Funny thing is, I still like to rely on my memory. I bet I could trump the majority of knowitalls here on sheer knowledge alone lest we were stuck without any technology. - Tee-Dot
Location: For being Stee's alternate personality or being associated with M. Night Shyamalan? Joined: 12.11.2008
Oct 9 @ 10:53 PM ET
Funny thing is, I still like to rely on my memory. I bet I could trump the majority of knowitalls here on sheer knowledge alone lest we were stuck without any technology. - Tee-Dot - BingoLady
Location: 2024 Stanley Cup Champion, AZ Joined: 08.18.2010
Oct 31 @ 6:05 PM ET
I'll buy into this catastrophic hurricane as much as I bought into Y2K, the supposed rapture 2 years back, and the upcoming end of the world in December.
(frank)ing dolt! - Tee-Dot
If you had half a brain cell, then you would understand that I was not putting extreme weather conditions in the same bag as doomsday theories but in fact I was keeping them akin to that they are both overhyped and are a scare tactic and are so to keep gullible sheep like you and many other millions in check.
Location: 2024 Stanley Cup Champion, AZ Joined: 08.18.2010
Nov 16 @ 1:30 PM ET
dt99999 decides to assemble a mini nerdfest at his home with a little twist... a mood party. First person to show up is mr. peanut... all clad in red. He even bought some temporary red hair dye to complete the effect. Dan asks "what the hell are you supposed to be?" to which Paul replies "I'm red, I am red with anger".
A few beers and an hour later, _nay_ shows up with green shoes, socks, pants, shirt, and my fedora which also has been painted green. This prompts a query from the host to which the hipster retorts that he is green... green with envy.
Last but not least, weirdoh crashes the party in the wee hours of the morning. When ditti opens the door, there stands Ken... stark naked save for the hollowed out piece of fresh fruit adorning his penis. When asked, a drunken Kenny proudly proclaims "I'M DEEP... I AM DEEP IN THIS PEAR!!!! "
- Tee-Dot
The Omnipotent One seems to think that since BIG isn't around, he is safe from getting double-teamed by him and I and also feels free to beat you around like a hair-lipped stepchild.
Well I'm not gonna let that happen... not on my watch pal!