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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: 2024: Draft Day 2
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 29 @ 4:35 PM ET
I have to convince myself that they passed on Zeev because he has the same agent as he who shall not be named, lest I end up in an insane asylum. I'm rooting for Jett and hope he turns out to be a stud 1C. Now, the brain cells in my head that still work tell me that's likely a pipe dream, but I just can't bring myself to stop bleeding orange & black. My dad was a STH for Stanley Cup years and they're really the only team I've ever known. That being said, when you've been a fan for (gulp) 5 decades and you've seen some dumb crap time and time again, it's really hard to give the team the benefit of the doubt when they're talking out of both sides of their mouths again. I told my friend before the draft that this was one they couldn't possibly screw up unless they went off the board or traded down. They did BOTH. Very frustrating, but what's done is done. We'll be po'd until the MM press conference. Then we'll be more po'd when they sign TK to his mega extension. Then we'll be thrilled when MM scores his first goal. And so on. Hamsters on a wheel...
- daddytc

For me personally it's not that they haven't won a cup in so long, it's more the effort or decisions to really try to become better. Even in the 90's before Lindros when they had terrible teams I didn't hesitate to tell people I was a Flyer fan. It was tough even in the 00's with all the drama, but I proudly was a Flyer fan.

Now I don't tell anyone I follow the Flyers. If I see someone with Flyer gear on, I don't talk to them about the Flyers. It is embarrassing. Not because they haven't won a cup or made the playoffs, it is how the team has been run and the fact the team doesn't think there's a problem.

Giving up my season tickets was a really hard thing to do, but I don't even accept free tickets anymore. It's probably tougher on the Flyer fans that follow the day to day activities the most and see the disappointment over and over. It makes it even tougher when you follow all the teams and different leagues because you see that it's not bad luck, it's the team. Then you have these partial fans that follow out of convenience...the draft, free agency, when a big trade happens, beginning of the season and maybe playoffs. Yeah it's really easy for those fans because it's easy to have hope when they are ignorant of what is really happening, but sadly that makes up the large chunk of the fanbase. For the Flyers, why change when you can cater to the majority.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Moscow, ID
Joined: 06.07.2007

Jun 29 @ 4:37 PM ET
It's a pretty underwhelming draft class overall.

Drafting a Cogliano at 13OA instead of Buium is full on demoralizing -- made even worse by the GM's admitted rationale. I know people are like "but he's young!" and "trust the scouts!" but when's the last time this group of scouts found much of anything that wasn't already obvious to everybody else? We're not talking about a group that has a recent history of unearthing undervalued gems.

Powell in the 5th was their most exciting pick.

- Tomahawk

Rationale = Flyers process.

Pure negligence.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 29 @ 4:37 PM ET
Luchanko is currently 17 years old, correct?

Yes...now that was your passive aggressive way of leading. Go on..
New Jersey Devils
Location: HEY. Does this pole still work?, NJ
Joined: 01.14.2011

Jun 29 @ 4:39 PM ET
Cotter traded to the Devils today is like a sign from the heavens seeing as that’s my last name too.

Let’s poop or get off the pot with TK already.
Uncle Vanya
Season Ticket Holder
Joined: 06.20.2024

Jun 29 @ 4:42 PM ET
Cotter traded to the Devils today is like a sign from the heavens seeing as that’s my last name too.

Let’s poop or get off the pot with TK already.

- hereticpride

From your mouth to God’s ears.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 29 @ 4:44 PM ET
Here’s how text go with my buddy last night before pick12…
Buddy: gotta be Zeev right?
Me: yeah or maybe helenios?

Trades down.

Zeev goes 12

Philly picks Jett

Buddy: trades down just to get (frank)ed
Buddy : hi 👋 wanna fuq me open for business

Yep that sums up being a flyers fan
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 29 @ 4:46 PM ET
It's a pretty underwhelming draft class overall.

Drafting a Cogliano at 13OA instead of Buium is full on demoralizing -- made even worse by the GM's admitted rationale. I know people are like "but he's young!" and "trust the scouts!" but when's the last time this group of scouts found much of anything that wasn't already obvious to everybody else? We're not talking about a group that has a recent history of unearthing undervalued gems.

