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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 31 @ 12:52 PM ET
You keep falsely looking at it as a metaphor. It is not a metaphor. The Bible does not use metaphors. The house being burglarized does not equal being sent to hell. That was not the intent of the passage. As if the Bible would state that if you become a victim of wrong doing by someone else, completely out of your control, you would go to hell. You don't understand the Bible. You continue to arrogantly believe that you have a standing or the intelligence to educate people.

1. 🤣 Have you heard of the phrase: The Lord is my shepherd? Rich man, needle, camel etc?I am the bread? What do you think it means, the last? Jesus says he is meant to be eaten? The Bible has about 4-5 metaphors a page.

2. I did not say in any of the 5 odd times I have written about this, that the Bible suggests you would literally go to hell for suffering a break in 😭.
No, I am not going to again say what I did.

MJL I am going to put you on my poop list. This time, it is for medical reasons. You are simply not a functional mental entity now.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 31 @ 1:09 PM ET
1. 🤣 Have you heard of the phrase: The Lord is my shepherd? Rich man, needle, camel etc?I am the bread? What do you think it means, the last? Jesus says he is meant to be eaten? The Bible has about 4-5 metaphors a page.

2. I did not say in any of the 5 odd times I have written about this, that the Bible suggests you would literally go to hell for suffering a break in 😭.
No, I am not going to again say what I did.

MJL I am going to put you on my poop list. This time, it is for medical reasons. You are simply not a functional mental entity now.

- PT21

Literally everyone who chimed in on the passage got it right BUT YOU! If you'd stop being an ignoramus and stop trying to analyze a metaphor that doesn't exist. Maybe you'd have had a chance at it. The part about a thief is a simple, very short story to get across a point. Nothing more.

You're ignorant and uninformed.

The bible does not use metaphors. The Bible uses parables to teach. Ask any Priest. Take a Bible study class as I have. Of course you will respond with claiming that I don't know what a parable is.

To educate you, here is what a parable is


Here are sources discussing the use of parables in the Bible.






Yes you have. On multiple occasions.

Here is one.


"The act of theft is not being compared to death, or judgment. It is being compared to being judged to not have led a virtuous life."


"State of being robbed <=> state of being denied heaven*
Daily vigilance to prevent being robbed <=> Daily vigilance in being virtuous and avoiding * above.

I closing, I don't give a rats ass what you do. Your words towards me personally are irrelevant and as the indoctrinated, brainwashed unintelligent fool that you are, you have no standing to judge anyone. You can't handle those that are smarter than you are. Which is why on a daily basis. You use false, completely transparent methods to try and feign intelligence. Often trying to spin your way out of your often wrong opinions. Such as using "fancy "words that are not every day use language that add up to virtually saying nothing. In the dictionary next to the word pretentious is your picture. Making strawman arguments and inventing your own definition of words. All in an attempt to feign intelligence. You are as phony as they come and I have exposed you for what you are. A racist, unintelligent fraud with no morals and are generally a non functioning, despicable human being. I wish I had a dollar for every time you said you're going to ignore me. You can't and you won't this time either. I look forward to our next encounter. If you had any shame whatsoever, you would disappear from this website. You won't because of your arrogance and complete lack of self awareness. I perform a public service on this website, which I am well thanked for by the readers. Putting the pretentious blowhard that you are, in your place. I do so for medical reasons as you need a daily verbal lobotomy to confront your disability. You aren't a serious person.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Aug 31 @ 8:08 PM ET
Thanks for posting it. I learned something. I am always grateful when that happens. Someday more appropriate, I will post the pov of atheists for dealing with large events like this.

I have a question though. The manner in which you posted it suggests you believed the verse is calling for a mental readiness to face judgement. To be aware that death could come anytime and to be spiritually ready.

But the actionable part of the verse: that you must live your life virtuously, and that the virtuous actions were like making your house burglar proof, and that the house burglered = being sent to hell: you did not mention that explicitly (no one did).

Was that implicit in your understanding or was that a deeper layer you did not realize?

- PT21

Its a great question you ask! I'm not sure I agree that the parable means that if your house is burgulerized the owner of the house goes to hell, but more that we all must be ready to make acount of our lives at our judgement. But what does "ready" mean? With more context, the passage states: "If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."

Now the verse "Son of Man will come" refers to the second coming of Jesus where he will execute the "general judgment", where Jesus judges the world and ultimately destroys all evil. But we believe it also refers to our own death when we are subjected to the "particular judgment", where we stand before the judgment seat of our Lord. James Chapter 2 states "Faith without works is dead", however Ephesians chapter 2 states: "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast". Grace is by definition an unearned gift from God, so surely our judgement goes beyond virtuous actions. To illustrate, the thief on the cross had no virtuous actions to present to Jesus. He could only present a humble heart when he stated "we deserved our fate, but this man is innocent", a true realization and belief in that moment that Jesus was God, and a true love of Jesus and desire for Heaven. Thus he stated "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom". So "keeping watch" is not only about virtuous actions, which are outward signs, but also a deep love and committment to Christ, and his way, deep within our souls. I hope this makes sense.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: “How many times is she gonna ask this f'n question?”, NT
Joined: 12.09.2006

Aug 31 @ 8:23 PM ET
Can you, for the love of GOD, stop editing your posts responding to me? Some edits take place HOURS after first posting. I assure you I am not worth it.

