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Forums :: Blog World :: Carol Schram: Vancouver Canucks Game Review: Fire Wagon Hockey
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Carol Schram
Joined: 09.27.2013

Oct 27 @ 2:00 PM ET
Carol Schram: Vancouver Canucks Game Review: Fire Wagon Hockey The Vancouver Canucks opened up their latest homestand at Rogers Arena with a 4-2 win over the Washington Capitals on Sunday night.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Oct 27 @ 2:08 PM ET
Carol Schram: Vancouver Canucks Game Review: Fire Wagon Hockey
The Vancouver Canucks opened up their latest homestand at Rogers Arena with a 4-2 win over the Washington Capitals on Sunday night.

- Carol Schram

"It was my first chance since preseason to see the Canucks live at Rogers Arena, and it was a ton of fun. The difference in pace really is like night and day compared to last year's team. For a group that's supposed to be lacking in footspeed, the Canucks were hustling all over the ice."

I liked Willie's quote when he said 'You don't have to be quick, you just have to play quick'. Hustle and good positioning makes up for a lack of team footspeed.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I didn't read it , BC
Joined: 09.21.2013

Oct 27 @ 2:10 PM ET
Carol Schram: Vancouver Canucks Game Review: Fire Wagon Hockey
The Vancouver Canucks opened up their latest homestand at Rogers Arena with a 4-2 win over the Washington Capitals on Sunday night.

- Carol Schram

What a difference a year makes.

Mike Gillis @GMMikeGillis · 25 Jun 2013
John has a proven ability to bring the best out of his players and we believe he has all of the qualities to bring our team success.

They are playing a more entertaining brand of hockey today.

I always want to put Higgins down on the 3rd line, but he has had his moments this season on the 2nd.

And Burrows has to be more disciplined. (but he's trying)

funny tweet.

Vancouver Canucks
Location: I’m a dose of reality in this cesspool of glee
Joined: 10.22.2011

Oct 27 @ 2:20 PM ET
What a difference a year makes.

Mike Gillis @GMMikeGillis · 25 Jun 2013
John has a proven ability to bring the best out of his players and we believe he has all of the qualities to bring our team success.

They are playing a more entertaining brand of hockey today.

I always want to put Higgins down on the 3rd line, but he has had his moments this season on the 2nd.

And Burrows has to be more disciplined. (but he's trying)

- hillbillydeluxe

I think i would like the rampant A-hole version of Burrows more than the discipline version of Burrows. I always thought a NHL team needs an agitator. I've seen games where teams are so focused on retribution they forget about actually playing the game.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I didn't read it , BC
Joined: 09.21.2013

Oct 27 @ 2:29 PM ET
I think i would like the rampant A-hole version of Burrows more than the discipline version of Burrows. I always thought a NHL team needs an agitator. I've seen games where teams are so focused on retribution they forget about actually playing the game.
- bloatedmosquito

As long as he is earning his salary, I guess I can't complain. Thought he had a few takeaways last night but box score is showing 0 and 3 giveaways. Anyway, I think he has been skating better this year and is pressuring the other team.

Whether he is agitating or not, the other team always seems like they are leery of him and give him a hard time whenever possible.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Vancouver, BC
Joined: 09.26.2010

Oct 27 @ 2:41 PM ET
I think i would like the rampant A-hole version of Burrows more than the discipline version of Burrows. I always thought a NHL team needs an agitator. I've seen games where teams are so focused on retribution they forget about actually playing the game.
- bloatedmosquito

He still does a ton of little things to piss off other players, he can't help himself. Last night after a long shot was stopped and held onto by Peters he gave Alzner just enough off of a push to basically direct him towards Peters(Alzner had to stop himself from running Peters over). The whistle blew and Burrows just casually skated around the net while Alzner was giving him a death stare.

Little things like that really piss other players off.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Inside the scroatee, BC
Joined: 05.29.2014

Oct 27 @ 2:55 PM ET
He still does a ton of little things to piss off other players, he can't help himself. Last night after a long shot was stopped and held onto by Peters he gave Alzner just enough off of a push to basically direct him towards Peters(Alzner had to stop himself from running Peters over). The whistle blew and Burrows just casually skated around the net while Alzner was giving him a death stare.

Little things like that really piss other players off.

