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Forums :: Blog World :: Richard Cloutier: Bryan Mudryk Fundraiser + Trade Wars II Wrap-Up
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Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 3:57 PM ET
he's worth more to the oilers to keep him and hope he stabilizes. to another team... at best a second round pick and either a project prospect or a later pick (4th or up)
- ChrisMS

The only sensible thing you have said...
Edmonton Oilers
Location: PC is a genius for drafting mcdavid
Joined: 02.20.2007

Jun 17 @ 3:57 PM ET
I realize that I'm a little bit spoiled with having our 3rd line center be a big improvement over you "second line center." but... if your depth has gagner as your "good" second line center, than it helps contribute to the fact that your drafting first. The GM of the oilers should walk around with a perminant hard on with the tools he's had handed to him. (no different than the pens gm by the way) If they don't start winning asap, then fans, in retrospect, I believe are going to wonder why. second line centers on cup winning teams don't put up the mediocre stats gagner did. hope he improves or use your excess in one area (top line young talent (rnh, eberle, hall, the first... forgive me, but hemsky) to get positions you need... goalie (either a 1a to dubnik or a real #1), to 3 d-man, and a real number 2 center. go pens... go oil!
- ChrisMS

This isnt a terrible post. Unlike many of the other ridiculous poster haters, At least this guy has actually seen the oilers play.

How is gagner a 'good' 2nd line center?
His offensive numbers are just average for his spot..and thats the best part of his game...and hes small
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 3:59 PM ET
I realize that I'm a little bit spoiled with having our 3rd line center be a big improvement over you "second line center." but... if your depth has gagner as your "good" second line center, than it helps contribute to the fact that your drafting first. The GM of the oilers should walk around with a perminant hard on with the tools he's had handed to him. (no different than the pens gm by the way) If they don't start winning asap, then fans, in retrospect, I believe are going to wonder why. second line centers on cup winning teams don't put up the mediocre stats gagner did. hope he improves or use your excess in one area (top line young talent (rnh, eberle, hall, the first... forgive me, but hemsky) to get positions you need... goalie (either a 1a to dubnik or a real #1), to 3 d-man, and a real number 2 center. go pens... go oil!
- ChrisMS

Gagner isn't the reason we suck though. He's a 22 year old .6ppg player who has has improved all areas of his game... When he actually got to play with talented players, the guy was a beast... If we draft Yakupov, and place Gagner on a line with two of Eberle/Hall/RNH/Yakupov, Gagner will score over 60 points this season... Not a doubt in my mind.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:04 PM ET
ps turris trade

mid season... player believed to have a higher ceiling than gagner. you might get a first for him at the deadline... from a team looking for a piece to round out depth at center... but your team should be the one making trades for those players at this point.

- ChrisMS

Was not even at mid season...Turris started playing for Ott in Dec...so at most 25% of the season was gone...It was foregone Turris was gonna get traded, Phx was in the tougher spot because teams could lowball them for Turdis....While his potential was high he had not shown he was worth it, while Gagner had been putting up 40+ points (avg 2nd line stats) since he entered the league.

On that note, you mention how Gags got 25% of his point total in 1 game...but he also had a very slow start due to coming off his ankle (?) injury of the preseason....so that game got him back on his avg (as in it all evened out).

Gagner is still young, still developing, and still getting better. Now he has actual talent to start playing with. We will see his offense take a upswing now that he has that talent to play with.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:04 PM ET
This isnt a terrible post. Unlike many of the other ridiculous poster haters, At least this guy has actually seen the oilers play.

How is gagner a 'good' 2nd line center?
His offensive numbers are just average for his spot..and thats the best part of his game...and hes small

- hugefemale dog77

~ Awesome attitude
~ 22 years old
~.6PPG player
~ An absolute beast when he gets to play with talent (and he will get to play with talent this season if we draft Yak)
~ Improved in all areas of his game
~ Not afraid to fight
~ 5'11, 195 pounds...

Not huge, so yeah, let's trade him for a 2nd rounder...

Edmonton Oilers
Location: Edmonton, AB
Joined: 02.10.2012

Jun 17 @ 4:09 PM ET
well... gagner certainly wont do it alone.... maybe the two for the 20th and a third or something. my point was... don't expect first rounders for hemsky or gagner. (I admit after the worlds someone might take a late first round flyer on hemsky despite his injury/contract status) I know gagners still young, but he's proven his inconstancy (or is it consistently being inconsistent?) if tambel wants a higher pick for a d-man... he's going to have to pony up real assets
- ChrisMS

What are you smoking Gags is a proven 2nd line center that still hasn,t even reached his full potental plus his value on shootouts makes him almost an untouchable at this point.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: 120mice, 30Rats, 8baby bunnys, 3 large rabbits and 2chickens, AB
Joined: 08.09.2009

Jun 17 @ 4:10 PM ET
~ Awesome attitude
~ 22 years old
~.6PPG player
~ An absolute beast when he gets to play with talent (and he will get to play with talent this season if we draft Yak)
~ Improved in all areas of his game
~ Not afraid to fight
~ 5'11, 195 pounds...

