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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Free Agency Starts, Development Camp,
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Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 1 @ 10:28 AM ET
You have shown zero ability to accurately assess anything in the sport of hockey.

blah blah blah ... do you actually have anything to contribute to any conversation other than insulting people? Aren't you tired of posting the same crap every single day? I guess not, it must be a sad lfe.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: west haven, CT
Joined: 08.14.2015

Jul 1 @ 10:29 AM ET
It is amazing a team like Tampa can do all the maneuvering they do, trade a longtime captain in Stamkos because they think Guentzle is better fit now and the Flyers can't trade Konecny or Laughton because they are "Flyers" and mean too much to "culture".
- J35Bacher

Worst run organization in the league by a landslide. Hell, as bleak as it was for San Jose they now have a dynamic young 1-2 center prospects for years to come.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.25.2018

Jul 1 @ 10:32 AM ET
I can't wrap my head around their entire draft. I had been backing the DB and Jones regime until this past weekend. So much opportunity was passed up. It was almost as if they were running from making the best picks. Pick after pick the talent went off the board. There were good value picks in the 20s, they could have used the 32 to trade up there. Andrew Basha was on the board when they dumped that 32 pick.

Are we that committed to Drysdale and Andrae to pass up a true first round talent? I don't get it. As much as I want Drysdale to work out, nothing is a certainty yet. Most of all his proneness to injury. And Andrae hasn't skated an NHL game yet.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 1 @ 10:33 AM ET
I wouldn't be fine with it. The Flyers need to trade Konecny. No if ands or buts. If they don't. Then they are not rebuilding

pure nonsense
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 04.27.2018

Jul 1 @ 10:33 AM ET
You posted that they offered Guentzel 8 X 8 and that Stamkos will want more. 8 X 8 = 64. Stamkos wont get 8 years. He will get less.

Sorry, more $$ per year not # years
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jul 1 @ 10:35 AM ET
No contradiction .. just telling you who he reminds me of. We won't know anything about what these players will be for 2-3 years.
- jd250

Of course it's a contradiction. You're trying to compare him to Gostisbehere in an attempt to support the Flyers passing on Buium.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jul 1 @ 10:35 AM ET
pure nonsense
- jd250

No it's not.

If Konecny and Laughton are not moved what benefit do they provide? Win a couple more games?

Every team in the metro will be better then the Flyers this year. They did good to get 3 1st rounders and 3 2nds. I would also do more and try to get some extra firsts in 2026.

The Flyers should be looking to be a bottom 5 NHL team this year and next.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jul 1 @ 10:36 AM ET
blah blah blah ... do you actually have anything to contribute to any conversation other than insulting people? Aren't you tired of posting the same crap every single day? I guess not, it must be a sad lfe.
- jd250

Simply posting reality to you. When will you learn? Anything at all?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jul 1 @ 10:36 AM ET
If TK signs for 8 years $64M, I would be fine with that, wouldn't you? TK clearly is not the scorer Guentel or Reinhart are, to me the market has been set for what TK is worth. If TK wants to hold off until next off season, the Flyers will trade him at the deadline and everyone will be happy.
- jd250

no I would not at all. he needs to go.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jul 1 @ 10:37 AM ET
We'll see .. just telling you, when I see Buium, that is who he reminds me of. I honstly don't think his skills will translate, and apparently 11 other teams felt there were better options on the board.
- jd250

this is flawed logic
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.25.2018

Jul 1 @ 10:37 AM ET
Never thought I'd agree so much with this type of post. Teams who have begun their rebuild after the Flyers are now ahead, by quite a bit.
It seemed by passing on the 32 pick, we were kicking the can down the road. Ok, so what if next year is deeper? So what? It comes down to the individual player & pick. There wasn't anyone good for them to pick at 32? Next year's pick won't begin developing for a whole extra year, meanwhile other teams picks start now. It seems our best "card" is that they have "time" and there's "no rush". Who said that? Unlimited time to rebuild? What ownership for any sports franchise says that?

- BluehorseShoe64
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jul 1 @ 10:38 AM ET
It is amazing a team like Tampa can do all the maneuvering they do, trade a longtime captain in Stamkos because they think Guentzle is better fit now and the Flyers can't trade Konecny or Laughton because they are "Flyers" and mean too much to "culture".
- J35Bacher

no one will sign in tampa now seeing how they treated stamkos, a Tampa legend. they are not a gold standard orginization.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.29.2017

Jul 1 @ 10:39 AM ET
Bill, what impact will Reinhart's deal have on TK? Reinhart plays C, had a monster season and same age. Will it help get less term? If they do sign TK.
- wcorvette

