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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Kolosov, Ashbee, Siegel
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Bob Habib
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.01.2020

Jul 28 @ 9:08 PM ET
GMDB and Jones look really bad… again. Briere said he remembers the adjustment when he came to the NHL from Canada and spoke no English. Russia is a far cry from Canada, both politically, socially and of course it’s literally on the other side of the world. Shame on Briere for not being a good enough leader for anticipating that. These guys are really not ready for prime time.
- mikeyo27

I can't even disagree with what you say.
I really feel and for the kid for living in close to solitude for as long as he did.
I remember many players got depressed even being in the covid bubble hockey world. Those players had each other to lean on and at least play call of duty with. Kolosov had nobody. Nobody. I really feel bad for the kid and he has legitimate feelings especially after seeing how MM got the rub and tug treatment.
Sacrifices need to be made to reach the NHL but being alone in a foreign world is a different type of depressing.
This whole ordeal could have and should have been avoided. It's a shame. He seemed like a promising prospect
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jul 28 @ 9:36 PM ET
I can't even disagree with what you say.
I really feel and for the kid for living in close to solitude for as long as he did.
I remember many players got depressed even being in the covid bubble hockey world. Those players had each other to lean on and at least play call of duty with. Kolosov had nobody. Nobody. I really feel bad for the kid and he has legitimate feelings especially after seeing how MM got the rub and tug treatment.
Sacrifices need to be made to reach the NHL but being alone in a foreign world is a different type of depressing.
This whole ordeal could have and should have been avoided. It's a shame. He seemed like a promising prospect

- Bob Habib

I want more information but I agree the optics are poor.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jul 28 @ 10:35 PM ET
Circle of life. Which means I’m here for life. They may be bad now, I doubt they’ll stay bad forever.
- roenick97

I can't speak for everyone, but....

Sports in general has a "circle of life", it's just the part of competition. I believe everyone here is OK with being bad then being good then being bad. That cycle makes being good that much better.

One of my favorite movie quotes from Vanilla Sky. My buddy Jason Lee said:

"Just remember, the sweet is never as sweet without the sour, and I know the sour."

The problem is, some people have yet to truly accept that the Flyers have not been on the big boy coaster with the giant Ups and Downs. They have been riding that kiddie coaster for many decades, sure there are ups and down, but they are still damn close to the ground.

A good way to describe the Flyers....they are very close to becoming the NY Jets. VERY CLOSE.
Location: Driver's Seat: Mitch Marner bandwagon. Grab 'em by the Corsi.
Joined: 02.04.2009

Jul 28 @ 10:36 PM ET
Well let's hope Michkov doesn't ask to go back to Russia at some point...
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jul 28 @ 10:40 PM ET
Well let's hope Michkov doesn't ask to go back to Russia at some point...
- Tomahawk

So far they’ve been treated far differently so this “contribution” is pointless and you know it
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jul 28 @ 10:44 PM ET
Kevin Meaney once said “wipe the puss off your face”


if you’re constantly watching sports with a puss on your face until something miraculous happens - you’re in for a bad time. Just sadness day in and day out.

Go for walks in between games. Take that special girl to the ball or something. 😆

We’re big pants people! you’re like a crazy person!
Location: Cave Putorium
Joined: 02.29.2020

Jul 28 @ 10:53 PM ET
And i look forward to the expected Torts vs Michkov tilt. Will the tres hombres take Torts or the prestigious player Michkov's side. 🤔

Great album but my favorite will always be Degüello because that's the first album of theirs that I got.
Location: Cave Putorium
Joined: 02.29.2020

Jul 28 @ 10:53 PM ET
Oh, Johansen. You just opened another can of whoop ass 🪱 😂

Original flavour or lower sodium?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jul 28 @ 11:38 PM ET
Complaining about the complaining of others is definitely a strategy.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jul 28 @ 11:49 PM ET
Complaining about the complaining of others is definitely a strategy.
- flyer_nutter

It’s possible to be critical without being repetitive
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jul 28 @ 11:55 PM ET
It’s possible to be critical without being repetitive
- anti-lame

I mean, it’s a bit ironic to say that no?

The team is dogpoop for a decade with the same repetitive philosophies.

Perhaps the angst should be directed at those that continue to spend money, and enable the rot.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jul 29 @ 12:46 AM ET
I mean, it’s a bit ironic to say that no?

The team is dogpoop for a decade with the same repetitive philosophies.

Perhaps the angst should be directed at those that continue to spend money, and enable the rot.

