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Forums :: Blog World :: Richard Cloutier: Bryan Mudryk Fundraiser + Trade Wars II Wrap-Up
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Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:30 PM ET
A beast??? Wow. You're not a homer at all
- hugefemale dog77

While I agree that using the term "beast" is strong i agree with the sentiment. Gags was finally getting serious time with talent. I can see him easily eclipse the 50 point mark this coming season if he gets to stay on 2nd line with talent like he was this past year.
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 4:32 PM ET
Makes sense huh? Yup, we better trade Gagner for that second rounder now, before his stock goes down even more.
- laughs2907

i wasn't trying to pick a fight broseph. I said you shouldn't trade him. You won't, repeat, won't get a first rounder for him alone. better to keep him. but if you want to seriously compete, than keep him as a solid 3RD center who will jump in if he gets hot or for injuries.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: PC is a genius for drafting mcdavid
Joined: 02.20.2007

Jun 17 @ 4:33 PM ET
thank you sir! its tough... I'm a big oilers fan... the fans passion for the game, the struggles (everyone loves an underdog). a pens - oilers final... I would have to call of sick from work for at least a week. But its tough to have a real discussion here. It's like the fans are mired in mediocrity. the belief that we put gagner in between other "stars" (yakupov ain't played one nhl game yet) and hope for the best is what is keeping the team stuck. fans are not going to want to hear this, but trading the first, or hall, or eberle for a proven second line center and some d-depth is what needs to happen. than and getting a number one goalie... another thing nobody wants to hear... luongos going to be pretty cheap.....
- ChrisMS

U lost any credibility u had right here.

We saw that the pens clearly have some flaws. Do u think u should deal crosby or malkin for some more defensive, tougher fowards/defencemen?

The oilers have plenty of tradeable assets. Trading our young developing core in the middle of a rebuild is the dumbest idea ive heard on HB since yesterday
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:34 PM ET
While I agree that using the term "beast" is strong i agree with the sentiment. Gags was finally getting serious time with talent. I can see him easily eclipse the 50 point mark this coming season if he gets to stay on 2nd line with talent like he was this past year.
- OilHorse

He'll finally have the chance to play with two studs

I'd like to see...

Hall ~ Gagner ~ Eberle
Hemsky ~ RNH ~ Yakupov

And no, I'm not suggesting that Gagner is better than RNH... I'm merely suggesting spreading the wealth!!!!
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 4:34 PM ET
i wasn't trying to pick a fight broseph. I said you shouldn't trade him. You won't, repeat, won't get a first rounder for him alone. better to keep him. but if you want to seriously compete, than keep him as a solid 3RD center who will jump in if he gets hot or for injuries.
- ChrisMS

umm.... I said female dogIN! no female dogging! "get it right or pay the price" - UG
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 4:36 PM ET
i wasn't trying to pick a fight broseph. I said you shouldn't trade him. You won't, repeat, won't get a first rounder for him alone. better to keep him. but if you want to seriously compete, than keep him as a solid 3RD center who will jump in if he gets hot or for injuries.
- ChrisMS

Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:39 PM ET
sorry... my bad, by d-depth I meant a 1-2 guy. if yak is going to be as good as you hope, than hall could go for an actual number 2 center and a 1-2 d-man.
- ChrisMS

Ok can agree more with this. My problem is that:

Hall is a LW.

Yak is a RW like Hemmer and Ebs.

I donot endorse trading Hall or Ebs. Really they should be on the Top Line. Centered by either Nuge of Gags.

second line talent can be filled via FA,hot hands, suprising prospects etc.
- ChrisMS

Which this team is not really ready for (UFA signings).

If Ebs andHall are the Top Line wingers...and Yak and Hemmer are the 2nd line wingers, then there is no need to try and upgrade the center yet. Not in my mind. Gags is getting better, and is a veteran now. Him and Hemmer are the vet presence for Yak to help him adjust. Plus being long time Oilers helps the transition even more.

Even by NOT drafting Yak, there is still MPS withthe potential to get in the 2nd line. Hell even with Yak MPS can fight for the 2LW spot and have Yak as the 2RW spot...leaving a trade for Hemmer open.

But that off topic.

Gags is not spectacular...but he is solid and getting better. I cannot see a reason of trading him unless there is an immediate replacement coming back that will be better.
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 4:40 PM ET
U lost any credibility u had right here.

We saw that the pens clearly have some flaws. Do u think u should deal crosby or malkin for some more defensive, tougher fowards/defencemen?

The oilers have plenty of tradeable assets. Trading our young developing core in the middle of a rebuild is the dumbest idea ive heard on HB since yesterday

- hugefemale dog77

actually... that depends. pens proved prior that you can build a contender with a solid goalie and center depth... that works if your centers are healthy and your goalie doesn't look like he lived through the st. valentines day massacre. if it wasn't for the marketing angle, I would hand the reigns over to malkin and get the moon for crosby.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:42 PM ET
i wasn't trying to pick a fight broseph. I said you shouldn't trade him. You won't, repeat, won't get a first rounder for him alone. better to keep him. but if you want to seriously compete, than keep him as a solid 3RD center who will jump in if he gets hot or for injuries.
- ChrisMS

Horc. He may not have the offensive flair, but he still has decent legs, and is one of our better f/o men and had good D-awareness. For short stints he will do.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: PC is a genius for drafting mcdavid
Joined: 02.20.2007

Jun 17 @ 4:42 PM ET
He'll finally have the chance to play with two studs

I'd like to see...

