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Forums :: Blog World :: Tony Dean: MNWild:Early Indications of Something Special
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Tony Dean
Minnesota Wild
Location: Saint Paul, MN
Joined: 09.20.2008

Oct 14 @ 3:06 PM ET
Tony Dean: MNWild:Early Indications of Something Special To be a fan and loyalist supporting any of the Minnesota sports franchises it comes with a great deal of caution not to over commit yourself to any sort of confidence waiting for the big meltdown. There are more examples and instances then I would ever care to rehash here especially specially speaking about the highs and lows of the Wild. I will be the first to take ownership of my doubts in Wild Head Coach Mike Yeo and his ability to be the bench boss that takes this team to the next level. I am by no means ready to rescind my critiques and criticisms of Yeo but what I will admit is that through 5 games in the 2013-14 season, this current Wild team has dictated the play to their opponents no matter the final outcome. I wish I could have the luxury of seeing a month or two from now to be able to see if the effort and aggressiveness is a constant for this Wild team but at current they are empowered by this NEW style of play. With the team beginning a 4 game road trip tonight in Buffalo it will be interesting to see if they are capable of maintaining the pressure and aggressiveness in their play.

Follow me on Twitter @AWKD
Buffalo Sabres
Location: you don't need an ignore button to ignore someone., CA
Joined: 02.22.2007

Oct 14 @ 4:05 PM ET
As a Buffalo expat that lived in Minneapolis for 4 years, aside from him re-signing with the Sabres, I'd love nothing more to see you guys get Vanek at the deadline and to win the cup with him. Cause it sure ain't going to happen in Buffalo anytime soon.
I would often meet people in Minnesota with sabres gear on that weren't so much a fan of the team, but were supporting him. He'll be missed in Buffalo.
Location: Campbell River, BC
Joined: 05.23.2010

Oct 14 @ 6:16 PM ET
Dumba must stay! Also Johan Gustafsson looks awesome, shutout last night.