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landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jul 13 @ 10:10 PM ET
I was making a general philosophical point in direct response to what MBFF posted, you jackass.

Btw: Was the left's rhetoric to blame for the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband? The shooting of the then largely unknown Scalise? The attempt to kill Mike Pence on Jan 6th? The shooting of Gabby Gifford? The attempt to shoot Clinton in '94? The attempt to kill Reagan in early '80s? Bobby, JFK, MLK?

America has a disproportionate # of barely functional idiots masquerading as human beings (amply represented here in the past hour), a disproportionately high generation and tolerance of anger and violence and a disproportionately easy access to guns.

These things are a part of our culture and will continue to be. Stop trying to find kneejerk scapegoats.

- PT21

What ever the causes it’s a sad day when something like this happens…a couple of people excited to attend a rally are killed….just senseless…a guy that might be the in the most important political position in the world in 4 months is an inch away from being assassinated. Part of the culture…ya but how sad is that.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jul 13 @ 10:14 PM ET
I’m supposed to live, and raise my kids in a chaotic time because a group of freaks want to change the world to suit their sick fetishes, and ideas of reparation?

Showed their true colours finally when they knew they were losing.

Can’t smear him. Jail him. So have to kill him.

(frank) them all

- flyer_nutter

You just have to hope this isn’t a rational truth. Don’t ya? Horrible to see something like this.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jul 13 @ 10:17 PM ET
no it's because of the media
it hasn't helped the left has called anyone that doesn't agree with them Hitler or Mussolini

- 2Real

Both sides seem pretty entrenched. The rhetoric is beyond anything that I can remember. So many problems and no consensus on answers.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jul 13 @ 10:21 PM ET
What ever the causes it’s a sad day when something like this happens…a couple of people excited to attend a rally are killed….just senseless…a guy that might be the in the most important political position in the world in 4 months is an inch away from being assassinated. Part of the culture…ya but how sad is that.
- landros 2

I agree, but to me, it is more like...another gun shooting. Sad but I am inured.
I do not see Trump as this transcendent figure, so perhaps this dilutes my reaction.

I grew up in this country. Anger is in our DNA: Road rage. Screaming at service providers. Bar fights. Anger that festers without social support to treat it. It is by nature one of the most violent countries in the world.

You are Canadian. You may not understand.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jul 13 @ 10:24 PM ET
You just have to hope this isn’t a rational truth. Don’t ya? Horrible to see something like this.
- landros 2

Man I love this site. Even the most bourgeois of guys are secretly wackos.

landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jul 13 @ 10:34 PM ET
I agree, but to me, it is more like...another gun shooting. Sad but I am inured.
I do not see Trump as this transcendent figure, so perhaps this dilutes my reaction.

I grew up in this country. Anger is in our DNA: Road rage. Screaming at service providers. Bar fights. Anger that festers without social support to treat it. It is by nature one of the most violent countries in the world.

You are Canadian. You may not understand.

- PT21

I wish it was the truth. But Canada is no better or worse. The disregard for another’s life is staggering. That is not a U.S. thing….I don’t like the senseless of it all…I watch a world that I hope evolves and has learned it’s lessons and just don’t see it….ok…enough vino….bed time…lol.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jul 13 @ 10:41 PM ET
I wish it was the truth. But Canada is no better or worse. The disregard for another’s life is staggering. That is not a U.S. thing….I don’t like the senseless of it all…I watch a world that I hope evolves and has learned it’s lessons and just don’t see it….ok…enough vino….bed time…lol.
- landros 2

You are just off by 300% or so, but good night.

Statistic: Homicide victims per 100,000 inhabitants of the G7 countries from 2000 to 2021, by country | Statista
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Jul 13 @ 10:43 PM ET
I agree, but to me, it is more like...another gun shooting. Sad but I am inured.
I do not see Trump as this transcendent figure, so perhaps this dilutes my reaction.

I grew up in this country. Anger is in our DNA: Road rage. Screaming at service providers. Bar fights. Anger that festers without social support to treat it. It is by nature one of the most violent countries in the world.

You are Canadian. You may not understand.

- PT21

Landros, Nutter and myself are Canadian. I grew up part time in the states with my father on weekends and have lived here the past 12 years. I wish my Canadian family and friends on Facebook would worry more about their country first. Two very different worlds. With this said, I sadly agree with your statement. When I moved here, it seemed like there was a mass shooting every six months. It’s been too quiet lately. Now that Trump was finally shot at (because it was going to happen) it makes him a martyr. I’m not saying he deserves to be shot at or deserves to die. I’m saying he’s ruffled enough feathers that this was going to happen sooner or later. He’s never taken the election, being president or how much he upsets half the country seriously enough. All the meme’s of him dancing, practically mocking. He was almost asking for it.

