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Forums :: Blog World :: The Fan Blog : Ek on Flyers: How much faith do you have in Danny?
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Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 10.09.2020

Thursday @ 7:39 PM ET
Both Laughton and Risto in the lineup tonight ... pretty good indicator they are not getting traded. Sigh ... I don't understand this. Is there even a plan?
- jd250

Don’t think it is an indicator either way. Remember the Flyers in their infinite wisdom still have their sights on the playoffs.

Sitting 2 key players will hurt that goal.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Thursday @ 7:44 PM ET
Jets PP uses the bumper extensively-is that even legal? Watching Flyers PP not sure.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Thursday @ 8:00 PM ET
Both Laughton and Risto in the lineup tonight ... pretty good indicator they are not getting traded. Sigh ... I don't understand this. Is there even a plan?
- jd250

Are you finally seeing why this team from top to bottom (outside mm) deserves to simply be lambasted at all times
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Thursday @ 8:08 PM ET
Gonna be funny if Vegas trades for Rantanen and signs him long term.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Thursday @ 8:10 PM ET
Ersson starting to melt
Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Thursday @ 8:11 PM ET
The Flyers are the gold standard not just on the ice but off the ice and how the organization handles its business. So glad they aren’t like these other girly man organizations holding trade assets out for trade purposes. There is two points up for grabs tonight and I’ll be goddammned if we are gonna let some other team into our barn and we aren’t icing our best squad!
- StepfordSam

Lmao! Your stuff always cracks me up.
Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Thursday @ 8:12 PM ET
Both Laughton and Risto in the lineup tonight ... pretty good indicator they are not getting traded. Sigh ... I don't understand this. Is there even a plan?
- jd250

Yea not happy to see them playing. Maybe they are still auditioning them
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: BC
Joined: 06.23.2012

Thursday @ 8:14 PM ET
LMAO what a joke and troll post. F? Seriously?

Nails Provy trade and flips one of the cap dumps for another first

Lands MM and gets him to come over early

Stacks the team with 3 1sts and 4 2nds this draft

Clearly that all equates to an F. Give your head a shake. You claim people drink the koolaid yet you are no different, just the opposite side of the spectrum

- xShoot4WarAmpsx

Ignores the $20 million in cap hits they took on to get those firsts.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Thursday @ 8:15 PM ET
Both Laughton and Risto in the lineup tonight ... pretty good indicator they are not getting traded. Sigh ... I don't understand this. Is there even a plan?
- jd250

It’s a sellers market….and the Flyers are in a rebuild….why would you expect a trade?
Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Thursday @ 8:16 PM ET
Perhaps the TDL has got the boys on edge this week and that's why they've been playing so poorly?
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Thursday @ 8:16 PM ET
Ignores the $20 million in cap hits they took on to get those firsts.
- meduser

Walker was coming off a major knee injury and a bad year…he was actually a salary dump that the Flyers got lucky with.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Thursday @ 8:17 PM ET
this is ugly, but be patient fans- there is a plan.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Thursday @ 8:18 PM ET
Yea not happy to see them playing. Maybe they are still auditioning them
- Don Nachbaur

Auditioning that they suck? Lmao
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Thursday @ 8:19 PM ET
Ignores the $20 million in cap hits they took on to get those firsts.
- meduser

That’s very true. Didn’t even think to add that part of equation in. Well played
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Thursday @ 8:20 PM ET
this is ugly, but be patient fans- there is a plan.
- Trox88

A marketing plan?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 10.09.2020

Thursday @ 8:24 PM ET
Auditioning that they suck? Lmao
- Stayin alive

Laughton and Kuzmenko logging big minutes so far.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Gritty, PA
Joined: 01.15.2007

Thursday @ 8:26 PM ET
Is this what we’re going to see from TK for the next 8 years?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 10.09.2020

Thursday @ 8:29 PM ET
Flyers in such a sad state when you have to slobber over Laughton. This is what they have become.

He is the definition of mediocre and this is what they are selling.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Thursday @ 8:36 PM ET
Is this what we’re going to see from TK for the next 8 years?
- Dkos

No. He will get even worse.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Thursday @ 8:37 PM ET
Flyers in such a sad state when you have to slobber over Laughton. This is what they have become.

He is the definition of mediocre and this is what they are selling.

- Striiker

Can’t wait for mm to demand trade
Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Thursday @ 8:41 PM ET
Auditioning that they suck? Lmao
- Stayin alive

Lol maybe they are playing poorly on purpose so they can stay!
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Thursday @ 8:42 PM ET
Lol maybe they are playing poorly on purpose so they can stay!
- Don Nachbaur

Nah. Locker room culture guys would never do that. This is what they are
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Thursday @ 8:44 PM ET
Flyers in such a sad state when you have to slobber over Laughton. This is what they have become.

He is the definition of mediocre and this is what they are selling.

- Striiker

As of now, this team likely finishing top 7, and they have accumulated a 2nd rd pick by removing just 2 players off the roster. Either the roster really stinks or the GM is over valuing his players' worth in the league. One more day, Danny.
Don Nachbaur
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.01.2021

Thursday @ 8:45 PM ET
Flyers in such a sad state when you have to slobber over Laughton. This is what they have become.

He is the definition of mediocre and this is what they are selling.

- Striiker

I'm far from a hater and try to be optimistic, but it is pretty pathetic. I have no problem with Laughton but the whole "heart on his sleeve" and other cliches are brutal. It has to suck to be an announcer and try to hype up this team.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Gritty, PA
Joined: 01.15.2007

Thursday @ 8:49 PM ET
No. He will get even worse.
- Stayin alive

Sadly true
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