Hall ~ Gagner ~ Eberle
Hemsky ~ RNH ~ Yakupov

And no, I'm not suggesting that Gagner is better than RNH... I'm merely suggesting spreading the wealth!!!!

- laughs2907

Thats a small, soft top 6. Scares the sh1t outta me.

I see 1 expendable guy there that is less talented than the rest and doesnt bring size or toughness.

While i agree we probably wouldnt get fair value for him. if we could somehow find a reasonable deal for a dman/bigger 2nd line center for him, Id jump all over it.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:44 PM ET
He'll finally have the chance to play with two studs

I'd like to see...

Hall ~ Gagner ~ Eberle
Hemsky ~ RNH ~ Yakupov

And no, I'm not suggesting that Gagner is better than RNH... I'm merely suggesting spreading the wealth!!!!

- laughs2907

I aint arguing you on this...Nuge is still physically developing so having Gags with his 4 years XP with him as the Top C is somehting I would like to see.
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 4:46 PM ET
Ok can agree more with this. My problem is that:

Hall is a LW.

Yak is a RW like Hemmer and Ebs.

I donot endorse trading Hall or Ebs. Really they should be on the Top Line. Centered by either Nuge of Gags.

Which this team is not really ready for (UFA signings).

If Ebs andHall are the Top Line wingers...and Yak and Hemmer are the 2nd line wingers, then there is no need to try and upgrade the center yet. Not in my mind. Gags is getting better, and is a veteran now. Him and Hemmer are the vet presence for Yak to help him adjust. Plus being long time Oilers helps the transition even more.

Even by NOT drafting Yak, there is still MPS withthe potential to get in the 2nd line. Hell even with Yak MPS can fight for the 2LW spot and have Yak as the 2RW spot...leaving a trade for Hemmer open.

But that off topic.

Gags is not spectacular...but he is solid and getting better. I cannot see a reason of trading him unless there is an immediate replacement coming back that will be better.

- OilHorse

than eberle instead of hall. I would be a fan of trading the first overall for the center depth you need. You have wingers to fill in, but centers are harder to come by. rebuild needs to move to competitor. 3 firsts in a row is a shameful record to hold, (and being from Pitt and having the pirates, I know my shameful records!)
Edmonton Oilers
Location: PC is a genius for drafting mcdavid
Joined: 02.20.2007

Jun 17 @ 4:51 PM ET
than eberle instead of hall. I would be a fan of trading the first overall for the center depth you need. You have wingers to fill in, but centers are harder to come by. rebuild needs to move to competitor. 3 firsts in a row is a shameful record to hold, (and being from Pitt and having the pirates, I know my shameful records!)
- ChrisMS

76 pts.
Budding superstar
Not even an rfa yet

Eberle is not getting traded.

Just ridiculous
Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:51 PM ET
Thats a small, soft top 6. Scares the sh1t outta me.

I see 1 expendable guy there that is less talented than the rest and doesnt bring size or toughness.

- hugefemale dog77

O'rly?!?! i think doing this shows his toughness...

How about:

Or even:

This kids comes to compete...
Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 4:54 PM ET
than eberle instead of hall. I would be a fan of trading the first overall for the center depth you need. You have wingers to fill in, but centers are harder to come by. rebuild needs to move to competitor. 3 firsts in a row is a shameful record to hold, (and being from Pitt and having the pirates, I know my shameful records!)
- ChrisMS

I bet you do...isn't it something close to 5 top 5 picks that got you your team today? Don't forget the stink the Pens made for many years that almost drove them out of Pitt.

I would trade 1st over all for a proven 2nd line center...Stall would be a good one. 1st for Stall? The oil have some players that can come to compete fir the open LW spot. Maybe sign a FA..Penner for LW help, he always had chemistry with Hemmer. Then trade Gags + for Top end Dman. Sure this I can get behind.


But then again I would put Gags of the wing if we got Stall and then trade Hemmer for the Dman.
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 4:57 PM ET
76 pts.
Budding superstar
Not even an rfa yet

Eberle is not getting traded.

Just ridiculous

- hugefemale dog77

ok ... how does edm REALISTICALLY improve the team and move out of this ongoing rebuild? Hey, I get that rebuilding cAn be fun in a way. watching futire stars develop. but coming from someone who watched the rebuild and then the championship results... the cup is a lot more fun
Edmonton Oilers
Location: PC is a genius for drafting mcdavid
Joined: 02.20.2007

Jun 17 @ 4:59 PM ET
[quote=OilHorse]O'rly?!?! i think doing this shows his toughness...

U guys love your semantics.

Hes very tough for his size and has tons of determination. A great attitude. No question.

