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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: 2024: Draft Day 2
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Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 29 @ 1:19 PM ET
Update: I am ALL for that plan for 2025/2026 draft, but they have to go FULL not halfway to make it happen. That means no big contracts (re-signing or UFA), continue to trade/dump guys that shouldn't be in the future plans.
- Glak18

ill settle for top 9
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 29 @ 1:20 PM ET
It is Interesting to me that even 4 years later, we watch those two geezers argue like really slow children on national television and people on here still think Trump is cool. Than it hits me. I forget there are a lot geezers on this board, so a handful of them see themselves in Trump…and think, wow he’s cool….

I don’t support either of them. I think they’re embarrassing.

- roenick97

wow, you have everyone figured out, thats awesome
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 29 @ 1:24 PM ET
Nice propaganda piece.

You always go BPA in the first round and Luchanko was not the BPA. Briere defending not taking Buium because they already have Drysdale, York and Andrae in the organization is beyond stupid.

The new era of orange seems just as clueless as the prior era of orange.

- BiggE

And the hilarious thing of that is if you have an overload of same type players (in this case) dmen you have options in future to trade one for assets like (lmmfao cutter) and not skip a beat. I mean with flyers so close to action seeing that firsthand you’d think it wouldn’t even be a thought in their head we have too many of that type player in system. Fuqing amazing
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 29 @ 1:28 PM ET
It is Interesting to me that even 4 years later, we watch those two geezers argue like really slow children on national television and people on here still think Trump is cool. Than it hits me. I forget there are a lot geezers on this board, so a handful of them see themselves in Trump…and think, wow he’s cool….

I don’t support either of them. I think they’re embarrassing.

- roenick97

Most people miss the big picture, people don't love Trump they love the fact he's not a career politician and wants to (at least in words and policies) change what has been broken for a LOOOOONG time.

It's not Trump Vs. Biden....it's policies that help Americans Vs policies that scam American people.

Every major city in the US has been run with Democratic policies for at least 50 years, no back and forth, 100% Democratic policies. Those crime ridden, drug infested cities are not like that because there's lots of people or because it's black or hispanic people....IT'S THE POLCIES that make it that way.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jun 29 @ 1:31 PM ET
The Flyers’ decision to trade up and select a larger defenseman shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. The team is making a concerted effort to add size to their pipeline of defenseman prospects. In the first round, the Flyers passed on defenseman Zeev Buium — considered one of the best blueliners in the draft — in order to select center Jett Luchanko. After making the pick, Flyers general manager Daniel Briere explained size was a major factor in the decision to pass on Buium.
- broadstreethockey
coffee junkie
Joined: 02.25.2007

Jun 29 @ 1:32 PM ET
This team needs to tank. They have all of their eggs in the 2025 draft which won’t produce any NHL players until 2027 at the earliest. Laughton and TK must be traded.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jun 29 @ 1:32 PM ET
1) Saying there were more exciting options they weren't able to take happen (which is the truth) and that I liked 1-2 existing options better is a funny form of "propaganda".

2) Saying that I'm not going to rush to judge and understanding how unpredictable drafting and developing is also TRUTH.

3) Another truth: You're on my last nerve. I detest knee-jerk morons who only read into something what they want to read into it. Have no time or patience for such people. Unfortunately, we don't have an "ignore" feature here.

- bmeltzer

If only there was an ignore feature for Comcast to use on the alumni that have turned the professional aspects of this franchise into a zero accountability country club.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Jun 29 @ 1:33 PM ET
This election isn’t about Trump or Biden. Step back and see the big picture.
- bird_dog_pa

Most people miss the big picture, people don't love Trump they love the fact he's not a career politician and wants to (at least in words and policies) change what has been broken for a LOOOOONG time.

It's not Trump Vs. Biden....it's policies that help Americans Vs policies that scam American people.

Every major city in the US has been run with Democratic policies for at least 50 years, no back and forth, 100% Democratic policies. Those crime ridden, drug infested cities are not like that because there's lots of people or because it's black or hispanic people....IT'S THE POLCIES that make it that way.

- Glak18

You’re both likely right that I’m not seeing the bigger picture but the figurehead seems to get all the credit. The figurehead gets praise like Jesus Christ himself
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 29 @ 1:35 PM ET
If only there was an ignore feature for Comcast to use on the alumni that have turned the professional aspects of this franchise into a zero accountability country club.
- flyer_nutter

go back to your echo chamber on hfboards you chode
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 29 @ 1:36 PM ET
This team needs to tank. They have all of their eggs in the 2025 draft which won’t produce any NHL players until 2027 at the earliest. Laughton and TK must be traded.
- coffee junkie

Depends...if the Flyers continue their trends then you are 100% correct. The Flyers finally realize they need to do whatever they can to build a solid core then no.

They draft Hagens...he's not taking 3 years. He's in the lineup producing that October. Celebrini? I see him and Michkov as top candidates for ROTY.

If a team is waiting 3-4 years for a prospect then it's a mid-prospect and expectations should be low. Every team has tons of those and the ones that pan out become interchangeable very quickly.

