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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Ex-Flyer Allison Signs with KHL Club
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jul 14 @ 5:18 PM ET
Kind of a dilemma. Couturier is probably play against other teams top lines. That may not be the best break in for a rookie who is not accustomed to the culture and game here.
Frost has the skating and the ability to compliment MM. If Torts yoyos Frost in and out of the lineup that can cause issues as well.

- bird_dog_pa

Right now the only 2 centers are Coots and Frost. Good insight and thoughts on those two.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 04.27.2018

Jul 14 @ 7:26 PM ET
Kind of a dilemma. Couturier is probably play against other teams top lines. That may not be the best break in for a rookie who is not accustomed to the culture and game here.
Frost has the skating and the ability to compliment MM. If Torts yoyos Frost in and out of the lineup that can cause issues as well.

- bird_dog_pa

I think he plays with frost but shuffles between lines 1 and 2
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Joined: 10.31.2020

Jul 14 @ 8:08 PM ET
You've been trying to establish yourself as a superior being forever. That ship has sailed and you have been exposed for who and what your are. A man is judged by his character and his ethics and what is in his heart. Not what he does for a living. I seriously doubt that you teach at an Ivy league school but if you do. That's a glimpse into what is wrong with higher education. They have a scumbag teaching people. Imagine that.

"People trying to pretend they're superior makes it so much harder for those of us who really are".

Hyacinth Bucket
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 02.24.2009

Jul 14 @ 10:01 PM ET
I love how people say they want transparency from there favorite sports teams, but when they get it, they complain about it. What part of what Tortorella said about Allison wasn't true about his game? As for complaining about not giving Denis Gurianov a real shot. At the time of this post, no one has signed him yet.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jul 14 @ 10:09 PM ET
That was not directed at something you said it was in reference to Jacqueline Marsaw.

As for the Nancy pelosi quote, even if that one is not entirely accurate she’s said dozens of things including she wanted to punch President Trump. But the violent rhetoric does have consequences. Constantly dehumanizing a man, calling him “Nazi” “threat to democracy” “Hitler” and so many other things are attributable to Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Mad Mad Maxine and so many others. Yes the gunman pulled the trigger and there no evidence anyone put him up to it, but these dehumanizing names and stories backed up by so many commentators have clearly struck a nerve with an obviously mentally deranged individual.

- mikeyo27

As soon as I saw the quote, I suspected it was bullpoop. It simply doesn't bear scrutiny largely because it is too outlandish (like the theory of a conspiracy behind the shooting). yet 3 of you thought otherwise, and as you are well aware, no one will be able to produce a link, for there is none.

Now regarding the other things you wrote. The "dehumanizing "discourse. I just looked up a few contexts. Pelosi wanting to punch Trump seems to have occurred on Jan 6th, while she was at the Capitol, while crowds were starting to come towards them. Which you must admit, are extremely strained circumstances. Further, she says she wants herself to punch him, in private conversation, not suggest others should. She is a very small, elderly woman; he is a large man. It is certainly disrespectful but I am afraid it seems to me largely a matter of someone speaking in the heat of the moment, metaphorically not literally, rather than 'dehumanize' anyone.

The Hitler/Mussolini stuff is generally stupid. You might be surprised to learn that there is a long tradition of this in our history, and bigwigs of both parties have often made that comparison about leaders of the other party, including LBJ and Obama.


But I will tell you one segment of discourse that has never occurred before. Trump calling (illegal) immigrants "vermin", saying they are "poisoning the blood of the country" and they are "animals, not human."

[Study after study after study (including by right wing think-tanks) has shown that immigrants coming over the southern border have lower crime rates than the American average. (this doesn't mean there aren't many bad apples, of course there are). This whole thing he says about prisons and so on is grade A bs. Quite apart from this being an empirical fact, it also is logical. Those guys face enormous hardship to come here and live life in the shadows and scrounge for work. To engage in crime means raising the probability of being exposed and getting caught and short-circuiting all the sacrifices for a disproportionately small gain. This would be illogical.]

Quite apart from this logic, since Hitler's time, in all of the G7 western countries, (a data set of 560 years: 80 x 7 countries) can you point to a single leader who has used such blatantly racially charged language?

And if not (which is what you will find), at least as far as comparability of rhetoric with the Fuhrer goes, is the comparison to Hitler dehumanizing or simply accurate?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jul 14 @ 10:10 PM ET
"People trying to pretend they're superior makes it so much harder for those of us who really are".

Hyacinth Bucket

- FlyersFanInPhoenix

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jul 14 @ 10:11 PM ET
what a day for Spanish sports!