- Nucker101

Alexandre Trollows
Joined: 09.11.2008

Oct 27 @ 2:58 PM ET
As happy as I am right now, I remember being pretty happy about the season this time last year as well...
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Vancouver, BC
Joined: 09.26.2010

Oct 27 @ 3:20 PM ET
As happy as I am right now, I remember being pretty happy about the season this time last year as well...
- Ronning4ever

True enough, but the two areas where I'm more happy are:

1) Entertainment.

This team and system is just flat out more fun to watch, and while they don't have the firepower to out-gun team like Dallas, WD has he right system to get the most offense he can out of this group. I can only imagine the offense his system would generate with a more skilled/fast forward group.

2) Prospects/Young Players.
For once the Canucks have at least a respectable prospect pool and some young talent to follow in the NHL/AHL as well. Virtanen/Horvat/Shinkaruk/Gaunce/Jensen/McCann all as first rounders plus guys like Cassels/Subban/Demko/Vey/Fox/Corrado/Markstrom/Tryamkin
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Not Quesnel, BC
Joined: 10.11.2005

Oct 27 @ 3:23 PM ET
As happy as I am right now, I remember being pretty happy about the season this time last year as well...
- Ronning4ever

I've trying not to think about how high everyone was on Torts early last season when we had that limited success. I know I was quietly waiting for the train wreck that was Torts( and the blind conductor Gillis)... didnt have to wait too long.

This season its a totally different mindset. I'm now just going with the flow of the process( i know,,, a cliche right?) until the next generation of young players settles into the role of core. Until then... its all a roller coaster ride with short lineups and no puking kids in the car in front of me.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Nanaimo
Joined: 02.16.2007

Oct 27 @ 3:46 PM ET
The team played well and while we might be officially ranked 5th in the division and 10th in the league, we are actually 3rd in the division and 7th in the league when you look at points in games played. 2 more games in October (Canes and Habs) and one in Edm before one of the toughest stretches all season.

We play 5 games in 8 days: Preds at home then the AVs, Sharks, Kings and Ducks on the road(Preds and Ducks in back to back situations). That stretch of games might define the season, only 10 points but could crush any and all hopes.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Inside the scroatee, BC
Joined: 05.29.2014

Oct 27 @ 3:48 PM ET
The team played well and while we might be officially ranked 5th in the division and 10th in the league, we are actually 3rd in the division and 7th in the league when you look at points in games played. 2 more games in October (Canes and Habs) and one in Edm before one of the toughest stretches all season.

We play 5 games in 8 days: Preds at home then the AVs, Sharks, Kings and Ducks on the road(Preds and Ducks in back to back situations). That stretch of games might define the season, only 10 points but could crush any and all hopes.

- belcherbd

That's a brutal stretch...
Location: Systemic failure / Slurptastic
Joined: 10.12.2008

Oct 27 @ 4:02 PM ET
The team played well and while we might be officially ranked 5th in the division and 10th in the league, we are actually 3rd in the division and 7th in the league when you look at points in games played. 2 more games in October (Canes and Habs) and one in Edm before one of the toughest stretches all season.

We play 5 games in 8 days: Preds at home then the AVs, Sharks, Kings and Ducks on the road(Preds and Ducks in back to back situations). That stretch of games might define the season, only 10 points but could crush any and all hopes.

- belcherbd

Don't do this to yourself, it's not good for your mental health. Just enjoy the games win or lose. It's just entertainment, there's no reason to turn into a leaf fan, or just wait until tomorrow.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Inside the scroatee, BC
Joined: 05.29.2014

Oct 27 @ 4:03 PM ET
Don't do this to yourself, it's not good for your mental health. Just enjoy the games win or lose. It's just entertainment, there's no reason to turn into a leaf fan, or just wait until tomorrow.
- A_SteamingLombardi

I for one, will be looking forward to the Pred's game (first time anyone has ever said that). I haven't seen them play this year and I'm curious how they look without Trotz
Location: Systemic failure / Slurptastic
Joined: 10.12.2008

Oct 27 @ 4:14 PM ET
I for one, will be looking forward to the Pred's game (first time anyone has ever said that). I haven't seen them play this year and I'm curious how they look without Trotz
- bezz44

I'm looking forward to all the games, unlike last year.

