i can't talk to you if you think the biggest missed call was briere being offsides by 10 inches with 2 linesmen looking at the play. smh
was the call wrong? techincally yes, but it's not like it was by a mile. 2 linesmen looked at the play and ruled it onsides at full speed. only when you slow it way down can you see danny is offsides. it wasn't a conspiracy type thing, it was a human error. and an honest one
- flyerscup2011
That's untrue. It was easily seen in real time that Briere was off sides. And he was off sides by a good 2-3 feet. It wasn't even close. So when the Flyers get a call their way, it's human error. When the Pens or another team get a call that goes against the Flyers, it's a conspiracy and the League is putting the screws to the Flyers?