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Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Dec 31 @ 7:05 PM ET
Cheap shot artist isn’t tough 😆
- Bettmanhatesus

I love Gino dude like anyone else but Messier tough was next level sh!t. Believe it.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Dec 31 @ 7:08 PM ET
Move on from both.
I agree 100% on the age comparison, so get out from Miller's deal now and get assets.
But the GM just called out Petey in public. Clearly not the first warning to him, from the GM, i'm sure. Petey doesn't seem to be the type to put in the work and put down the joystick. I don't think he will rise to the occasion, and even if he did, he is still not the type of player to build a team around. I have maintained this from day 1.

- carsonagenic

At a point where that might be the case. Once these press 'call outs' start strange sh!t can happen from both sides. At one time Petey did look like the 'guy' to build around but that sure has changed since TDL of last season.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Canuckville, BC
Joined: 01.09.2015

Dec 31 @ 7:16 PM ET
At a point where that might be the case. Once these press 'call outs' start strange sh!t can happen from both sides. At one time Petey did look like the 'guy' to build around but that sure has changed since TDL of last season.
- LordHumungous

I’d be a Miller & in his face to earn his pay. Idgaf about feelings. Call out any high paid player that sucks. It galls anyone with 1/2 a brain to watch 11.6m not playing up to it. Petey cost us not having more cap for D.
Joined: 08.10.2016

Dec 31 @ 7:37 PM ET
Why the insults little champion? Angry for what's coming in 2025?

Like others?

- LordHumungous

Happy new year to you to and everyone here no matter what our views are.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: #theonlyrealfan, BC
Joined: 02.16.2007

Dec 31 @ 7:42 PM ET
I’d be a Miller & in his face to earn his pay. Idgaf about feelings. Call out any high paid player that sucks. It galls anyone with 1/2 a brain to watch 11.6m not playing up to it. Petey cost us not having more cap for D.
- Nighthawk

Miller costs us cus he doesn’t give a poop and is selfish pouty female dog.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Not Quesnel, BC
Joined: 10.11.2005

Dec 31 @ 7:44 PM ET
I’d be a Miller & in his face to earn his pay. Idgaf about feelings. Call out any high paid player that sucks. It galls anyone with 1/2 a brain to watch 11.6m not playing up to it. Petey cost us not having more cap for D.
- Nighthawk

You mean the contract that management forced on him just before the trade deadline when he would have had lost a ton of leverage in the summer when he wanted to negotiate instead?

Time to start questioning management if you want to be taken serious on all the EP blamne.

Danny Bomber
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 09.01.2017

Dec 31 @ 7:54 PM ET
Just realized that the game isn't on SN, apparently it is on Amazon orsomething. Wtf is up with that?
- Reubenkincade

Which game? What are you screaming about?
Joined: 04.26.2012

Dec 31 @ 8:02 PM ET
BB May be the first domino.
Location: BC
Joined: 11.18.2016

Dec 31 @ 8:02 PM ET
Which game? What are you screaming about?
- Danny Bomber

That was the Sharks game several days ago, but I can find a few other things to scream about.
Location: BC
Joined: 11.18.2016

Dec 31 @ 8:05 PM ET
BB May be the first domino.
- VanHockeyGuy

I believe you are right, for once.
Danny Bomber
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 09.01.2017

Dec 31 @ 8:08 PM ET
That was the Sharks game several days ago, but I can find a few other things to scream about.
- Reubenkincade

Team Canada go to TSN to be disappointed.
The Mean Girls vs Flames go to SportsNet to be disappointed.

Happy New Year, friend.
Location: BC
Joined: 11.18.2016

Dec 31 @ 8:08 PM ET
Go 🇨🇦
Location: BC
Joined: 11.18.2016

Dec 31 @ 8:10 PM ET
Team Canada go to TSN to be disappointed.
The Mean Girls vs Flames go to SportsNet to be disappointed.

Happy New Year, friend.

- Danny Bomber

Ya, a bit concerned that Canada went skill and no grinder types

Also, can't say I watched a full Canucks game since March 3rd
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Dec 31 @ 8:14 PM ET
Let's go Canada!!!!!!!

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Not Quesnel, BC
Joined: 10.11.2005

Dec 31 @ 8:14 PM ET
BB May be the first domino.
- VanHockeyGuy

If they feel they are not making the playoffs by the TDL, it's as good as done imo.
Joined: 04.26.2012

Dec 31 @ 8:34 PM ET
Dreger said he's talked to GMs that have talked to the Canucks:

Feedback he's getting is those other teams are willing to talk about the Dman the Canucks want but it's not a match because the players and pieces Canucks are offering aren't good enough.

(Ray & Dregs)
Joined: 08.10.2016

Dec 31 @ 8:37 PM ET
Dreger said he's talked to GMs that have talked to the Canucks:

Feedback he's getting is those other teams are willing to talk about the Dman the Canucks want but it's not a match because the players and pieces Canucks are offering aren't good enough.

(Ray & Dregs)

- VanHockeyGuy

Can’t be miller or petey then.
Location: BC
Joined: 11.18.2016

Dec 31 @ 8:41 PM ET
Can’t be miller or petey then.
- Bettmanhatesus

Hoglander Garland and Brannstrom won't get the Canucks a #5 defenseman
Vancouver Canucks
Location: AB
Joined: 03.08.2006

Dec 31 @ 8:52 PM ET
Happy new year to you to and everyone here no matter what our views are.
- Bettmanhatesus

Merry New Year!
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Dec 31 @ 8:53 PM ET
Merry New Year!
- carsonagenic

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Dec 31 @ 8:54 PM ET
Happy new year to you to and everyone here no matter what our views are.
- Bettmanhatesus

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Greetings from the Humungous. Ayatollah of rock and rolla!
Joined: 08.15.2014

Dec 31 @ 8:55 PM ET
Dreger said he's talked to GMs that have talked to the Canucks:

Feedback he's getting is those other teams are willing to talk about the Dman the Canucks want but it's not a match because the players and pieces Canucks are offering aren't good enough.

(Ray & Dregs)

- VanHockeyGuy

Myers Hogs 3rd should get it done.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Pettersson USA
Joined: 07.01.2007

Dec 31 @ 9:03 PM ET
🇺🇸 vs 🇨🇦

Not saying a word….yet.
Joined: 04.26.2012

Dec 31 @ 9:04 PM ET
Myers Hogs 3rd should get it done.
- LordHumungous

Vultures are circling.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: AB
Joined: 03.08.2006

Dec 31 @ 9:16 PM ET

- LordHumungous

Lol... you got it.
If I had a Gif game...
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