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Forums :: Blog World :: Mike Augello: The Leafs Forward Targets: Part 2 – Possible Trade Options
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Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 26 @ 4:34 PM ET
Made him captain, gave him 11 AAV a year for 6 years.

Asking him to waive in year 7 deters nobody in the future.

I guess all the teams that asked players to waive NMC after treating the player like gold for 99% of the time never signed a player ever again...

- Rare_Jewel

You really have to try hard to be this much of a moron so congrats on that I guess.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 26 @ 4:35 PM ET
And since your so up on facts he was not the 3rd place after all the voting last year it was Auston Matthews.
- Cush29

That was this year.

He had the 3rd most votes in 2022 - 2023.

That was last year.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Rented to Bruce Banner ;)
Joined: 08.30.2006

Jun 26 @ 4:38 PM ET
I'd put DeBrusk in the same boat as Niederreiter . . he was overpaid at $5.25m (7%) and the $4m he's at is probably about right (5%). If you put that in this year's terms, DeBrusk should come in around $4.5m - I suppose upwards of $5.25m.

I'd probably take him on any number starting with a 4, but . . .

- Monkeypunk

like 4 year @ 5M cap hit. ish
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 26 @ 4:40 PM ET
Nobody was talking about Nylander but nice try to move goalposts and deflect, the true sign of someone who knows he has been proven wrong by facts.

Ironically enough you were the one who stood on his soap box and told others to stick to facts.

- Cush29

Matthews was 38th in Selke voting, 16th, 27th, 10th, 14th and then 3rd.

Nylander? Still 0 in his whole career.

If you want to talk about moving goalposts, the goal (OG post) was "Berube won't like how Marner plays" however the facts clearly prove Marner and Matthews are the players Berube will like given their defensive abilities. Nylander? Maybe not so much.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Rented to Bruce Banner ;)
Joined: 08.30.2006

Jun 26 @ 4:44 PM ET
Made him captain, gave him 11 AAV a year for 6 years.

Asking him to waive in year 7 deters nobody in the future.

I guess all the teams that asked players to waive NMC after treating the player like gold for 99% of the time never signed a player ever again...

- Rare_Jewel

the Team future my dude.
it will take time. look how long it took to fix the mistake Ballard did.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 26 @ 4:45 PM ET
the Team future my dude.
it will take time. look how long it took to fix the mistake Ballard did.

- dmnted

Absolutely nobody gives a poop if Tavares is asked to waive his NMC in year 7.

It's a made up story and unfounded irrational fear.

Comparing that to Ballard is the weakest argument you've made yet.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 26 @ 4:49 PM ET
Matthews was 38th in Selke voting, 16th, 27th, 10th, 14th and then 3rd.

Nylander? Still 0 in his whole career.

If you want to talk about moving goalposts, the goal (OG post) was "Berube won't like how Marner plays" however the facts clearly prove Marner and Matthews are the players Berube will like given their defensive abilities. Nylander? Maybe not so much.

- Rare_Jewel

The season is over - it's all last year now.

You and AA must hang out alot with the shared Nylander bad at everything / Marner is the best at everything attitude.

If you think MM has played the type of game a coach like Berube likes your fooling yourself. Nylander's game is much closer to what Berube likes but I am sure he will want more of the style of play he (the coach) prefers from a lot of the Leafs.

You aren't worth trying to reason with you have no ability to view this objectively just like your insanely idiotic belief that the Leafs will just force JT to accept a trade.

I'm done with you, I have better things to do with my time than engage in a battle of the brains with an unarmed combatant.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Rented to Bruce Banner ;)
Joined: 08.30.2006

Jun 26 @ 4:53 PM ET
Absolutely nobody gives a poop if Tavares is asked to waive his NMC in year 7.

It's a made up story and unfounded irrational fear.

Comparing that to Ballard is the weakest argument you've made yet.

- Rare_Jewel

Ballard really didn't treat his players or coaches well.
he traded McDonald just to piss off Sittler.
Nelson wore a paper bag over his head cause Ballard fired him but could not find a coach.
Those were sad Leafs times my dude. Do we really want to return to those days?
I for one do not.

Oh damn something just occurred to me, were you born when those event when it happened? maybe not.

and Georgia !!!! for the W
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 26 @ 4:54 PM ET
Ballard really didn't treat his players or coaches well.
he traded McDonald just to piss off Sittler.
Nelson wore a paper bag over his head cause Ballard fired him but could not find a coach.
Those were sad Leafs times my dude. Do we really want to return to those days?
I for one do not.