Not huge, so yeah, let's trade him for a 2nd rounder...

- laughs2907

Lets just keep the kid. At least for now.
Vegas Golden Knights
Joined: 07.01.2009

Jun 17 @ 4:10 PM ET
I've driven by the place a few times, but I'm a little old for strippers. After turning about 40, everything from the waist down stops working. Ask anyone.
- Maxbone

What if you had a MagicThe Gathering deck of Penis Enhancement?
Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:10 PM ET
~ Awesome attitude
~ 22 years old
~.6PPG player
~ An absolute beast when he gets to play with talent (and he will get to play with talent this season if we draft Yak)
~ Improved in all areas of his game
~ Not afraid to fight
~ 5'11, 195 pounds...

Not huge, so yeah, let's trade him for a 2nd rounder...

- laughs2907

Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 4:11 PM ET
This isnt a terrible post. Unlike many of the other ridiculous poster haters, At least this guy has actually seen the oilers play.

How is gagner a 'good' 2nd line center?
His offensive numbers are just average for his spot..and thats the best part of his game...and hes small

- hugefemale dog77

thank you sir! its tough... I'm a big oilers fan... the fans passion for the game, the struggles (everyone loves an underdog). a pens - oilers final... I would have to call of sick from work for at least a week. But its tough to have a real discussion here. It's like the fans are mired in mediocrity. the belief that we put gagner in between other "stars" (yakupov ain't played one nhl game yet) and hope for the best is what is keeping the team stuck. fans are not going to want to hear this, but trading the first, or hall, or eberle for a proven second line center and some d-depth is what needs to happen. than and getting a number one goalie... another thing nobody wants to hear... luongos going to be pretty cheap.....
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:11 PM ET
Lets just keep the kid. At least for now.
- spitfire187

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: ON
Joined: 06.16.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:14 PM ET
~ Awesome attitude
~ 22 years old
~.6PPG player
~ An absolute beast when he gets to play with talent (and he will get to play with talent this season if we draft Yak)
~ Improved in all areas of his game
~ Not afraid to fight
~ 5'11, 195 pounds...

Not huge, so yeah, let's trade him for a 2nd rounder...

- laughs2907

I like Gagner...but come on. There is really no part of his game that should be described with "beast"
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 4:15 PM ET
Was not even at mid season...Turris started playing for Ott in Dec...so at most 25% of the season was gone...It was foregone Turris was gonna get traded, Phx was in the tougher spot because teams could lowball them for Turdis....While his potential was high he had not shown he was worth it, while Gagner had been putting up 40+ points (avg 2nd line stats) since he entered the league.

On that note, you mention how Gags got 25% of his point total in 1 game...but he also had a very slow start due to coming off his ankle (?) injury of the preseason....so that game got him back on his avg (as in it all evened out).

Gagner is still young, still developing, and still getting better. Now he has actual talent to start playing with. We will see his offense take a upswing now that he has that talent to play with.

- OilHorse[/quote

plus... turris got a second and a decent d-prospect... a little more than I know I said for gagner... but a second and a prospect none-the-less.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:16 PM ET
thank you sir! its tough... I'm a big oilers fan... the fans passion for the game, the struggles (everyone loves an underdog). a pens - oilers final... I would have to call of sick from work for at least a week. But its tough to have a real discussion here. It's like the fans are mired in mediocrity. the belief that we put gagner in between other "stars" (yakupov ain't played one nhl game yet) and hope for the best is what is keeping the team stuck. fans are not going to want to hear this, but trading the first, or hall, or eberle for a proven second line center and some d-depth is what needs to happen. than and getting a number one goalie... another thing nobody wants to hear... luongos going to be pretty cheap.....
- ChrisMS

lololol....I cannot take you seriously...this teams does not have the Top End Talent Depth to trade Hall or Ebs....This teams has the D-depth (filled with 3-7 Dmen) it does not have a Top 2 Dman that is required.

So trading One of the teams stars to get someone to fill a hole that is filled for now (2nd line center) and to deepen the depth of an area that is not lacking (lower end Dmen) is ludicrous.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: 120mice, 30Rats, 8baby bunnys, 3 large rabbits and 2chickens, AB
Joined: 08.09.2009

Jun 17 @ 4:18 PM ET
- laughs2907

What up Stewart.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:19 PM ET
thank you sir! its tough... I'm a big oilers fan... the fans passion for the game, the struggles (everyone loves an underdog). a pens - oilers final... I would have to call of sick from work for at least a week. But its tough to have a real discussion here. It's like the fans are mired in mediocrity. the belief that we put gagner in between other "stars" (yakupov ain't played one nhl game yet) and hope for the best is what is keeping the team stuck. fans are not going to want to hear this, but trading the first, or hall, or eberle for a proven second line center and some d-depth is what needs to happen. than and getting a number one goalie... another thing nobody wants to hear... luongos going to be pretty cheap.....
- ChrisMS

How can you call a 22 year old, .6PPG player, who has a great attitude, who is willing to fight and get dirty, and who has improved in all areas of his game mediocre? And yeah, it's a pretty safe bet that if he plays with Hall and Eberle, his numbers will go above 60 points this season Did you happen to see how he played last year when he played with talent?

