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Forums :: Blog World :: Ryan Wilson: Keeping an eye on Buffalo for a potential goal scoring option
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Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Altoona
Joined: 06.30.2015

Jun 25 @ 7:10 PM ET
I see what RW is saying but I still don’t see that Skinner is a good idea. I think Dubas should push hard for Laine instead. RH shot which would do great on our PP? He will also come somewhat cheaper.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Joined: 12.21.2006

Jun 25 @ 8:11 PM ET
I want the Pens to get a little bigger and a little nastier. Skinner doesn't check those boxes. Plus, I've seen him take some embarrassing dives over the years. Most players go down a little easy in the right situation, but that dude twirls around like a ballerina. Good player, but it's hard pass for me.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Somerset, PA
Joined: 10.20.2013

Wednesday @ 5:25 AM ET
I want the Pens to get a little bigger and a little nastier. Skinner doesn't check those boxes. Plus, I've seen him take some embarrassing dives over the years. Most players go down a little easy in the right situation, but that dude twirls around like a ballerina. Good player, but it's hard pass for me.
- madmike71

Sullivan is the coach dude. He wants harmless human beings, that’s it.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Wednesday @ 7:55 AM ET
I don't know about this trading Jarry business guys....they were a pretty good tandem last season. Jarry finally wasn't overused, didnt get injured and at an under 8 mill combined cap hit thats pretty good. Its not his fault that EK and Graves were handling the puck like a live grenade around him. That really has to account for dips in his stats even though I think he may have lead the league in shutouts. I get the attitude thing but come on, goalies are a special bread in life. The players and coaches have been around them their whole lives. So what he got mad that once again the D were sh!t in front of him hahaha...they're all men and supposed to be professionals.

My main concern about Dubas when he was hired was it seemed to me like he wasn't the best with signings and trading for goalies, that his evaluation of goalies wasn't the best....

I've also said how fickle I think the goalie position is. There haven't been that many goalies in the history of the game that are great every single season. So what NED had a good stretch at the end of the season? In actuality I thought he started looking mediocre in the last 5 or so games, despite them winning most, and wanted Jarry back in. He's mostly been a back up in his career and was only good one season before the Pens. He could be terrible again.

This sounds like risky business....and we could end up with great depth scoring and at least a league average PP ....with goaltending being horrible hahaha
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Wednesday @ 8:03 AM ET
It's also a bit crazy to wait this long for it to be known that Jarry is on block....theres been dealings of goalies in the last month...

...maybe Dubas really was sitting around playing Minecraft all summer....
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Somerset, PA
Joined: 10.20.2013

Wednesday @ 8:42 AM ET
It's also a bit crazy to wait this long for it to be known that Jarry is on block....theres been dealings of goalies in the last month...

...maybe Dubas really was sitting around playing Minecraft all summer....

- MattStrat

Lots of LARPING conventions
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Wednesday @ 8:43 AM ET
Lots of LARPING conventions
- Grinder47

Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Cambridge, MA
Joined: 07.03.2023

Wednesday @ 8:47 AM ET
It's also a bit crazy to wait this long for it to be known that Jarry is on block....theres been dealings of goalies in the last month...

...maybe Dubas really was sitting around playing Minecraft all summer....

- MattStrat

There were rumors that Dubas was discussing Jarry trades a month ago. Jarry wouldn't be anybody's first choice, so not surprising if they're going to trade him it's going to be after Linus and Markstrom were traded.

It sounds like based on his discussions with other GMs over the past month that he thinks there may be a hockey trade possible, hence signed Ned to give himself the option of making such a trade if a good one is on the table.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Wednesday @ 8:53 AM ET
There were rumors that Dubas was discussing Jarry trades a month ago. Jarry wouldn't be anybody's first choice, so not surprising if they're going to trade him it's going to be after Linus and Markstrom were traded.

It sounds like based on his discussions with other GMs over the past month that he thinks there may be a hockey trade possible, hence signed Ned to give himself the option of making such a trade if a good one is on the table.

- MickV

Yeah, I can behind all of that.

I just dont want to put all of our starter stock in Ned. I think it has the potential to majorly backfire....I've been wrong before though.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Cambridge, MA
Joined: 07.03.2023

Wednesday @ 9:00 AM ET
Yeah, I can behind all of that.

I just dont want to put all of our starter stock in Ned. I think it has the potential to majorly backfire....I've been wrong before though.

- MattStrat

Ned was a very good backup, but a below average starter last year. If they do trade Jarry they'll certainly need to bring in another goalie to compete with Ned.

Jarry is very talented but inconsistent, which makes dumping his 4 years at over $5M/year something that has to be considered -- but only if a good deal is on the table. If not, then you keep him and hope he finally puts together a complete season.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Joined: 05.21.2015

Wednesday @ 10:07 AM ET
Yeah, I can behind all of that.

I just dont want to put all of our starter stock in Ned. I think it has the potential to majorly backfire....I've been wrong before though.

- MattStrat

So how do you feel about bringing Matt Murray back...? lol.

Agree with you and don't think Ned is an outright starter. But I still just want to be done with Jarry, especially if there is a chance to get some value for him.

Brossoit would be a great get but I think he is going to get too big of a contract for being unproven as a starter.

Perfect world for me is we get Talbot cheap for 1-2 years and we trade Jarry with no bad contract coming back.