- dmnted

Once again, asking Tavares to waive in year 7 of his deal is absolutely nowhere near anything Ballard ever did.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Rented to Bruce Banner ;)
Joined: 08.30.2006

Jun 26 @ 4:57 PM ET
Once again, asking Tavares to waive in year 7 of his deal is absolutely nowhere near anything Ballard ever did.
- Rare_Jewel

you can ask but he has all the power and you don't treat him like crap because he said no
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: David Clarkson's Water Bottle, ON
Joined: 02.12.2013

Jun 26 @ 4:57 PM ET

Leafs win…I’m happy.
Leafs lose…and I’m entertained, so that makes me happy.

I can’t lose.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 04.22.2014

Jun 26 @ 4:59 PM ET
IF a few of us tell you you are not welcome to come back here after say 340 pm today under any alt will you take this username, the AA, Tanooki and whatever other alts you have and go start somewhere else new and not come back?

If so please consider this me telling you to do just that.

Does anyone second this motion?

- Cush29

I second this motion
Boston Bruins
Location: ON
Joined: 06.20.2012

Jun 26 @ 4:59 PM ET
like 4 year @ 5M cap hit. ish
- dmnted

Which is why I'm hoping Bruins walk away if he's looking for 6+
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Jun 26 @ 4:59 PM ET
Marner says no thank you.
- Fakepartofme

GM Gig does not care. He's going to Winterpeg.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 04.22.2014

Jun 26 @ 5:00 PM ET
Absolutely nobody gives a poop if Tavares is asked to waive his NMC in year 7.

It's a made up story and unfounded irrational fear.

Comparing that to Ballard is the weakest argument you've made yet.

- Rare_Jewel

Is this your new troll line? 2/10. Get better material.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 26 @ 5:00 PM ET
you can ask but he has all the power and you don't treat him like crap because he said no
- dmnted

If you ask and tell him he's not coming back next year, he probably changes his mind and considers a trade to another contender.

Nobody said to treat him like crap.

That's not anything anywhere near what Ballard did. It's just telling a guy the team is going in a different direction and asking him to move on nicely.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Its better to let people think you're an idiot, than to open your mouth and confirm their suspicions, NS
Joined: 07.05.2010

Jun 26 @ 5:00 PM ET
Marner,Matthews are a mess. Matthews is a conceited Yankee who is not in it for the team. Getting to 70 was more important than winning in the playoffs! So compare to McDavid ….. Matthews is worth about 60%. Marner is worth about 45%. Reality is McDavid is a Canadian who wants to win. Matthews is an American who wants to take the Leafs to the cleaners.
- mckawalley

Fück off troll. 🖕🏻
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Its better to let people think you're an idiot, than to open your mouth and confirm their suspicions, NS
Joined: 07.05.2010

Jun 26 @ 5:03 PM ET
If you ask and tell him he's not coming back next year, he probably changes his mind and considers a trade to another contender.

Nobody said to treat him like crap.

That's not anything anywhere near what Ballard did. It's just telling a guy the team is going in a different direction and asking him to move on nicely.

- Rare_Jewel

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Who Owzzzzz da' Chiefs?, ON
Joined: 12.22.2014

Jun 26 @ 5:03 PM ET
Fück off troll. 🖕🏻
- .HOHO.

Toronto Maple Leafs
Joined: 10.20.2014

Jun 26 @ 5:06 PM ET
Show me proof and I will.

Haven't seen the proof yet though.

- Nasty_Duck

You show us proof that all these insiders are wrong.

You are very insecure today. Multiple people have showed multiple of the top insiders saying the same things.

Based on the evidence we have you are flat out wrong, and you can not admit it.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Jun 26 @ 5:07 PM ET

- dmnted

Maybe I picked a bad time to come back here for the first time in 6 months.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: "Yeah, Garth is a tool"- Garf, ON
Joined: 06.12.2017

Jun 26 @ 5:10 PM ET
And you’re dreaming as per usual.

He’ll ride out the year and sign back on for a cheap price.

- Dozzer

I'd be beyond shocked if this didn't happen.
Canada Cup
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Not here to sell jerseys , ON
Joined: 07.06.2007

Jun 26 @ 5:11 PM ET
Maybe I picked a bad time to come back here for the first time in 6 months.
- GreatGigInTheSky

There’s a good one?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 05.31.2021

Jun 26 @ 5:17 PM ET
Is this your new troll line? 2/10. Get better material.
- Aaron_85

Love you babe.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Vancouver Island, BC
Joined: 01.18.2015

Jun 26 @ 5:21 PM ET
Maybe I picked a bad time to come back here for the first time in 6 months.
- GreatGigInTheSky

Just wait til we start bashing Lilly again 😀
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