And Luongo? Yeah, that would be awesome... If there was no such thing as

1) Age
2) The salary cap

Dubnyk is going to be our starter... This may sound homerish, but he's going to be a very good goalie. I can see it...
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:21 PM ET
I like Gagner...but come on. There is really no part of his game that should be described with "beast"
- Leafs43

I'm talking about when he played with Hall and Ebs... He was a completely different player.
Vegas Golden Knights
Joined: 07.01.2009

Jun 17 @ 4:21 PM ET
thank you sir! its tough... I'm a big oilers fan... the fans passion for the game, the struggles (everyone loves an underdog). a pens - oilers final... I would have to call of sick from work for at least a week. But its tough to have a real discussion here. It's like the fans are mired in mediocrity. the belief that we put gagner in between other "stars" (yakupov ain't played one nhl game yet) and hope for the best is what is keeping the team stuck. fans are not going to want to hear this, but trading the first, or hall, or eberle for a proven second line center and some d-depth is what needs to happen. than and getting a number one goalie... another thing nobody wants to hear... luongos going to be pretty cheap.....
- ChrisMS

They won't be helping anything by trading draft picks for a lot less worth than they will get as proven entities or by trading for a cap crippler like Luongo. I understand the thinking but its pretty clear that they won't get established NHL defencemen for that 1st overall because, like you said, he ain't played a game yet, and we already have good prospect D, so why bother jumping the gun when he'll gain worth as time goes on? As for Luongo, he's a proven starter but his contract sucks especially with stars ending ELCs in the near future, Vancouver won't want to trade him within the division and he wouldn't want to play here anyways. I just want people to have some patience, grab a little perspective and realize that the time to add big pieces through big deals is when your team is ready to contend. The Oilers simply aren't and dealing away very young budding stars for 'right now' help in the post-cap era will kill you.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:22 PM ET
plus... turris got a second and a decent d-prospect... a little more than I know I said for gagner... but a second and a prospect none-the-less.
- ChrisMS

A good prospect who was a 17th overall pick and a second rounder.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:23 PM ET
plus... turris got a second and a decent d-prospect... a little more than I know I said for gagner... but a second and a prospect none-the-less.
- ChrisMS

So Turris was:

1. A poor attitude
2. Forced an undesired trade
3. Under producing

and received a 2nd (turning out to be a midrange pick)+ decent D prospect (on a team known to have a number of Dmen)

And Gagner is:

1. A good attitude
2. better producer
3. Team player (as evidenced by his desire to scrap, work hard and do his best to develop)

and he is worth less?

Lets remember if we wanna use turris as a barometer to Gagner's worth...

Phx was lowballed due to the Turris forcing of the trade. If Phx gets to deal him in a better position of strength then I am sure the deal will be better for them...much like a 1st (in the late teens to mid 20's potential) for Gags
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:23 PM ET
What up Stewart.
- spitfire187

My schlong, sir.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:26 PM ET
So Turris was:

1. A poor attitude
2. Forced an undesired trade
3. Under producing

and received a 2nd (turning out to be a midrange pick)+ decent D prospect (on a team known to have a number of Dmen)

And Gagner is:

1. A good attitude
2. better producer
3. Team player (as evidenced by his desire to scrap, work hard and do his best to develop)

and he is worth less?

- OilHorse

Makes sense huh? Yup, we better trade Gagner for that second rounder now, before his stock goes down even more.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: PC is a genius for drafting mcdavid
Joined: 02.20.2007

Jun 17 @ 4:26 PM ET
~ Awesome attitude
~ 22 years old
~.6PPG player
~ An absolute beast when he gets to play with talent (and he will get to play with talent this season if we draft Yak)
~ Improved in all areas of his game
~ Not afraid to fight
~ 5'11, 195 pounds...

Not huge, so yeah, let's trade him for a 2nd rounder...

- laughs2907

A beast??? Wow. You're not a homer at all
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:27 PM ET
A beast??? Wow. You're not a homer at all
- hugefemale dog77

Did you see him play when he played with Hall and Ebs? He was a different player.
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 4:28 PM ET
lololol....I cannot take you seriously...this teams does not have the Top End Talent Depth to trade Hall or Ebs....This teams has the D-depth (filled with 3-7 Dmen) it does not have a Top 2 Dman that is required.

So trading One of the teams stars to get someone to fill a hole that is filled for now (2nd line center) and to deepen the depth of an area that is not lacking (lower end Dmen) is ludicrous.

- OilHorse

sorry... my bad, by d-depth I meant a 1-2 guy. if yak is going to be as good as you hope, than hall could go for an actual number 2 center and a 1-2 d-man. if yak is as good blah blah blah... than your #1 line is female dogin good, its very very hard to buy top line talent. second line talent can be filled via FA,hot hands, suprising prospects etc.
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