If TK gets more than Reinhart that will be he cherry on top of what was a abysmal draft....
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jul 1 @ 10:41 AM ET
no one will sign in tampa now seeing how they treated stamkos, a Tampa legend. they are not a gold standard orginization.
- hello it's me 2050

Then Guentzel goes out and signs for 7 years with them.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 04.27.2018

Jul 1 @ 10:41 AM ET
no one will sign in tampa now seeing how they treated stamkos, a Tampa legend. they are not a gold standard orginization.
- hello it's me 2050

Except for Guentzel
Tampa still has a shot at wining the SC, plyers will go
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jul 1 @ 10:41 AM ET
You know what I was thinking of, if you are Minnesota, why trade up 1 pick and give up a 3rd if Buium was the player they wanted all along? They had to know the Flyers were not targeting Buium if all they were willing to do is take a 3rd round pick for him. And if you are the Flyers, did you do enough to convince teams behind you that Buium was your guy? Seems to me the Flyers could have got much more from trading down. I thought the whole trade between the Flyers and Wild didn't make sense.
- jd250

They trade up because it was a gift he was there at 12. It was well known Philly may trade down. So when a gift is there you make move to obtain that player. That’s what good gm’s and teams do. Why would you sit at 13 and have someone else jump up and take the player.

I know you can’t follow that because you only follow what flyers do and think what the flyers do as the right way. As evidenced by you still try to give examples of them rebuilding. You can’t get through the disabled brain that a rebuild contains no extensions for older or turning older players to term contracts or blocking playing time for younger players you believe are part of future. You will suck off to the heavens tk extension. You will suck off ej signing as something good. You will suck off keeping laughts as team building all while the while thinking it’s a rebuild.

You will do this until the end of time. It’s all the same only the names will change. Enjoy no cup ever again flyers. You will maybe learn after a few decades that you been duped.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jul 1 @ 10:42 AM ET

Then Guentzel goes out and signs for 7 years with them.

- J35Bacher

wow so shocked the word didnt get out how tamps treats its players like that.

yet the flyers worried about cam phucking atkinson
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Wyomissing, PA
Joined: 06.23.2017

Jul 1 @ 10:44 AM ET
We'll see .. just telling you, when I see Buium, that is who he reminds me of. I honstly don't think his skills will translate, and apparently 11 other teams felt there were better options on the board.
- jd250

So, you're saying he doesn't have "the goods"?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 05.20.2014

Jul 1 @ 10:46 AM ET
Kinda unrelated but I don't know who I hate more: Daryll Morey or Chuck Fletcher.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jul 1 @ 10:46 AM ET


The Minnesota Wild traded up one spot, sending the 13th pick and a 2025 third-rounder to the Flyers for No. 12. With that, Zeev Buium is finally off the board, many picks lower than he should've been.

His poise and agility are phenomenal—the defenseman will be useful for the Wild anywhere on the ice. You don't see offensive numbers like Buium's from a freshman often, and if you wonder whether they will translate, just look to Norris Trophy winner Quinn Hughes.

Pick Grade: A

Scouting Report

What do Cale Makar, Hughes and Roman Josi all have in common? Elite edgework.

This is not a promise that Buium will turn into a superstar, but the point is that he has a foundational trait that will set him up for success in the offensive end.

Buium is a brilliant skater. The straight-line speed is good, but he wows with his agility. Buium casually sidesteps pressure. He can walk the blue line in the offensive zone. He slaloms through forecheckers in the neutral zone. He can escape pressure when retrieving pucks in the defensive end.

The proof is in the numbers. On a Denver team that won the national championship, Buium ranked second in points.

And while Buium has some work to do in the defensive end, the same knocks against him about his lack of size and absent physical game were sloppily applied to Hughes at the same age.

Here's the deal: No, Buium will never be the coach's top choice for the penalty kill nor push a 6'4" center out of the crease. What separates him is his skating and brain; that should be enough to defend at the NHL level. He can gap up tightly to puck carriers, defend against transitions by closing space, and ensure the puck stays out of the defensive end by escaping the forecheck with either his feet or a quick pass.


He's also bigger than Makar and Hughes (and the rarely seen on the ice Drysdale). I don't ever want to hear Briere/Jones/Torts complain about how hard it is to find a number 1 defenseman.

- Flyers_01

What a horrible young prospect to draft. The Flyers were smart not taking such a huge gamble on this player.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 02.15.2020

Jul 1 @ 10:49 AM ET


The Minnesota Wild traded up one spot, sending the 13th pick and a 2025 third-rounder to the Flyers for No. 12. With that, Zeev Buium is finally off the board, many picks lower than he should've been.

His poise and agility are phenomenal—the defenseman will be useful for the Wild anywhere on the ice. You don't see offensive numbers like Buium's from a freshman often, and if you wonder whether they will translate, just look to Norris Trophy winner Quinn Hughes.