This isn’t me saying I want anything to happen to Trump. I’m just saying, he’s not untouchable and we’ve seen presidents assassinated before.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jul 13 @ 10:47 PM ET
I wish it was the truth. But Canada is no better or worse. The disregard for another’s life is staggering. That is not a U.S. thing….I don’t like the senseless of it all…I watch a world that I hope evolves and has learned it’s lessons and just don’t see it….ok…enough vino….bed time…lol.
- landros 2

Man has been doing evil against other men since man became man. As long as man can rule over others the lust for power will supersede any moral bearing for some.
I’m not a religious person but the current disdain for religion and or moral fiber is dragging society further into violence.
If there is no higher power and unalienable rights then we live by the rules of men. When you have to rely on the rule of man you are susceptible to the greed of immoral men.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jul 13 @ 11:02 PM ET
Landros, Nutter and myself are Canadian. I grew up part time in the states with my father on weekends and have lived here the past 12 years. I wish my Canadian family and friends on Facebook would worry more about their country first. Two very different worlds. With this said, I sadly agree with your statement. When I moved here, it seemed like there was a mass shooting every six months. It’s been too quiet lately. Now that Trump was finally shot at (because it was going to happen) it makes him a martyr. I’m not saying he deserves to be shot at or deserves to die. I’m saying he’s ruffled enough feathers that this was going to happen sooner or later. He’s never taken the election, being president or how much he upsets half the country seriously enough. All the meme’s of him dancing, practically mocking. He was almost asking for it.

This isn’t me saying I want anything to happen to Trump. I’m just saying, he’s not untouchable and we’ve seen presidents assassinated before.

- roenick97

Trump upsets half the country. The lies told by pundits and politicians against Trump are accepted as reality by many.
The Russia hoax, the very fine people lie, the just drink bleach narrative, the tear gas park goers for a photo shoot story, Trump will be a dictator, Trump is an existential threat to democracy. He has been investigated to the ninth degree by the federal and a couple state governments.
Trump is akin to Hitler.
But the memes of Trump dancing and practically mocking is the problem?
No, Trump is a threat to many people whose agenda would be interrupted. He upsets the apple cart.
The federal government is to powerful and there are not any checks and balances anymore.
People can’t have it both ways. Trash a man and try and ruin him and his family and then complain when that man fights back is illogical.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jul 13 @ 11:14 PM ET
Landros, Nutter and myself are Canadian. I grew up part time in the states with my father on weekends and have lived here the past 12 years. I wish my Canadian family and friends on Facebook would worry more about their country first. Two very different worlds. With this said, I sadly agree with your statement. When I moved here, it seemed like there was a mass shooting every six months. It’s been too quiet lately. Now that Trump was finally shot at (because it was going to happen) it makes him a martyr. I’m not saying he deserves to be shot at or deserves to die. I’m saying he’s ruffled enough feathers that this was going to happen sooner or later. He’s never taken the election, being president or how much he upsets half the country seriously enough. All the meme’s of him dancing, practically mocking. He was almost asking for it.

This isn’t me saying I want anything to happen to Trump. I’m just saying, he’s not untouchable and we’ve seen presidents assassinated before.

- roenick97

I am aware. And that you moved back to be near your dad.

There is currently an audience for Trump's kind of politics pretty much everywhere in the western world. But everywhere else, (France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands in particular), candidates simply cannot behave in the inflammatory style Trump does and expect to be taken seriously. That he can get away with it is specific to the US and illustrates what I was saying. We tolerate public displays of vile anger more than comparable countries.

I am glad he is ok, but the idea that the left should cool it with its rhetoric about Trump is magnificently ironic. No one in the last 100 years has sodomized public discourse the way that guy has.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jul 13 @ 11:36 PM ET
I am aware. And that you moved back to be near your dad.

There is currently an audience for Trump's kind of politics pretty much everywhere in the western world. But everywhere else, (France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands in particular), candidates simply cannot behave in the inflammatory style Trump does and expect to be taken seriously. That he can get away with it is specific to the US and illustrates what I was saying. We tolerate public displays of vile anger more than comparable countries.

I am glad he is ok, but the idea that the left should cool it with its rhetoric about Trump is magnificently ironic. No one in the last 100 years has sodomized public discourse the way that guy has.