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jul 14 @ 10:29 PM ET
As soon as I saw the quote, I suspected it was bullpoop. It simply doesn't bear scrutiny largely because it is too outlandish (like the theory of a conspiracy behind the shooting). yet 3 of you thought otherwise, and as you are well aware, no one will be able to produce a link, for there is none.

Now regarding the other things you wrote. The "dehumanizing "discourse. I just looked up a few contexts. Pelosi wanting to punch Trump seems to have occurred on Jan 6th, while she was at the Capitol, while crowds were starting to come towards them. Which you must admit, are extremely strained circumstances. Further, she says she wants herself to punch him, in private conversation, not suggest others should. She is a very small, elderly woman; he is a large man. It is certainly disrespectful but I am afraid it seems to me largely a matter of someone speaking in the heat of the moment, metaphorically not literally, rather than 'dehumanize' anyone.

The Hitler/Mussolini stuff is generally stupid. You might be surprised to learn that there is a long tradition of this in our history, and bigwigs of both parties have often made that comparison about leaders of the other party, including LBJ and Obama.


But I will tell you one segment of discourse that has never occurred before. Trump calling (illegal) immigrants "vermin", saying they are "poisoning the blood of the country" and they are "animals, not human."

- PT21[Study after study after study (including by right wing think-tanks) has shown that immigrants coming over the southern border have lower crime rates than the American average. (this doesn't mean there aren't many bad apples, of course there are). This whole thing he says about prisons and so on is grade A bs. Quite apart from this being an empirical fact, it also is logical. Those guys face enormous hardship to come here and live life in the shadows and scrounge for work. To engage in crime means raising the probability of being exposed and getting caught and short-circuiting all the sacrifices for a disproportionately small gain. This would be illogical.]

Quite apart from this logic, since Hitler's time, in all of the G7 western countries, (a data set of 560 years: 80 x 7 countries) can you point to a single leader who has used such blatantly racially charged language?

And if not (which is what you will find), at least as far as comparability of rhetoric with the Fuhrer goes, is the comparison to Hitler dehumanizing or simply accurate?

Somehow you manage to keep exposing yourself as the fraud you are at greater and greater levels. At least you have some talent though it is not one I would pine for.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Jul 14 @ 11:04 PM ET
I love how people say they want transparency from there favorite sports teams, but when they get it, they complain about it. What part of what Tortorella said about Allison wasn't true about his game? As for complaining about not giving Denis Gurianov a real shot. At the time of this post, no one has signed him yet.
- bsjr5726

Gurianov Is like 26 or 27 and a career NHLer. I’m not understanding what was supposed to change over the course of a trade. The fact Gurianov saw a game at all was a gift to him.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.29.2013

Jul 15 @ 12:57 AM ET
This thread heads straight to HB HOF or failing that, my bookmarks. Every single moron not named LetterKenney has posted here, and is a magnificent snapshot of HB today. LK can you please say something?

Bill, you have my sincerest commiserations. Whatever they pay you, it ain't enough.

Gentlemen, I have to retire to watch Wimbledon now. Then the Euros.

- PT21

Taking on the world, are we?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 15 @ 6:27 AM ET
doesn't matter they went south or turned into stars. that isn't the point.

when was the last time that happened to the flyers?

hell look at the last draft and the guys they drafted overall. very low ceilings.

- hello it's me 2050

Luchenko does not have a low ceiling at all. The others, who knows.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 15 @ 6:29 AM ET
Gurianov Is like 26 or 27 and a career NHLer. I’m not understanding what was supposed to change over the course of a trade. The fact Gurianov saw a game at all was a gift to him.
- roenick97

For me, its the fact that Briere said he was going to get a long look after the trade was made and that turned out to be 4 games with no explanation.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jul 15 @ 6:29 AM ET
As soon as I saw the quote, I suspected it was bullpoop. It simply doesn't bear scrutiny largely because it is too outlandish (like the theory of a conspiracy behind the shooting). yet 3 of you thought otherwise, and as you are well aware, no one will be able to produce a link, for there is none.

Now regarding the other things you wrote. The "dehumanizing "discourse. I just looked up a few contexts. Pelosi wanting to punch Trump seems to have occurred on Jan 6th, while she was at the Capitol, while crowds were starting to come towards them. Which you must admit, are extremely strained circumstances. Further, she says she wants herself to punch him, in private conversation, not suggest others should. She is a very small, elderly woman; he is a large man. It is certainly disrespectful but I am afraid it seems to me largely a matter of someone speaking in the heat of the moment, metaphorically not literally, rather than 'dehumanize' anyone.

The Hitler/Mussolini stuff is generally stupid. You might be surprised to learn that there is a long tradition of this in our history, and bigwigs of both parties have often made that comparison about leaders of the other party, including LBJ and Obama.