Pick Grade: A

Scouting Report

What do Cale Makar, Hughes and Roman Josi all have in common? Elite edgework.

This is not a promise that Buium will turn into a superstar, but the point is that he has a foundational trait that will set him up for success in the offensive end.

Buium is a brilliant skater. The straight-line speed is good, but he wows with his agility. Buium casually sidesteps pressure. He can walk the blue line in the offensive zone. He slaloms through forecheckers in the neutral zone. He can escape pressure when retrieving pucks in the defensive end.

The proof is in the numbers. On a Denver team that won the national championship, Buium ranked second in points.

And while Buium has some work to do in the defensive end, the same knocks against him about his lack of size and absent physical game were sloppily applied to Hughes at the same age.

Here's the deal: No, Buium will never be the coach's top choice for the penalty kill nor push a 6'4" center out of the crease. What separates him is his skating and brain; that should be enough to defend at the NHL level. He can gap up tightly to puck carriers, defend against transitions by closing space, and ensure the puck stays out of the defensive end by escaping the forecheck with either his feet or a quick pass.


He's also bigger than Makar and Hughes (and the rarely seen on the ice Drysdale). I don't ever want to hear Briere/Jones/Torts complain about how hard it is to find a number 1 defenseman.

- Flyers_01

How did this guy drop out if the top 10 picks? It seems like picking Jett was a reach but there are several stories he was climbing the charts.
I was disappointed too but we will not really know until 3-4 years now.
Nolan Patrick was the consensus # 2 pick and that did play out too well.
The Flyers obviously like the 2025 draft better so we will have to be patient.
How about that a rebuilding team taking time to rebuild. Maybe they are doing it the right way!
We shall see.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Wyomissing, PA
Joined: 06.23.2017

Jul 1 @ 10:49 AM ET
They trade up because it was a gift he was there at 12. It was well known Philly may trade down. So when a gift is there you make move to obtain that player. That’s what good gm’s and teams do. Why would you sit at 13 and have someone else jump up and take the player.

I know you can’t follow that because you only follow what flyers do and think what the flyers do as the right way. As evidenced by you still try to give examples of them rebuilding. You can’t get through the disabled brain that a rebuild contains no extensions for older or turning older players to term contracts or blocking playing time for younger players you believe are part of future. You will suck off to the heavens tk extension. You will suck off ej signing as something good. You will suck off keeping laughts as team building all while the while thinking it’s a rebuild.

You will do this until the end of time. It’s all the same only the names will change. Enjoy no cup ever again flyers. You will maybe learn after a few decades that you been duped.

- Stayin alive

Well said.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jul 1 @ 10:50 AM ET
It is amazing a team like Tampa can do all the maneuvering they do, trade a longtime captain in Stamkos because they think Guentzle is better fit now and the Flyers can't trade Konecny or Laughton because they are "Flyers" and mean too much to "culture".
- J35Bacher

Tampa does everything for their culture too. But their culture is “winning” not just being “tough to play against” (so the flyers say).
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jul 1 @ 10:53 AM ET
Flyers trade Sean Walker, effectively killing their chances to make the playoffs -- Nope, not a rebuild

Flyers trade their 32 pick in the 2024 draft and now have 3 1st round and 3 2nd round picks in a deep 2025 draft -- Nope, not a rebuild

Flyers sign Eric Johnson to be effectively their 8th defenseman -- Nope, clearly not a rebuild

Got it!

You know who Zeev Buium reminds me of? Shayne Gostisbehere -- clearly this team will never learn

- jd250

Zeev as ghost. Clearly this team will never learn…

Lmao that fact that you post this show just how dumb you are. What a taint licker you are. His ceiling is most associated with Hughes. Will he reach that? Who knows. You should argue that you don’t believe he hits ceiling and give reasons why. That’s debatable. Saying things like you thinks ghost and why did 11 teams pass on him are retarded. You act like someone said he was the top prospect. No one ever said that.

Try to comprehend this…. If there are 10 players that are widely projected to go top 10 that means that no 1 singular player can be judged within that top 10. You can’t say why did demigod go 5 instead of 2. Or lindstrom went 4 why not 3 or carton went 8 why not 2. And use that as example of why player isn’t deserving of what most scouts widely project a player to go ( in top 10 this case).
Location: Driver's Seat: Mitch Marner bandwagon. Grab 'em by the Corsi.
Joined: 02.04.2009

Jul 1 @ 10:53 AM ET
We'll see .. just telling you, when I see Buium, that is who he reminds me of. I honstly don't think his skills will translate, and apparently 11 other teams felt there were better options on the board.
- jd250

So he doesn't have the JOB goods then?
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