Location: why bitch about no new blogs, when all you're going to do is post the same, tired stuff day after da, NY Joined: 07.16.2011
Mar 19 @ 12:08 PM ET
I'll get clobbered by those who think a top-3 draft pick for the 3rd year in a row is the most important thing by saying these kids and this young team learning to win, getting confidence, and earning some success at this juncture is just more important than losing the last 20 games to get a better draft pick.
I also have a gut feeling we will get lucky and get a top-3 anyway.
Only thing is they have the futures. That's what I don't like about it. - sbroads24
I gave you a lot of poop when Myers was struggling, so I should be a man and say he has really turned it around and had a pretty decent season. Better than Bogo easily. I still like Bogo's gritty game better. Especially now that he isn't playing like a turnstile in his own end and he's found some offense.
Location: We are in 30th place. It's 2017 , NY Joined: 02.12.2012
Mar 19 @ 12:23 PM ET
I gave you a lot of poop when Myers was struggling, so I should be a man and say he has really turned it around and had a pretty decent season. Better than Bogo easily. I still like Bogo's gritty game better. Especially now that he isn't playing like a turnstile in his own end and he's found some offense. - Pierceme69
Bogo is playing pretty damn good right now. If he plays like this more consistently (obviously he won't keep scoring at this pace) then that part truly is a wash