Every team has a Frost.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 07.20.2010

Jun 29 @ 1:37 PM ET
Remember how we all felt with Nolan Patrick. BPA and it turned to poop. I’m willing to give it time. They will build around michkov. I don’t see many of the current players on this roster sticking around. I’m sure Danny has made everyone available. The rebuild doesn’t look like it will start till next year. Expect them to shed players this summer. While tanking next year. The tank is coming.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 29 @ 1:39 PM ET
You’re both likely right that I’m not seeing the bigger picture but the figurehead seems to get all the credit. The figurehead gets praise like Jesus Christ himself
- roenick97

trump loves dumb voters like hello it's me. they actually think he's going to do good things for him. the felon is going to funnel money into his own pockets like he's always done. not sure how people don't see that.

yeah, lets champion the boeberts, MTGs, betsy devos' of the world. the gaetz and desantis' - maybe the dumbest mother(frank)ers the right has ever gotten behind.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jun 29 @ 1:41 PM ET
You’re both likely right that I’m not seeing the bigger picture but the figurehead seems to get all the credit. The figurehead gets praise like Jesus Christ himself
- roenick97

I would love to expand on my point but this really isn’t the point. I’ll just ask this one question for people to ponder. Why when no matter who gets elected nothing changes? The debt gets larger. More freedoms are eroded etc.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 29 @ 1:43 PM ET
You’re both likely right that I’m not seeing the bigger picture but the figurehead seems to get all the credit. The figurehead gets praise like Jesus Christ himself
- roenick97

The fact is every politician talks the game, yeah yeah yeah lower taxes or whatever the hot topic is at the moment (Roe v Wade), but they do nothing so they can run on the same topics again later.

Even if change takes place someone comes around and changes it back later. The fact Biden had the nerve to stand there and talk about how great the United States is and how everyone is jealous shows his parties agenda. The US is so far behind in every aspect of life compared to so many countries it's an absolute joke.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 07.20.2010

Jun 29 @ 1:46 PM ET
I would love to expand on my point but this really isn’t the point. I’ll just ask this one question for people to ponder. Why when no matter who gets elected nothing changes? The debt gets larger. More freedoms are eroded etc.
- bird_dog_pa

President Biden is awesome!!!! So articulate!
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Toronto, ON
Joined: 04.22.2014

Jun 29 @ 1:46 PM ET
Tampa has cleared $11.5 mil in what felt like a few minutes

Edit: *but trades are hard

- funmaster18

You think these trades weren't discussed prior already?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 29 @ 1:49 PM ET
I would love to expand on my point but this really isn’t the point. I’ll just ask this one question for people to ponder. Why when no matter who gets elected nothing changes? The debt gets larger. More freedoms are eroded etc.
- bird_dog_pa

That answer is easy....

Because if anything got fixed or better they would stop making money.

War $$$$$$
Sickness $$$$$$
Crime $$$$$$
Drugs $$$$$
Poverty $$$$$
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 29 @ 1:51 PM ET
Most people miss the big picture, people don't love Trump they love the fact he's not a career politician and wants to (at least in words and policies) change what has been broken for a LOOOOONG time.

It's not Trump Vs. Biden....it's policies that help Americans Vs policies that scam American people.

Every major city in the US has been run with Democratic policies for at least 50 years, no back and forth, 100% Democratic policies. Those crime ridden, drug infested cities are not like that because there's lots of people or because it's black or hispanic people....IT'S THE POLCIES that make it that way.

- Glak18

interesting take
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 29 @ 1:51 PM ET
You think these trades weren't discussed prior already?

- Aaron_85

beat it Napolean you little Midget
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 29 @ 1:53 PM ET
beat it Napolean you little Midget
- hello it's me 2050

go walk into traffic you pig
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 29 @ 1:54 PM ET
trump loves dumb voters like hello it's me. they actually think he's going to do good things for him. the felon is going to funnel money into his own pockets like he's always done. not sure how people don't see that.

yeah, lets champion the boeberts, MTGs, betsy devos' of the world. the gaetz and desantis' - maybe the dumbest mother(frank)ers the right has ever gotten behind.

- anti-lame

go eat a snickers bar holmes.

- can you give me an example off trump funneling money to his own pockets?

- funneling money like biden and his family have done? that type of funneling?

- keep puling that demo lever. it has worked out well the last 20 years. TDS is real.

hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 29 @ 1:55 PM ET
go walk into traffic you pig
- anti-lame

another classic. you da man.

how much commissions does your dad get on popcorn sold?
New Jersey Devils
Location: HEY. Does this pole still work?, NJ
Joined: 01.14.2011

Jun 29 @ 1:56 PM ET
Last night was hot garbage and we’re stuck with it. They (frank)ed up big time and the “well let’s wait and see” excuse doesn’t cut it.

I’m a TK extension away from being done with the franchise. I just can’t anymore. The franchise shoots itself in the foot any and every chance it gets.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 07.20.2010

Jun 29 @ 1:58 PM ET
Last night was hot garbage and we’re stuck with it. They (frank)ed up big time and the “well let’s wait and see” excuse doesn’t cut it.

I’m a TK extension away from being done with the franchise. I just can’t anymore. The franchise shoots itself in the shoot any and every chance it gets.

- hereticpride

I disagree with the pic but agree with you on the TK resigning… sell high now. Get another first rounder next year and a prospect. In fact if they can’t sump Laughton to Toronto and coots to Boston I’d be a happy man
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 29 @ 2:00 PM ET
Sorry I struck a nerve, but you just keep on defending this joke of a franchise. As someone who is quite a bit older than you and has followed the Flyers since the early 70s, I find the current management team to be woefully lacking. Also no one with a shred of objectivity can defend the performance of the Flyers organization over the last decade.

Finally, if you want to sink to name calling, have at it. It only shows your lack of class.

- BiggE

Careful. 6 year ban coming lol
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