But I will tell you one segment of discourse that has never occurred before. Trump calling (illegal) immigrants "vermin", saying they are "poisoning the blood of the country" and they are "animals, not human."

- PT21[Study after study after study (including by right wing think-tanks) has shown that immigrants coming over the southern border have lower crime rates than the American average. (this doesn't mean there aren't many bad apples, of course there are). This whole thing he says about prisons and so on is grade A bs. Quite apart from this being an empirical fact, it also is logical. Those guys face enormous hardship to come here and live life in the shadows and scrounge for work. To engage in crime means raising the probability of being exposed and getting caught and short-circuiting all the sacrifices for a disproportionately small gain. This would be illogical.]

Quite apart from this logic, since Hitler's time, in all of the G7 western countries, (a data set of 560 years: 80 x 7 countries) can you point to a single leader who has used such blatantly racially charged language?

And if not (which is what you will find), at least as far as comparability of rhetoric with the Fuhrer goes, is the comparison to Hitler dehumanizing or simply accurate?

That was one long-winded deflection. Thanks for the laughs this morning!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jul 15 @ 6:31 AM ET
Luchenko does not have a low ceiling at all. The others, who knows.
- jd250

The more I read on Luchenko the more I see it may not have been a reach at all. If he keeps up his progress he could end up being a huge piece moving forward.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 15 @ 6:32 AM ET
You've been trying to establish yourself as a superior being forever. That ship has sailed and you have been exposed for who and what your are. A man is judged by his character and his ethics and what is in his heart. Not what he does for a living. I seriously doubt that you teach at an Ivy league school but if you do. That's a glimpse into what is wrong with higher education. They have a scumbag teaching people. Imagine that.

Actually I believe him on this point, there is no doubt in my mind he teaches at an Ivy league school.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 15 @ 6:41 AM ET
Donald mocked Pelosi's husband when he almost got killed. Biden stayed classy when Donald almost bited the bullet.

And yet now that its clear the secret service completely F***'d up the security of the event, leaving a roof top with a clear vantage point of the President from only 130 yards away from that stage unsecured, Biden offered no words to what he is going to do to correct that, NONE! Biden as the head of the executive branch has an obligation to make sure former presidents and political candidates in an election are protected at all times, and yet magically in a little town in western PN, Trump is left out to dry so much so a 20 year old kid with his dad's rifle walks up to the event, climbs up a ladder of a building across the street from the event and gets off 6-8 rounds. And the only thing we heard from Mr. Classy is we need to tone down the rhetoric? This from a man that has turned the FBI into his own personal SS unit, and now they are going to lead the "investigation"? In Mr. Classy's own words .. "Come on Man!"
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Boynton Beach, FL
Joined: 10.03.2010

Jul 15 @ 6:52 AM ET
The more I read on Luchenko the more I see it may not have been a reach at all. If he keeps up his progress he could end up being a huge piece moving forward.
- mikeyo27

Agree with this, thinking DB is looking for upside, this kid can fly and pass, something the Flyers need and have to have. Speed, edge work, making plays while in motion, all good traits for the NHL, all good for MM. Kid is a gym rat, DB took a swing at 13, passing on the D who can skate makes it suspect, and I would have been more upset if the swing could not skate and was not a swing.
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Boynton Beach, FL
Joined: 10.03.2010

Jul 15 @ 6:55 AM ET
Funny, here and on other social, most are bringing up Frost with MM, meanwhile ego boy, Yoyo’d Frost most of the season. Ego boy sat him when they needed a goal in the last game. I believe there should be consequences for garbage behavior, hope Torts gets his this season.
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Boynton Beach, FL
Joined: 10.03.2010

Jul 15 @ 7:08 AM ET
Trump mentioned in NY POST, he appreciated Bidens call and he felt the race could be more civil. This is good news, hope it happens and all follow along. No more politics for me on here.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 15 @ 7:16 AM ET
Trump mentioned in NY POST, he appreciated Bidens call and he felt the race could be more civil. This is good news, hope it happens and all follow along. No more politics for me on here.
- wcorvette

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jul 15 @ 7:57 AM ET
As soon as I saw the quote, I suspected it was bullpoop. It simply doesn't bear scrutiny largely because it is too outlandish (like the theory of a conspiracy behind the shooting). yet 3 of you thought otherwise, and as you are well aware, no one will be able to produce a link, for there is none.

Now regarding the other things you wrote. The "dehumanizing "discourse. I just looked up a few contexts. Pelosi wanting to punch Trump seems to have occurred on Jan 6th, while she was at the Capitol, while crowds were starting to come towards them. Which you must admit, are extremely strained circumstances. Further, she says she wants herself to punch him, in private conversation, not suggest others should. She is a very small, elderly woman; he is a large man. It is certainly disrespectful but I am afraid it seems to me largely a matter of someone speaking in the heat of the moment, metaphorically not literally, rather than 'dehumanize' anyone.