Powell in the 5th was their most exciting pick.

- Tomahawk

There are MANY examples in the last 10 years at least...

Where are all the people wagged their fingers at the people who questioned the Rubstov and O'Brien's picks?

"How dare you question them, they are experts and know better than you!!!"

Not even counting all the other places I visit, Bill's blog alone has done a better job at scouting talent, predicting the winners/losers of drafts and when a pick is bad. People may want to say "Oh those armchair GMs and their guessing". Why can't the Flyers guess better than a bunch of nobodies on a HockeyBuzz forum?

I don't understand how in 2024 there are people still giving the Flyers the benefit of the doubt with their history. Shame on those fake fans.
Location: NJ
Joined: 11.20.2017

Jun 29 @ 4:51 PM ET
100% agree...the process.

All these nut jobs talking about patience. EVERY single year we have the same conversations after the draft. The same conversation with Rubstov, O'Brien, Frost and on and on.

"Let's just wait and see how it pans out first before we rush to judgement!"

Judgement can be made based on history and track record.

The last 20 years....who the (frank) has panned out? GO!

- Glak18

Lol hell yeah. This comment section is a major déja vu
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Newark, DE
Joined: 07.03.2019

Jun 29 @ 4:51 PM ET
Yes...now that was your passive aggressive way of leading. Go on..
- Glak18

I'll help.
At 17 he may keep growing. Already has some attributes that can't be taught. He comes with cost certainty which the flyers desperately need to get out of the cap hell they're in.
Biggest problem IMHO with this team is the cap. They lack talent yes..I trust dB to better than his predecessors in evaluating talent. He may miss on a player but he can't miss on thr cap...patience has been preached and at 56 I'm tired of waiting too. But reality is what it is..
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 29 @ 4:55 PM ET
Also as I’ve pointed out before as many others on here I’ve spent literally thousands upon thousands of dollars on this team. Invested my time supporting them for decades so yeah they fuqing owe me the right to be raging pissed and ability to rant.
- Stayin alive

why not just move on? it's obviously caused you a great deal of distress. considering only 1 team wins every year. just pack it up now.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:08 PM ET
why not just move on? it's obviously caused you a great deal of distress. considering only 1 team wins every year. just pack it up now.
- anti-lame

any info from orville you can share?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Sarasota, FL
Joined: 10.03.2014

Jun 29 @ 5:12 PM ET
For me personally it's not that they haven't won a cup in so long, it's more the effort or decisions to really try to become better. Even in the 90's before Lindros when they had terrible teams I didn't hesitate to tell people I was a Flyer fan. It was tough even in the 00's with all the drama, but I proudly was a Flyer fan.

Now I don't tell anyone I follow the Flyers. If I see someone with Flyer gear on, I don't talk to them about the Flyers. It is embarrassing. Not because they haven't won a cup or made the playoffs, it is how the team has been run and the fact the team doesn't think there's a problem.

The reality is the ones who have been fans for years have been right more than management. That's the real problem. Management tells us to trust them: we don't need Cujo, we need Beezer; we can win in 2010 with bad goaltending; Risto is worth a 1st, 2nd & Haag and he's worth signing to a giant extension; Coots contract is fantastic at 8x8; Drysdale's injury history isn't a worry; Jay Obrien is a great pick; Kevin Hayes at 7x7 was awesome; Fletcher is the right GM; we only need to "aggressively retool;" and so on. All these things the knowledgeable fans were against. Now someone chime in and tell me all the times the fans were wrong and the Flyers management knew better.
Giving up my season tickets was a really hard thing to do, but I don't even accept free tickets anymore. It's probably tougher on the Flyer fans that follow the day to day activities the most and see the disappointment over and over. It makes it even tougher when you follow all the teams and different leagues because you see that it's not bad luck, it's the team. Then you have these partial fans that follow out of convenience...the draft, free agency, when a big trade happens, beginning of the season and maybe playoffs. Yeah it's really easy for those fans because it's easy to have hope when they are ignorant of what is really happening, but sadly that makes up the large chunk of the fanbase. For the Flyers, why change when you can cater to the majority.