- PT21

You’re about as off the mark as it gets. As some one who is a straight white very conservative male I have been vilified for decades.
I am supposed to be rascist despite no evidence. I am supposed to hate women though I have a Mother, sisters, and daughters.
I am supposed to be anti semetic, a islamaphobe and a homophobe.
So when I would vote for Trump because I think his policies are the closest to how I feel is an inflammatory style?
Perhaps you should listen to what members of the DNC have said about Trump last week. That’s’ not inflammatory?

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Jul 13 @ 11:40 PM ET
I am aware. And that you moved back to be near your dad.

There is currently an audience for Trump's kind of politics pretty much everywhere in the western world. But everywhere else, (France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands in particular), candidates simply cannot behave in the inflammatory style Trump does and expect to be taken seriously. That he can get away with it is specific to the US and illustrates what I was saying. We tolerate public displays of vile anger more than comparable countries.

I am glad he is ok, but the idea that the left should cool it with its rhetoric about Trump is magnificently ironic. No one in the last 100 years has sodomized public discourse the way that guy has.

- PT21

Well I moved to the states to be closer to my dad. He’s much older now. Alone. If someone wasn’t near by to check on him, who knows what would happen to him. He doesn’t take the best care of himself.

Simply put Trump isn’t a gentleman. He says what’s on his mind, gross or otherwise. Some of the public really digs his antics. Some do not. Just know, like anyone else, there are always consequences for your actions.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Jul 13 @ 11:44 PM ET
Trump upsets half the country. The lies told by pundits and politicians against Trump are accepted as reality by many.
The Russia hoax, the very fine people lie, the just drink bleach narrative, the tear gas park goers for a photo shoot story, Trump will be a dictator, Trump is an existential threat to democracy. He has been investigated to the ninth degree by the federal and a couple state governments.
Trump is akin to Hitler.
But the memes of Trump dancing and practically mocking is the problem?
No, Trump is a threat to many people whose agenda would be interrupted. He upsets the apple cart.
The federal government is to powerful and there are not any checks and balances anymore.
People can’t have it both ways. Trash a man and try and ruin him and his family and then complain when that man fights back is illogical.

- bird_dog_pa


I don’t judge someone by what people say about that someone. I judge them on how they carry themselves. Trump insults and mocks and dances in a mocking manner. Just let your work speak for itself. The closest thing I’ve seen to an assassin outside of today is someone throwing a shoe at Bush. So let’s not act like Trump hasn’t pissed people off himself by the way he carries himself.
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Jul 14 @ 12:00 AM ET
I am aware. And that you moved back to be near your dad.

There is currently an audience for Trump's kind of politics pretty much everywhere in the western world. But everywhere else, (France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands in particular), candidates simply cannot behave in the inflammatory style Trump does and expect to be taken seriously. That he can get away with it is specific to the US and illustrates what I was saying. We tolerate public displays of vile anger more than comparable countries.

I am glad he is ok, but the idea that the left should cool it with its rhetoric about Trump is magnificently ironic. No one in the last 100 years has sodomized public discourse the way that guy has.

- PT21[/quote

You have no self awareness at all. The former President survives an assassination attempt and all your pee brain can come up with is Trump uses inflammatory rhetoric while you liken it to sodomy. That’s not inflammatory at all.

Your messiah said if they bring a knife we bring a gun. Lol. Not inflammatory at all. As a 21 year old, your messiah told a girlfriend that he had fantasies of having sex with dudes. Not that there is anything wrong with it. Sodomy may be a fantasy of yours but there is no relationship with Trump there.

You’ve shown yourself as an emotionally emasculated twit in the past. Thanks for confirming it once again.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jul 14 @ 12:37 AM ET

I don’t judge someone by what people say about that someone. I just them on how they carry themselves. Trump insults and mocks and dances in a mocking manner. Just let your work speak for itself. The closest thing I’ve seen to an assassin outside of two day is someone throwing a shoe at Bush. So let’s not act like Trump hasn’t pissed people off himself by the way he carries himself.

- roenick97

Ha ha.

I was not aware. (Let's keep it that way).
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jul 14 @ 12:43 AM ET
[quote=PT21]I am aware. And that you moved back to be near your dad.

There is currently an audience for Trump's kind of politics pretty much everywhere in the western world. But everywhere else, (France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands in particular), candidates simply cannot behave in the inflammatory style Trump does and expect to be taken seriously. That he can get away with it is specific to the US and illustrates what I was saying. We tolerate public displays of vile anger more than comparable countries.

I am glad he is ok, but the idea that the left should cool it with its rhetoric about Trump is magnificently ironic. No one in the last 100 years has sodomized public discourse the way that guy has.

