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Forums :: Blog World :: Eric Engels: Galchenyuk in the NHL?
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Location: if he was banned because al
Joined: 06.05.2009

Jun 29 @ 8:20 PM ET
- mr.peanut

I hope this clues up soon, as i only have one beer left, then i must get more.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Jun 29 @ 8:20 PM ET
- eihcnerf

What started the fireworks? I will not back read it.
Location: if he was banned because al
Joined: 06.05.2009

Jun 29 @ 8:23 PM ET
What started the fireworks? I will not back read it.
- mr.peanut

I have no (frank)ing idea, i cant even take credit this time, which on its own is a little troublesome.
Location: if he was banned because al
Joined: 06.05.2009

Jun 29 @ 8:23 PM ET
What started the fireworks? I will not back read it.
- mr.peanut

You should, then we could get to the bottom of this maybe?
Location: if he was banned because al
Joined: 06.05.2009

Jun 29 @ 8:24 PM ET
Who is the idiot who brought up Bill Hicks?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Jun 29 @ 8:24 PM ET
I have no (frank)ing idea, i cant even take credit this time, which on its own is a little troublesome.
- eihcnerf

That LeafsownHabs/ilive4leafs guy is a (frank)ing nut job.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: For being Stee's alternate personality or being associated with M. Night Shyamalan?
Joined: 12.11.2008

Jun 29 @ 8:26 PM ET
Not near as this unfolding on the leaf thread.

*sits on the sideline*

*grabs beer*

- eihcnerf

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Jun 29 @ 8:30 PM ET
You should, then we could get to the bottom of this maybe?
- eihcnerf


Crims 1st post on this page.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: On sait JAMAIS!!! Faut pas jet, QC
Joined: 10.11.2007

Jun 29 @ 8:31 PM ET
Mathias Brunet has become my top french hockey analyst. Here's a gem :

Quand j’entends le même journaliste poser la même question à huit jeunes espoirs du CH: “Ressens-tu de la pression du fait de porter l’uniforme du CH?”…

Quand j’entends les journalistes poser cinq fois à chaque joueur la question: “Qu’est-ce qu’on ressent à l’idée d’endosser cet uniforme?”…

Quand j’entends un journaliste demander à Alex Galchenyuk s’il croit augmenter ses chances de faire le club cette année à la suite du camp de développement, qui se veut pourtant éducatif…

Quand je vois un jeune joueur de 18 ans rouler des yeux (avec raison) dans le vestiaire alors qu’il s’agit d’un premier contact avec les médias montréalais…

Quand je vois tout ça… j’ai un peu honte à ma profession. Mais je n’ai pas honte de le dire.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: On sait JAMAIS!!! Faut pas jet, QC
Joined: 10.11.2007

Jun 29 @ 8:32 PM ET
*looks at the posters on the last 2 pages"

*all squareheads*

*backs away slowly*

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Jun 29 @ 8:37 PM ET
*looks at the posters on the last 2 pages"

*all squareheads*

*backs away slowly*

- PRICEless

I think my head is normal head shaped.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: On sait JAMAIS!!! Faut pas jet, QC
Joined: 10.11.2007

Jun 29 @ 8:37 PM ET
I think my head is normal head shaped.
- mr.peanut

I dont believe it. Pics or it didnt happen.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Jun 29 @ 8:38 PM ET
I dont believe it. Pics or it didnt happen.
- PRICEless

Atleast I have a neck.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: On sait JAMAIS!!! Faut pas jet, QC
Joined: 10.11.2007

Jun 29 @ 8:38 PM ET
Atleast I have a neck.
- mr.peanut

Is it red?
Location: if he was banned because al
Joined: 06.05.2009

Jun 29 @ 8:39 PM ET
*looks at the posters on the last 2 pages"

*all squareheads*

*backs away slowly*

- PRICEless

I'll slap the (frank)ing taste outta yo mouf.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Jun 29 @ 8:39 PM ET
Is it red?
- PRICEless

Catch any flies today?
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Maple MAGA, ON
Joined: 11.20.2008

Jun 29 @ 8:39 PM ET
Anyone gonna stay up with me while I'm at my son's all night Grad party?
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Maple MAGA, ON
Joined: 11.20.2008

Jun 29 @ 8:39 PM ET
Is it red?
- PRICEless

Watch it.
Location: if he was banned because al
Joined: 06.05.2009

Jun 29 @ 8:39 PM ET
Atleast I have a neck.
- mr.peanut

Are you finding this leaf thread thing as interesting as me?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Jun 29 @ 8:39 PM ET
Anyone gonna stay up with me while I'm at my son's all night Grad party?
- pete26

Montreal Canadiens
Location: On sait JAMAIS!!! Faut pas jet, QC
Joined: 10.11.2007

Jun 29 @ 8:40 PM ET
Catch any flies today?
- mr.peanut

Frogs, mostly.
Location: if he was banned because al
Joined: 06.05.2009

Jun 29 @ 8:40 PM ET
Catch any flies today?
- mr.peanut

Tee-dot backing up crims? Now this has gone just plain (frank)ing bizarro.
Feeling Glucky?
Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Tanktown, ON
Joined: 10.08.2008

Jun 29 @ 8:40 PM ET
I'll slap the (frank)ing taste outta yo mouf.
- eihcnerf

Who's unholy forward? He seems familiar to me somehow.

I'm certain mapleleafs91 is pecafan reincarnated.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: On sait JAMAIS!!! Faut pas jet, QC
Joined: 10.11.2007

Jun 29 @ 8:40 PM ET
Watch it.
- pete26

Toronto Maple Leafs
Location: Generational Poster, QC
Joined: 12.18.2011

Jun 29 @ 8:40 PM ET
Tee-dot backing up crims? Now this has gone just plain (frank)ing bizarro.
- eihcnerf

I always knew their "feud" was an act.
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