The real problem with this team is that the way they are playing (entertaining) win or lose will increase ticket sales, giving FA a false sense of security. No matter how entertaining the team is compared to last year, massive change is still needed. Like Booner said this team isn't changing "until the next generation of young players settles into the role of core."
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Inside the scroatee, BC
Joined: 05.29.2014

Oct 27 @ 4:27 PM ET
I'm looking forward to all the games, unlike last year.

The real problem with this team is that the way they are playing (entertaining) win or lose will increase ticket sales, giving FA a false sense of security. No matter how entertaining the team is compared to last year, massive change is still needed. Like Booner said this team isn't changing "until the next generation of young players settles into the role of core."

- A_SteamingLombardi

The change in style may be a fix for now, but people in this city will not stop the criticism - I was going to say until we have a cup but even then I don't think people will hesitate to point out flaws. It's like we've been given a bowl of mac and cheese after having had to eat boiled leather and our own pets for a year. Sooner or later we are going to get tired of cheese-soaked noodles (I know, I know speak for myself) and demand steak and lobster
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Down by the Sea, BC
Joined: 06.27.2014

Oct 27 @ 4:34 PM ET
That's a brutal stretch...
- bezz44

Agreed. That is going to be some ugly hockey to watch...
Vancouver Canucks
Location: ON
Joined: 01.23.2014

Oct 27 @ 4:43 PM ET
I'm looking forward to all the games, unlike last year.

The real problem with this team is that the way they are playing (entertaining) win or lose will increase ticket sales, giving FA a false sense of security. No matter how entertaining the team is compared to last year, massive change is still needed. Like Booner said this team isn't changing "until the next generation of young players settles into the role of core."

- A_SteamingLombardi

Well we could always do what the leafs fans did on Saturday and start cheering for the Raptors in the middle of the game. That is a sure fire way to get the attention of the management and owners.
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 09.16.2005

Oct 27 @ 4:54 PM ET
Very entertaining game. For a while it looked like wave after wave of Canucks attacking.

Not to put too much stock into this, but the Capitals have not won in Vancouver since 2001(?)
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Corner of Kirk Maclean's Toe and Robert Reichel's face.
Joined: 01.09.2006

Oct 27 @ 5:02 PM ET
I am getting pissed about the all the commercials on TSN.ca and the lack of the ability to actually just read a column rather than get a video rendition of an article.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I didn't read it , BC
Joined: 09.21.2013

Oct 27 @ 5:03 PM ET
Well we could always do what the leafs fans did on Saturday and start cheering for the Raptors in the middle of the game. That is a sure fire way to get the attention of the management and owners.
- Linden_4_Capt

Lets not follow the lead of the Leafs and their fans.

We don't need to get the attention of management and owners if we are happy with the direction, as compared to a year ago.

Booner is right, it takes time for the kids to develop and earn a spot on the club. Unless an amazing deal falls into Bennings lap that doesn't mortgage the future for the now, it is going to take a bit. And I am not and can't hold my breath waiting for that big trade..

We want entertainment, and we are getting it.
Carolina Hurricanes
Location: I'll always remember the last words my grandfather ever told me. He said, "A Truck!", SK
Joined: 09.21.2009

Oct 27 @ 5:05 PM ET
Crush us
Vancouver Canucks
Location: I didn't read it , BC
Joined: 09.21.2013

Oct 27 @ 5:07 PM ET
I am getting pissed about the all the commercials on TSN.ca and the lack of the ability to actually just read a column rather than get a video rendition of an article.
- Beatle_john

The worst is when the same commercial keeps getting played one after another without a clip in the middle.

I must say with the sh!tty coverage by Sportsnet without Sportsnet Pacific anymore, I am finding myself going to the cdc youtube channel to watch postgame interviews and coaches talk.

and that bs with channel 302 saying there is a pregame and it is usually blah CanucksTV Vrbata sweater interviews and some classic hockey- which isn't so bad but want to see a real pregame show.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Cody Hodgson can walk on water
Joined: 10.04.2005

Oct 27 @ 5:09 PM ET
Crush us

I'm jealous! You'll get mcdavid and win another cup before we win our first....

Vancouver Canucks
Location: Inside the scroatee, BC
Joined: 05.29.2014

Oct 27 @ 5:11 PM ET
Crush us

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