Location: @gunnerstaal @Hockey_Hurts hoc, NY Joined: 04.19.2007
Apr 5 @ 4:35 PM ET
My heart says 5th seed. My head says we can still tank to get the 6th seed. - Just5
This phrase alone is reason enough to not guarantee division winners top 3 status IMO. Win your division and you are guaranteed a playoff spot, nothing more nothing less.
Dropping on purpose shouldnt be beneficial.
How about this stat I put in my blog today
Dan Rosen @drosennhl
Never before in the NHL has there been one division with four 100-point teams. If NJ and Chi win tonight, there will be 2 this season.
In canada welre too nice eh... We just go and have beers and complain about the hosers.. - Hextall271
You know... When I was in college, I was an education major, I always thought it woud be nice to buy a summer house on the Canadian side of the great lakes to spend my summer vacations in... Then I realized how much teacher make and got a job as a corporate banker so I can afford my own house here.... But I always think back and wonder what it would have been like to summer in Canada... eh.
This phrase alone is reason enough to not guarantee division winners top 3 status IMO. Win your division and you are guaranteed a playoff spot, nothing more nothing less.
Dropping on purpose shouldnt be beneficial.
How about this stat I put in my blog today
Dan Rosen @drosennhl
Never before in the NHL has there been one division with four 100-point teams. If NJ and Chi win tonight, there will be 2 this season. - Gunner Staal
Amazing. Florida earned that #3 seed they won their division with all those great teams.
Location: it's been 84 years, AZ Joined: 01.02.2007
Apr 5 @ 4:44 PM ET
Ok, I am gonna rant.. I get Centre ice up here in Kanida eh and tonight they are not carrying the Flyers game at all. HD, Low D nada.. I gotta watch on line.. It happens more than it should. Doesn't CSN cover the game? Pick up that damn feed losers... fack..
This phrase alone is reason enough to not guarantee division winners top 3 status IMO. Win your division and you are guaranteed a playoff spot, nothing more nothing less.
Dropping on purpose shouldnt be beneficial.
How about this stat I put in my blog today
Dan Rosen @drosennhl
Never before in the NHL has there been one division with four 100-point teams. If NJ and Chi win tonight, there will be 2 this season. - Gunner Staal
Don't worry realignment fixes EVERYTHING. Now our teams are guaranteed to slug it out in the early rounds