Really didnt think i needed to clarify...but ok.

He doesnt have the size or the sheer strength to make the impact physically that i think our top 6 desperately needs.
Quite the opposite.
And hes the least talented of that realitively small group..hence the easiest to deal.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: PC is a genius for drafting mcdavid
Joined: 02.20.2007

Jun 17 @ 5:00 PM ET
ok ... how does edm REALISTICALLY improve the team and move out of this ongoing rebuild? Hey, I get that rebuilding cAn be fun in a way. watching futire stars develop. but coming from someone who watched the rebuild and then the championship results... the cup is a lot more fun
- ChrisMS


Let them develop, and add pieces via a different avenue. Its exactly what the pens did.

What are u even arguing?
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 5:05 PM ET
I bet you do...isn't it something close to 5 top 5 picks that got you your team today? Don't forget the stink the Pens made for many years that almost drove them out of Pitt.
- OilHorse

I was hoping people would forget that ; ) lockout contributed to that though... the "drive them out of Pitt" was certainly more complicated. Lemiuex buys team when city told him they would bui;d him a new arena to replace the aging civic arena, team doesn't spend up to cap waiting for new arena, team looses, pitt fans don't tolerate mediocrity from their teams, so they stop attending the games, Lemiuex uses this to play chicken with the city into building him a new arena. (thanks Kansas City). gets his arena, spends up to the cap, pens use their picks and money to build a contender. But remember... pens made bold trades to build it as well. whitney was a top 2-3 dman at the time and was traded to get kunitz / tangradi (we had excess top d-men, went for an area of need (sound familier?))
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 5:10 PM ET
I bet you do...isn't it something close to 5 top 5 picks that got you your team today? Don't forget the stink the Pens made for many years that almost drove them out of Pitt.

I would trade 1st over all for a proven 2nd line center...Stall would be a good one. 1st for Stall? The oil have some players that can come to compete fir the open LW spot. Maybe sign a FA..Penner for LW help, he always had chemistry with Hemmer. Then trade Gags + for Top end Dman. Sure this I can get behind.


But then again I would put Gags of the wing if we got Stall and then trade Hemmer for the Dman.

- OilHorse

I was ripped apart for talking staal to edm trades on this site. I think that could work. and after all that arguing about gags, this is going to sound rediculous, but I thought the first and gags for staal, michalek (or martin, but wanted to not appear to be dumping on you) sorry... another aspect.... a conditional 1st 2013 if staal doesnt sign
Edmonton Oilers
Location: EKolb..ChiRef..Dnozzlesupreme, BC
Joined: 10.12.2010

Jun 17 @ 5:14 PM ET

U guys love your semantics.

Hes very tough for his size and has tons of determination. A great attitude. No question.

Really didnt think i needed to clarify...but ok.

He doesnt have the size or the sheer strength to make the impact physically that i think our top 6 desperately needs.
Quite the opposite.
And hes the least talented of that realitively small group..hence the easiest to deal.

- hugefemale dog77

it ain't playing semantics...it is just flat out showing you you're wrong about him.

He comes to compete. He is skilled, maybe not 1st over all skilled but he has the skill set to be where he is.

What is more important right now, he is part of the future leadership of the team. He lays it all out the on the ice, not only offensively but with his body. He then is a leader in the locker room and willing to speak up as shown by his quotes in the lockerroom clean up media scrum.

the size does not have to come inthe center...it can come off the wings...Hemsky comes to mind to move for size. MPS has the size. Harti does too.

I think Gags has too many other things in his game, lik ehis compete level. that I would not want to move.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: PC is a genius for drafting mcdavid
Joined: 02.20.2007

Jun 17 @ 5:17 PM ET

U traded whitney 6 years after u drafted him.

U were more than ready to challenge for a cup...already had in fact.

And had tons of depth to cover it up...we dont yet.

Whitney certainly wasnt as vital to the pens as eberle or hall are to the oil... Otherwise u wouldnt have won.

Just stop.
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 5:21 PM ET
U traded whitney 6 years after u drafted him.

U were more than ready to challenge for a cup...already had in fact.

And had tons of depth to cover it up...we dont yet.

Whitney certainly wasnt as vital to the pens as eberle or hall are to the oil... Otherwise u wouldnt have won.

Just stop.

- hugefemale dog77

But.... but... I was having fun...
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Wuhan, China
Joined: 07.18.2006

Jun 17 @ 5:22 PM ET
O'rly?!?! i think doing this shows his toughness...

How about:

Or even:

This kids comes to compete...

- OilHorse

If he isn't 6'1, he isn't tough...
Joined: 05.02.2012

Jun 17 @ 5:24 PM ET
U traded whitney 6 years after u drafted him.

U were more than ready to challenge for a cup...already had in fact.

And had tons of depth to cover it up...we dont yet.

Whitney certainly wasnt as vital to the pens as eberle or hall are to the oil... Otherwise u wouldnt have won.

Just stop.

- hugefemale dog77

I guess the difference with me is that I think with a couple of tweaks, feasable , you guys are too. damn shame you can't see it
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