- flyer_nutter

thoughts and prayers
Location: Driver's Seat: Mitch Marner bandwagon. Grab 'em by the Corsi.
Joined: 02.04.2009

Jul 29 @ 6:49 AM ET
It’s possible to be critical without being repetitive
- anti-lame

Says the guy who is repetitively critical of others lol.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 10.03.2006

Jul 29 @ 7:09 AM ET
Most likely it was homesickness due to Briere's, admitted, mistakes in not providing support to the player. As long as Kolosov shows up for training camp this will all blow over but the way the media covers for the Flyers sometimes is insulting.


It's understandable that a young player could feel out-of-place in a new country and new league, especially when many people on the Phantoms don't speak his language, but people seem to think that Briere and the rest of the Flyers front office "abandoned" Kolosov in a hotel and dusted their hands of the situation. In what world would any NHL front office do that to a new player, much less a front office that has consistently shown how much they care about making their players comfortable in the organization?

The writer wants you to know how great a guy Briere is while omitting that there are direct quotes from Briere that he failed to provide a support system for Kolosov while also focusing on Kolosov never being promised an NHL job. The writer even blames Kolosov, conditionally, for not wanting to work to make it to the NHL.

A player can feel lonely ("abandoned") in a strange country where he doesn't read/speak the language even if his physical needs are met. Briere admits that now even if the writer doesn't.

We are still a long way from the Cutter Gauthier 3 pronged media blitz attacking the player but if Kolosov doesn't show for training camp, it may be coming.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 29 @ 7:24 AM ET
Agreed the optics don’t look good. The Guathier situation may have some unforeseen repercussions. He simply told them to pound salt and they relented. Had the Flyers said fine we’ll let this play out and play hardball (ala Bob Clarke approach) I’m not sure another prospect would have the balls to pull this so soon after.
It is a different contractual situation…one guy never signed and one guy took their $.
Could the Flyers have done better job with Kosolov in helping him? Who knows. But they can’t have top prospects not want to play here and still sell yourself as a gold standard.
- landros 2

Nothing to see here IMO. Kolosov will be guarenteed by Briere to be the starter for the Phantom's this season, and he will be here for training camp. At the end of the day, money will be Kolosov's alarm clock and he will arrive on time. I agree with Bill, there are those that just want to stoke the fire anyway they can to get fans to turn against everything the Flyers do or don't do. It's very sad.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jul 29 @ 7:30 AM ET
Says the guy who is repetitively critical of others lol.
- Tomahawk

Complete lack of self awareness. A fool can change his screen name but he is still a fool.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jul 29 @ 7:35 AM ET
Nothing to see here IMO. Kolosov will be guarenteed by Briere to be the starter for the Phantom's this season, and he will be here for training camp. At the end of the day, money will be Kolosov's alarm clock and he will arrive on time. I agree with Bill, there are those that just want to stoke the fire anyway they can to get fans to turn against everything the Flyers do or don't do. It's very sad.
- jd250

If it is true that Kolosov will be guaranteed by Briere to be the Phantoms starter this season. Why aren't you expressing outrage at that possibility?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 29 @ 7:35 AM ET
daily doom-posting is unhealthy. if you feel it’s necessary to get your rocks off I will be right here “complaining about the complainers” as you put it.

You literally make folks enjoy hockey less. Congrats. You then insult posters for not being as miserable as you. Again, huge win in your column I’m sure.👍

Any discussion that does actually discuss hockey quickly devolves into “Flyers BAD” accompanied by everyone patting each other on the backs.

- anti-lame

Daily doom-posting is not only unhealthy, its cowardly. It's the opposite of taking a stand or having a position. Anyone can come here and say everything the Flyers have done or will do is wrong or incompetent and then pound their chest if anything that happens is perceived to not go as planned. What does that mean in the end? Nothing! It's empty and shallow. As Mike Tyson once said, "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face". Plans often go awry, that is why they are useless. It does not mean in any way those who made the plans are incompetent. The value is in the planning, not in the plan.

As for me, I will sit back and watch what happens and then judge whether Briere and Jones are incompetant or not. Right now it is way too early to say one way or the other. What I do know is the Flyers are an exciting and interesting team again, and I for one can't wait to see Michkov on the ice, and track the progress of rising stars like Luchenko, Bonk and Barkey.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jul 29 @ 7:39 AM ET
If it is true that Kolosov will be guaranteed by Briere to be the Phantoms starter this season. Why aren't you expressing outrage at that possibility?

