in lowest population densities in the world). Lots and lots of wilderness coast to coast with its lakes, ponds, rivers and streams brimming with fish. If you haven't been to the land portion of my province, Labrador (I'm on the island portion Newfoundland) you should go. Sid goes there every summer...some of your ex Presidents and many, many celebrities also visit to fish. Also, moose hunting is huge here. There are so many f'n moose haha. You'd be doing us a little favour as they can cause accidents on our highways quite often plus their meat is fantastic.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Tampa, FL
Joined: 06.14.2011

Jun 25 @ 3:04 PM ET
It definitely is. My goal is to fish in each of the provinces/territories. 3 down, 10 to go.
I wouldn't mind hunting in each too but fishing comes first. I'm 2/13 for hunting.
I've spent over a year of my life in Canada, so much easier to get away from people up there.

- BeefCoon

I want to bag an Elk, Caribou and Moose before I die. Was looking at Elk hunts in New Mexico a while back and they're so god damn expensive.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: PA
Joined: 03.31.2016

Jun 25 @ 3:11 PM ET
Yup...2nd largest country (land size) in the world and very sparsely populated (top 10 in lowest population densities in the world). Lots and lots of wilderness coast to coast with its lakes, ponds, rivers and streams brimming with fish. If you haven't been to the land portion of my province, Labrador (I'm on the island portion Newfoundland) you should go. Sid goes there every summer...some of your ex Presidents and many, many celebrities also visit to fish. Also, moose hunting is huge here. There are so many f'n moose haha. You'd be doing us a little favour as they can cause accidents on our highways quite often plus their meat is fantastic.
- MattStrat

I've had moose many times, you're right it's delicious. Hitting deer with a vehicle is a right of passage down here. Personally, I've smacked at least a half dozen.
Funny story about hitting moose. On a trip to New Brunswick me and a couple of buddies were pulled over for speeding. It was late at night. The cop didn't give us a ticket, he just wanted to warn us about the "Mooses"
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: PA
Joined: 03.31.2016

Jun 25 @ 3:13 PM ET
I want to bag an Elk, Caribou and Moose before I die. Was looking at Elk hunts in New Mexico a while back and they're so god damn expensive.
- j.boyd919

Moose is even more costly. Elk can be done for fairly cheap if you're willing to camp and not use an outfitter. Tags anymore for nonresidents are really expensive just about everywhere. We are spoiled in PA with the standard hunting license only costing about $20. Even with every tag possible here you're still only slightly over $200.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Somerset, PA
Joined: 10.20.2013

Jun 25 @ 4:07 PM ET
I want to bag an Elk, Caribou and Moose before I die. Was looking at Elk hunts in New Mexico a while back and they're so god damn expensive.
- j.boyd919

I just can’t get behind the idea of destination hunting. To each there own though, I shoot the first legal deer I see every year, or I just musky fish through deer season anymore.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Aliquippa, PA
Joined: 11.11.2014

Jun 25 @ 6:45 PM ET
Was waiver exempt and when they lucked into Kane his spot was basically taken away.

But he’s a skilled offense only middle 6 winger. Had no business playing in the AHL and he was pissed and requested a trade.

- Feds91Stammer

Thanks. Seems like a guy the Pens could take a chance on.
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