- Minnyhock[/quote

You have no self awareness at all. The former President survives an assassination attempt and all your pee brain can come up with is Trump uses inflammatory rhetoric while you liken it to sodomy. That’s not inflammatory at all.

Your messiah said if they bring a knife we bring a gun. Lol. Not inflammatory at all. As a 21 year old, your messiah told a girlfriend that he had fantasies of having sex with dudes. Not that there is anything wrong with it. Sodomy may be a fantasy of yours but there is no relationship with Trump there.

You’ve shown yourself as an emotionally emasculated twit in the past. Thanks for confirming it once again.

Observe the Trump supporter attempting a riposte:

1. Gets excited, mangles formatting.
2. Makes homophobic allusion
3. Ends quotes at the wrong place with a laugh emoji which ends up looking like he is laughing at himself.

I love this place, man.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jul 14 @ 12:47 AM ET
I think the whole microscope over the coach thing is new. It used to be the coach does what the coach is gonna do and will be fired if it doesn’t work. I agree with roenick in that since when did the coach have to justify everything he does on a daily basis? If it doesn’t work than he will be fired just like every other coach but I’m not sure he owes everyone an explanation in the process.

Remember, Stayin Alive, the flyers OWE you 😂 (frank)ing hysterical

- anti-lame

Yes the team owes its fans. It’s widely accepted that it is a business. So the paying customer yes 100% is entitled to at least some basic set of expectations. Those may be debatable what those expectations are or should be. But to think any sports organization DOESNT owe its fans if hilarious. I seriously contemplated buying flex pack but just couldn’t make it work with small children at home. As it is I will be in town for a few days 8/6-8/8 and will be spending absolutely zero dollars on flyers anything. Because that’s what they deserve. And this will be first trip to Philly since 2021 when I also spent zero dollars on flyers. Also because that’s what they deserve. Now had they done what they said they were gonna do I’d be spending 1k minimum but oh well.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jul 14 @ 1:02 AM ET
I’m supposed to live, and raise my kids in a chaotic time because a group of freaks want to change the world to suit their sick fetishes, and ideas of reparation?

Showed their true colours finally when they knew they were losing.

Can’t smear him. Jail him. So have to kill him.

(frank) them all

- flyer_nutter

To be fair can you not say same type things about the right when jfk shot?

Maybe it’s just ‘merica
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jul 14 @ 1:03 AM ET
What ever the causes it’s a sad day when something like this happens…a couple of people excited to attend a rally are killed….just senseless…a guy that might be the in the most important political position in the world in 4 months is an inch away from being assassinated. Part of the culture…ya but how sad is that.
- landros 2

Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jul 14 @ 1:04 AM ET
You just have to hope this isn’t a rational truth. Don’t ya? Horrible to see something like this.
- landros 2

It’s EXTREMELY predictable actually. We’ve seen this movie before
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jul 14 @ 1:05 AM ET
Both sides seem pretty entrenched. The rhetoric is beyond anything that I can remember. So many problems and no consensus on answers.
- landros 2

I got answers.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jul 14 @ 1:09 AM ET
Man has been doing evil against other men since man became man. As long as man can rule over others the lust for power will supersede any moral bearing for some.
I’m not a religious person but the current disdain for religion and or moral fiber is dragging society further into violence.
If there is no higher power and unalienable rights then we live by the rules of men. When you have to rely on the rule of man you are susceptible to the greed of immoral men.

- bird_dog_pa

That’s a cop out. I got answers
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jul 14 @ 1:15 AM ET

I don’t judge someone by what people say about that someone. I just them on how they carry themselves. Trump insults and mocks and dances in a mocking manner. Just let your work speak for itself. The closest thing I’ve seen to an assassin outside of two day is someone throwing a shoe at Bush. So let’s not act like Trump hasn’t pissed people off himself by the way he carries himself.

- roenick97

That’s a cop out. I have answers
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Jul 14 @ 1:39 AM ET
Observe the Trump supporter attempting a riposte:

1. Gets excited, mangles formatting.
2. Makes homophobic allusion
3. Ends quotes at the wrong place with a laugh emoji which ends up looking like he is laughing at himself.

I love this place, man.

- PT21

Joe supporter just found out last week that Joe was a cognitively depleted walking cadaver when 60% of the country knew it 4 years ago.

1. Its an informal hockey site but he deflects with formatting like he’s teaching English at a community college
2. Projects his sodomy fixation onto Trump and whines when it’s thrown back at him. Cry more.
3. More deflection hiding under his desk at the community college.

You love your community college more though.

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