- Glak18

I think the other part of the problem is people who have been fans for years have witnessed the obvious mistakes made by management over the years and, more often than not, the fans have been CORRECT and management was wrong. Knowledgeable fans knew the Flyers needed a goalie during the Lindros years. We knew we should sign Cujo over Beezer, for example. Maybe we don't win a Cup with Cujo, but we certainly didn't win with Beezer. Fans screamed when we took Jay Obrien but we were told management knows better. Fans wanted a tank last year, we almost make the playoffs and then management admits that the players they wanted were taken ahead of 12. We lose a few more games last year and maybe they get the real guy they wanted. We see year after year teams winning the Cup with top 5 draft picks on their roster, yet we refuse to be bad enough to get those players. (Thankfully the "but look at the Oilers" crew can be quiet for a while.) Fans knew Torts would squeeze every point out of the team and he did, leading to the 12th pick. Fans complained about Drysdale because he was always hurt. What happens?
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:19 PM ET
any info from orville you can share?
- hello it's me 2050

Yeah he told me you’re a (frank)ing pig

You’re worthless. Sit there and rot you dumb (frank)
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 04.27.2018

Jun 29 @ 5:19 PM ET
If the flyers are actually looking to trade for askerov, what goalie prospect ate they giving up on?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:21 PM ET
Yeah he told me you’re a (frank)ing pig
- anti-lame

naturally he feels that way since I, with your mom. while he watched. what's the word they use for that?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:23 PM ET
If the flyers are actually looking to trade for askerov, what goalie prospect ate they giving up on?
- WhiskeyMan

Ville Hostikka
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:23 PM ET
why not just move on? it's obviously caused you a great deal of distress. considering only 1 team wins every year. just pack it up now.
- anti-lame

That’s not what a fan does. I’m no homer. But everyone has a breaking point.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:24 PM ET
naturally he feels that way since I, with your mom. while he watched. what's the word they use for that?
- hello it's me 2050

Your fat fingers can’t type anything coherent. Get (frank)ed
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jun 29 @ 5:25 PM ET
Pigs are extremely delicious

Just saying
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:27 PM ET
Your fat fingers can’t type anything coherent. Get (frank)ed
- anti-lame

you are on fire today.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:27 PM ET
Pigs are extremely delicious

Just saying

- flyer_nutter

By all mean, gobble him up
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:28 PM ET
you are om fire today.
- hello it's me 2050

Wow are you drunk, fat fingers?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 29 @ 5:30 PM ET
Wow are you drunk, fat fingers?
- anti-lame

how you keep em coming I will never understand. your good.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jun 29 @ 5:36 PM ET
By all mean, gobble him up
- anti-lame

Did you enjoy the Flyers draft

Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Gritty, PA
Joined: 01.15.2007

Jun 29 @ 5:38 PM ET
For me personally it's not that they haven't won a cup in so long, it's more the effort or decisions to really try to become better. Even in the 90's before Lindros when they had terrible teams I didn't hesitate to tell people I was a Flyer fan. It was tough even in the 00's with all the drama, but I proudly was a Flyer fan.

Now I don't tell anyone I follow the Flyers. If I see someone with Flyer gear on, I don't talk to them about the Flyers. It is embarrassing. Not because they haven't won a cup or made the playoffs, it is how the team has been run and the fact the team doesn't think there's a problem.

Giving up my season tickets was a really hard thing to do, but I don't even accept free tickets anymore. It's probably tougher on the Flyer fans that follow the day to day activities the most and see the disappointment over and over. It makes it even tougher when you follow all the teams and different leagues because you see that it's not bad luck, it's the team. Then you have these partial fans that follow out of convenience...the draft, free agency, when a big trade happens, beginning of the season and maybe playoffs. Yeah it's really easy for those fans because it's easy to have hope when they are ignorant of what is really happening, but sadly that makes up the large chunk of the fanbase. For the Flyers, why change when you can cater to the majority.

- Glak18

Why is that sad? Seems to me it’s a healthier attitude to have. It’s just sports after all.
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