Those quotes you provided: they were explicating the verse. I was not providing moral instruction. Though, I am very attracted to the role of a revival style preacher or even a fire-and-brimstone type in black baptist churches.

In one of the earlier versions of the post which I glanced at several hours earlier but was too busy to respond to, you asked me what I had done with my life. That would be a long story but let me simply say that today I have managed to muse out aloud and led myself and others (not you, you are too thick-headed) to a far better understanding of a Biblical verse which many religious minded here seem to appreciate in the general but not understand in the particular.

Of course, the process could have been made efficient if someone had pointed out the following equivalancies:

State of being robbed <=> state of being denied heaven*
Daily vigilance to prevent being robbed <=> Daily vigilance in being virtuous and avoiding * above.

What, if I may ask, have you done with your life? When you show up to be judged, the heavenly entities (God/St. Peter) will undoubtedly be so consumed in hilarity that they will piddle a storm on earth that will make Sandy look like a spring shower.

How do you intend to compensate earthlings for that future deluge, eh?

- PT21

How are Baptists (of any color) supposed to go to church when they are unvaccinated in the world that you prefer?

Do they need to show their papers to get in?

What about the ones who refuse to get jabbed? Do they not get to participate?

You reviews on the unvaccinated are well documented - Id love to hear you spin this your racist, thieving POS
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 31 @ 8:50 PM ET
How are Baptists (of any color) supposed to go to church when they are unvaccinated in the world that you prefer?

Do they need to show their papers to get in?

What about the ones who refuse to get jabbed? Do they not get to participate?

You reviews on the unvaccinated are well documented - Id love to hear you spin this your racist, thieving POS

- corduroy

Or his latest of "Jews rock" Completely oblivious to that being condescending and offensive.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 31 @ 10:45 PM ET
Its a great question you ask! I'm not sure I agree that the parable means that if your house is burgulerized the owner of the house goes to hell, but more that we all must be ready to make acount of our lives at our judgement. But what does "ready" mean? With more context, the passage states: "If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."

Now the verse "Son of Man will come" refers to the second coming of Jesus where he will execute the "general judgment", where Jesus judges the world and ultimately destroys all evil. But we believe it also refers to our own death when we are subjected to the "particular judgment", where we stand before the judgment seat of our Lord. James Chapter 2 states "Faith without works is dead", however Ephesians chapter 2 states: "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God; it is not from works, so no one may boast". Grace is by definition an unearned gift from God, so surely our judgement goes beyond virtuous actions. To illustrate, the thief on the cross had no virtuous actions to present to Jesus. He could only present a humble heart when he stated "we deserved our fate, but this man is innocent", a true realization and belief in that moment that Jesus was God, and a true love of Jesus and desire for Heaven. Thus he stated "Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom". So "keeping watch" is not only about virtuous actions, which are outward signs, but also a deep love and committment to Christ, and his way, deep within our souls. I hope this makes sense.

- jd250

Bro: I did. not. say. getting burglarized is literally going to hell.

Just like you exercise daily vigilance as your house might get burglarized any day, so should you exercise daily vigilance about straying from the path of following Christ, accepting him as your savior, obeying the commandments, and all the things that would allow you to be favorably judged on Judgement Day..

The former prevents your house from being burglarized. The latter prevents you from straying from the path and ending up in limbo or the hell of the damned.

That is the metaphoric equivalence I suggested as interpretattion. This is the only way the metaphor lines up.

I gotta get out of this thread. I am grateful to you for engaging with me.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Sep 1 @ 8:34 AM ET
Bro: I did. not. say. getting burglarized is literally going to hell.

Just like you exercise daily vigilance as your house might get burglarized any day, so should you exercise daily vigilance about straying from the path of following Christ, accepting him as your savior, obeying the commandments, and all the things that would allow you to be favorably judged on Judgement Day..

The former prevents your house from being burglarized. The latter prevents you from straying from the path and ending up in limbo or the hell of the damned.

That is the metaphoric equivalence I suggested as interpretattion. This is the only way the metaphor lines up.

I gotta get out of this thread. I am grateful to you for engaging with me.

- PT21

Saying you gotta get out of this thread is the first correct statement you have made in it.

For the love of God, can you stop being a pompous, pretentious ass.

You're showing clear signs of cognitive decline. Might want to see a doctor and get tested for you own health. Despite overwhelming documented evidence that shows that the passage is not a metaphor. You still cling to and are still attempting to make sense of a metaphor that does not exist. Everyone but you who has weighed in has got it correct, except you.
Only a non functioning mental entity, would do that. A number of people who are clearly more informed on this subject, have told you that it is not a metaphor. It is a parable. The Bible teaches in parables, not metaphor. I discussed this with my parish priest after church yesterday. He confirmed it is a parable and not a metaphor.

Stop being an uneducated, arrogant fraud.
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