Detroit Red Wings
Location: "China was as proactive as possible" - Rinosaur, SC
Joined: 02.01.2012

Wednesday @ 10:27 AM ET
Yeah, I can behind all of that.

I just dont want to put all of our starter stock in Ned. I think it has the potential to majorly backfire....I've been wrong before though.

- MattStrat

Ned is a solid backup at best. Expecting him to be a starter would be a major mistake.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: "China was as proactive as possible" - Rinosaur, SC
Joined: 02.01.2012

Wednesday @ 10:28 AM ET
I’d take Jarry in Detroit. What would yinz want in return?
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Wednesday @ 10:32 AM ET
I’d take Jarry in Detroit. What would yinz want in return?
- Feds91Stammer

Thinking I dont want to trade him...but if so, Raymond will do....
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Wednesday @ 10:33 AM ET
Ned is a solid backup at best. Expecting him to be a starter would be a major mistake.
- Feds91Stammer

I believe so, yes.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: "China was as proactive as possible" - Rinosaur, SC
Joined: 02.01.2012

Wednesday @ 10:38 AM ET
Thinking I dont want to trade him...but if so, Raymond will do....
- MattStrat

Gotta add an overpriced past his prime player for that. Yzerman loves those guys.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Wednesday @ 10:45 AM ET
Gotta add an overpriced past his prime player for that. Yzerman loves those guys.
- Feds91Stammer

hahaha ...okay, Jarry and Smith it is.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Cambridge, MA
Joined: 07.03.2023

Wednesday @ 10:46 AM ET
Ned is a solid backup at best. Expecting him to be a starter would be a major mistake.
- Feds91Stammer

Ned is 28, so I think this past year we saw peak Ned: He played in 38 games and put up 0.902 + 2.97, below average starter numbers. If he had to play in more games, his numbers likely go down, so definitely need to bring in another goalie if we trade Jarry.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Wednesday @ 11:07 AM ET
Ned is 28, so I think this past year we saw peak Ned: He played in 38 games and put up 0.902 + 2.97, below average starter numbers. If he had to play in more games, his numbers likely go down, so definitely need to bring in another goalie if we trade Jarry.
- MickV

I find goalies dont age as bad as skaters...that they can still be pretty good into their 30's, even mid 30's.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Cambridge, MA
Joined: 07.03.2023

Wednesday @ 11:09 AM ET
I find goalies dont age as bad as skaters...that they can still be pretty good into their 30's, even mid 30's.
- MattStrat

Yeah, sure, but it's likely that at 28 this is the best version of Ned. He might maintain that level for a number of years to come, but I wouldn't bet on him being even better next year (though it's of course possible); hence, we'd need another goalie if we trade Jarry.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: ...serial abuser...and misuser...of the ellipsis , NF
Joined: 12.12.2014

Wednesday @ 11:12 AM ET
Yeah, sure, but it's likely that at 28 this is the best version of Ned. He might maintain that level for a number of years to come, but I wouldn't bet on him being even better next year (though it's of course possible); hence, we'd need another goalie if we trade Jarry.
- MickV

Oh, I wouldn't bet on that either. In fact I'd probably bet on some regression. Totally agree about another goalie if Jarry is traded...and that's part of the reason I don't really want to trade Jarry haha.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Aliquippa, PA
Joined: 11.11.2014

Wednesday @ 11:16 AM ET
The Jarry thing is tough. He's probably a middle of the pack starter making middle of the pack money. They'd likely downgrade if they moved on from him. People tend to forget all the times he is on and wins them games too

On the other hand, seems like they can't count on him ever at the end of the season. And 5M is a lot if the team doesn't have confidence in him. Plus they have a potential starter in waiting that is close.

I honestly feel trading Jarry is the best, safest long-term decision. But it's also a decision that could really hurt them this year. Do we want to weaken ourselves now when any window of even competing for a playoff spot can shut anytime?
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Wampum, PA
Joined: 01.20.2014

Wednesday @ 11:52 AM ET

Sorry if I missed yinz discussing this earlier. It's summer after all.

A lot to dissect for sure.

The thing that interested me is these young adults want paid when they turn 18. I know we discussed this before and the NHL will almost assuredly win this suit. When you bring these types of things to light, change is just around the corner.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Joined: 12.21.2006

Wednesday @ 12:32 PM ET
The Jarry thing is tough. He's probably a middle of the pack starter making middle of the pack money. They'd likely downgrade if they moved on from him. People tend to forget all the times he is on and wins them games too

On the other hand, seems like they can't count on him ever at the end of the season. And 5M is a lot if the team doesn't have confidence in him. Plus they have a potential starter in waiting that is close.

I honestly feel trading Jarry is the best, safest long-term decision. But it's also a decision that could really hurt them this year. Do we want to weaken ourselves now when any window of even competing for a playoff spot can shut anytime?

- Tojo.

That's why I wouldn't trade Jarry this season. I think Jarry is competent. The Pens were near the bottom of the league in odd-man rushes against last year. Gave up 11 shorties too. Gave up constant chances while leading. How many 3rd period leads did they blow? This is generally not a good defensive team for which I mostly blame Sully. I thought the tending was pretty good for what they had to work with. Too risky IMO.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Location: Somerset, PA
Joined: 10.20.2013

Wednesday @ 12:42 PM ET
Gotta add an overpriced past his prime player for that. Yzerman loves those guys.
- Feds91Stammer

Erik Karlson. No money retained.
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