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Forums :: Blog World :: Karine Hains: In Hainsight: Not the End of the World
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Karine Hains
Montreal Canadiens
Location: Lévis, QC
Joined: 10.27.2018

Jun 25 @ 12:02 PM ET
Karine Hains: In Hainsight: Not the End of the World Apparently, the Los Angeles Kings are the front runner in the Dubois derby…
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 12:07 PM ET
Some might just feel a pinch though if the Kings do end up getting Dubois, especially since they've also got Danault down the middle.

Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin!
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 25 @ 12:08 PM ET
Hains: In Hainsight: Not the End of the World

Apparently, the Los Angeles Kings are the front runner in the Dubois derby…

- Karine Hains

Like I said in the previous blog.

All good, let's move on.

I am sure hUgo will have something interesting to surprise us in the next week or so.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Service Temporarily Unavailable, QC
Joined: 08.10.2008

Jun 25 @ 12:08 PM ET
Koiptar is at the end of the road, makes sense for LAK to get PLD.
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin!
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 25 @ 12:10 PM ET
Koiptar is at the end of the road, makes sense for LAK to get PLD.
- fidopro

Yeah, he has 2 maybe 3 solid to good years ahead.

Pretty sure Danault is eating pizza and cursing right now, though. Unless they plan to use PLD on the wing for a few years.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 12:25 PM ET
Like I said in the previous blog.

All good, let's move on.

I am sure HoGo will have something interesting to surprise us in the next week or so.

- Mashadar

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Service Temporarily Unavailable, QC
Joined: 08.10.2008

Jun 25 @ 12:26 PM ET
Yeah, he has 2 maybe 3 solid to good years ahead.

Pretty sure Danault is eating pizza and cursing right now, though. Unless they plan to use PLD on the wing for a few years.

- Mashadar

if PLD can get 9M per in LA he should jump on it. he's not getting that in Mtl imo.
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin!
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 25 @ 12:26 PM ET
- Pat1993

You say hogo, I say hUgo.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 12:29 PM ET
Yeah, he has 2 maybe 3 solid to good years ahead.

Pretty sure Danault is eating pizza and cursing right now, though. Unless they plan to use PLD on the wing for a few years.

- Mashadar

well I guess that depends if they're counting on Kopitar to always be in the top 6, I have no clue how he's holding up physically but you'd think at some point he'd be playing a less predominant role, or at least not have him as their go-to guy night in night out.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 12:30 PM ET
You say hogo, I say hUgo.
- Mashadar

nah bro, you say HoGo.

you do.
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin!
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 25 @ 12:32 PM ET
nah bro, you say HoGo.

you do.

- Pat1993

Pretty sure you changed hUgo to hogo.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 12:33 PM ET
Pretty sure you changed hUgo to hogo.
- Mashadar

yes, just now I did, but not the other times, you brought up HoGo all by yourself.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: QC
Joined: 07.03.2008

Jun 25 @ 12:40 PM ET
I don't want Dubois...

Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin!
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 25 @ 12:42 PM ET
I don't want Dubois...

- stinger67

Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 12:45 PM ET
I don't want Dubois...

- stinger67

is that how you really feel, or you're just saying this now that it's looking like he might not land in MTL after all..?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Service Temporarily Unavailable, QC
Joined: 08.10.2008

Jun 25 @ 12:52 PM ET
I don't want Dubois...

- stinger67

he would make the team a lot better, but yeah, not ready to pay what WPG is looking for. let see if he's a UFA 12 months from now.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: QC
Joined: 07.03.2008

Jun 25 @ 12:55 PM ET
is that how you really feel, or you're just saying this now that it's looking like he might not land in MTL after all..?
- Pat1993

I mean, for a reasonable price, I'd be interested.
...but it's going to cost the Habs a lot to bring him here, plus if he's really asking for 9M$ a year...Not worth it to be honest.

The guy also kinda carries red flags so far.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 1:03 PM ET
I mean, for a reasonable price, I'd be interested.
...but it's going to cost the Habs a lot to bring him here, plus if he's really asking for 9M$ a year...Not worth it to be honest.

The guy also kinda carries red flags so far.

- stinger67

yeah, I don't totally get what all the fuss is about considering the specific situations he was in, the first time he asked for a trade he was playing under Tortorella, and now today there's a bunch of players that all want out of WPG at the same time. there's been leadership issues in the peg for years, way before PLD was even there.

some folks are literally panicking at the idea of having him play with the habs, saying he's a cancer in the room or some poop, what is this based on ..??
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin!
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 25 @ 1:06 PM ET
yeah, I don't totally get what all the fuss is about considering the specific situations he was in, the first time he asked for a trade he was playing under Tortorella, and now today there's a bunch of players that all want out of WPG at the same time. there's been leadership issues in the peg for years, way before PLD was even there.

some folks are literally panicking at the idea of having him play with the habs, saying he's a cancer in the room or some poop, what is this based on ..??

- Pat1993

I don't think he is a cancer, but I also feel that he shown a pattern of being frustrated / unhappy fairly quickly in new environments.

Not sure if that is location, salary, playing time, how he is used... whatever.

There is some risk / gamble beyond the contract and assets given up.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 1:12 PM ET
I don't think he is a cancer, but I also feel that he shown a pattern of being frustrated / unhappy fairly quickly in new environments.

Not sure if that is location, salary, playing time, how he is used... whatever.

There is some risk / gamble beyond the contract and assets given up.

- Mashadar

yeah that's the thing, I don't think this qualifies really as a "pattern", unless he was trouble with his junior teams as well... but whatever, people are gonna have their preconceived take on things no matter what, they're not gonna wait for more factual information.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Service Temporarily Unavailable, QC
Joined: 08.10.2008

Jun 25 @ 1:14 PM ET
yeah that's the thing, I don't think this qualifies really as a "pattern", unless he was trouble with his junior teams as well... but whatever, people are gonna have their preconceived take on things no matter what, they're not gonna wait for more factual information.
- Pat1993

en tous cas, ca va nous avoir donné de quoi parler pendant ces longues semaines avant le draft
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin!
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 25 @ 1:18 PM ET
en tous cas, ca va nous avoir donné de quoi parler pendant ces longues semaines avant le draft
- fidopro


Gonna be a fun next 7-10 days.

Then the dead days of summer.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 1:20 PM ET
en tous cas, ca va nous avoir donné de quoi parler pendant ces longues semaines avant le draft
- fidopro

je suis d'accord, mais c'est pour ça que je commence à trouver ça dommage s'il fini pas avec le CH lol... ah bin coudon.
Location: Let the creamy goaltending season begin!
Joined: 08.31.2014

Jun 25 @ 1:23 PM ET
je suis d'accord, mais c'est pour ça que je commence à trouver ça dommage s'il fini pas avec le CH lol... ah bin coudon.
- Pat1993

Well, it is nice to talk about a player that might want to come here, rather than a player that has never shown interest in coming here....
Montreal Canadiens
Location: disguise delimit, QC
Joined: 08.28.2009

Jun 25 @ 1:29 PM ET
Well, it is nice to talk about a player that might want to come here, rather than a player that has never shown interest in coming here....
- Mashadar

sure but then again, there's a certain number of fans that think he never had the intention of coming here, and that he's only been using MTL as leverage in his search for a contract, which doesn't really add up as we've talked about briefly earlier...
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