- PT21

You're ignorantly focusing on just one comment. Pelosi should've said she wanted to punch herself because she is responsible for what happened at the capital. She was responsible for security. Trump authorized the national guard and wanted them there. Pelosi and the mayor of DC said no. Pelosi was responsible for the capital police, who opened the doors and let everyone into the capital.

How about all of the other comments towards Trump? He's a threat to democracy, he is going to rip up the constitution. He's with the Russians. All of the abortion rhetoric. To top it all off, the comment from Biden of "its time to put a target on Trump" Someone just did. You are uninformed and ignorant.

The Hitler/Mussolini stuff is generally stupid. You might be surprised to learn that there is a long tradition of this in our history, and bigwigs of both parties have often made that comparison about leaders of the other party, including LBJ and Obama.


- PT21

I'm not surprised that would attempt to justify the comments due to it happening before. Maybe it needs to stop.

But I will tell you one segment of discourse that has never occurred before. Trump calling (illegal) immigrants "vermin", saying they are "poisoning the blood of the country" and they are "animals, not human."

Study after study after study (including by right wing think-tanks) has shown that immigrants coming over the southern border have lower crime rates than the American average. (this doesn't mean there aren't many bad apples, of course there are). This whole thing he says about prisons and so on is grade A bs. Quite apart from this being an empirical fact, it also is logical. Those guys face enormous hardship to come here and live life in the shadows and scrounge for work. To engage in crime means raising the probability of being exposed and getting caught and short-circuiting all the sacrifices for a disproportionately small gain. This would be illogical

- PT21

What was Trump's actual comment? That they're all animals and vermin? Or that some of them are? That's a typical strategy of the left. Misrepresent Trumps's statements. We know for a fact that some of them are animals. Raping and killing 12 years old girls and committing all kinds of heinous crimes. We know that there is possibility that someone the terrorist watch list may have entered through the unsecured border. That Americans commit more crimes, is irrelevant. Trump is absolutely correct in what he says and the border needs to be secured and they all need to be deported. Your comments there are unintelligent and really the flawed thinking of a far left liberal nut case.

Quite apart from this logic, since Hitler's time, in all of the G7 western countries, (a data set of 560 years: 80 x 7 countries) can you point to a single leader who has used such blatantly racially charged language?

And if not (which is what you will find), at least as far as comparability of rhetoric with the Fuhrer goes, is the comparison to Hitler dehumanizing or simply accurate?

- PT21

You don't have the common sense or intelligence to know that it's not racially charged language. It's behavior charged language. Unfortunately and sadly, we have ample evidence that Trump is correct. Like most far left liberals, you care more about the freedoms and rights of illegal immigrants than you do of murdered and raped American citizens.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jul 15 @ 7:57 AM ET
Right now the only 2 centers are Coots and Frost. Good insight and thoughts on those two.
- mikeyo27

Would love to see Frost as the guy who steps up and can keep up with Michkov. Would be very happy to see that chemistry dynamic that you so rarely see happen with those 2. He is the only centre on the team that can keep up with Michkov

Would also love that it would tie Torts' hands on playing Fosts.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jul 15 @ 8:00 AM ET
Actually I believe him on this point, there is no doubt in my mind he teaches at an Ivy league school.
- jd250

I get what you're seeing which is why I posted the latter point. It would explain a lot about what is wrong with this country.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jul 15 @ 8:01 AM ET
So I don't know about the rest of you, but I come here to talk hockey, not politics.

Couldn't give a rip about US politics.

Here's a public forum if you want to discuss politics..

Can we keep it to hockey today? Please?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jul 15 @ 8:02 AM ET
And yet now that its clear the secret service completely F***'d up the security of the event, leaving a roof top with a clear vantage point of the President from only 130 yards away from that stage unsecured, Biden offered no words to what he is going to do to correct that, NONE! Biden as the head of the executive branch has an obligation to make sure former presidents and political candidates in an election are protected at all times, and yet magically in a little town in western PN, Trump is left out to dry so much so a 20 year old kid with his dad's rifle walks up to the event, climbs up a ladder of a building across the street from the event and gets off 6-8 rounds. And the only thing we heard from Mr. Classy is we need to tone down the rhetoric? This from a man that has turned the FBI into his own personal SS unit, and now they are going to lead the "investigation"? In Mr. Classy's own words .. "Come on Man!"
- jd250

Biden and Mayorkas share some responsibility in what happened but Biden has come out and made comments about correcting the issue. The rest I agree with.
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