Because the only alternative in the Flyer system right now is Cal Petersen. I have no doubt Jones and Briere will get some Russian players, coaches or other assistants to be with the kid, if for nothing else but to shutdown this growing narrative.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jul 29 @ 7:42 AM ET
Daily doom-posting is not only unhealthy, its cowardly. It's the opposite of taking a stand or having a position. Anyone can come here and say everything the Flyers have done or will do is wrong or incompetent and then pound their chest if anything that happens is perceived to not go as planned. What does that mean in the end? Nothing! It's empty and shallow. As Mike Tyson once said, "everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face". Plans often go awry, that is why they are useless. It does not mean in any way those who made the plans are incompetent. The value is in the planning, not in the plan.

As for me, I will sit back and watch what happens and then judge whether Briere and Jones are incompetant or not. Right now it is way too early to say one way or the other. What I do know is the Flyers are an exciting and interesting team again, and I for one can't wait to see Michkov on the ice, and track the progress of rising stars like Luchenko, Bonk and Barkey.

- jd250

This has to be one of the dumbest posts you've ever made and that's saying something. When planning goes awry for well over a decade, maybe there is an issue with your planning. Maybe you keep getting punched in the face but refuse to learn why.

I'll tell you what is really cowardly. Someone who refuses to acknowledge what is plainly true for a significant period of time. Only to then eventually turn around and adopt as a position what he previously battled against, acting like he knew it all along.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jul 29 @ 7:43 AM ET
Because the only alternative in the Flyer system right now is Cal Petersen. I have no doubt Jones and Briere will get some Russian players, coaches or other assistants to be with the kid, if for nothing else but to shutdown this growing narrative.
- jd250

You cowardly dodged the question. Where is your outrage to that based on your previous positions?
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jul 29 @ 7:59 AM ET
Nothing to see here IMO. Kolosov will be guarenteed by Briere to be the starter for the Phantom's this season, and he will be here for training camp. At the end of the day, money will be Kolosov's alarm clock and he will arrive on time. I agree with Bill, there are those that just want to stoke the fire anyway they can to get fans to turn against everything the Flyers do or don't do. It's very sad.
- jd250

Is that what is happening though? Or are some just reporting what is going on with the team? Let’s hope you are right about how this plays out. If the guy can’t “beat” out Pederson then he can go back.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jul 29 @ 8:05 AM ET
Daily doom-posting is not only unhealthy, its cowardly. It's the opposite of taking a stand or having a position. Anyone can come here and say everything the Flyers have done or will do is wrong or incompetent and then pound their chest if anything that happens is perceived to not go as planned. What does that mean in the end? Nothing! It's empty and shallow. As Mike Tyson once said, "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face". Plans often go awry, that is why they are useless. It does not mean in any way those who made the plans are incompetent. The value is in the planning, not in the plan.

As for me, I will sit back and watch what happens and then judge whether Briere and Jones are incompetant or not. Right now it is way too early to say one way or the other. What I do know is the Flyers are an exciting and interesting team again, and I for one can't wait to see Michkov on the ice, and track the progress of rising stars like Luchenko, Bonk and Barkey.

- jd250

We all hope they are trending the right way. I will say that the off season has been a disappointment on more than a few levels. But…the arrival of Michkov is a major positive. We’ll see in short order if Briere’s re-tool works or at least shows progress.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jul 29 @ 8:05 AM ET
I can't speak for everyone, but....

Sports in general has a "circle of life", it's just the part of competition. I believe everyone here is OK with being bad then being good then being bad. That cycle makes being good that much better.

One of my favorite movie quotes from Vanilla Sky. My buddy Jason Lee said:

"Just remember, the sweet is never as sweet without the sour, and I know the sour."

The problem is, some people have yet to truly accept that the Flyers have not been on the big boy coaster with the giant Ups and Downs. They have been riding that kiddie coaster for many decades, sure there are ups and down, but they are still damn close to the ground.

A good way to describe the Flyers....they are very close to becoming the NY Jets. VERY CLOSE.

- Glak18

sweet and sour pork combo special for lunch sounds tasty
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jul 29 @ 8:07 AM ET
Nothing to see here IMO. Kolosov will be guarenteed by Briere to be the starter for the Phantom's this season, and he will be here for training camp. At the end of the day, money will be Kolosov's alarm clock and he will arrive on time. I agree with Bill, there are those that just want to stoke the fire anyway they can to get fans to turn against everything the Flyers do or don't do. It's very sad.
- jd250

the flyers bring it all on themselves do they not?
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