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Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Vegas, NV
Joined: 06.25.2015

May 29 @ 2:31 PM ET
I have a feeling Turcotte is going to be the pick

And Saad will be moved (along with other pieces) for a top 4 Dman who is to be named later/not on anyone's radar
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 2:32 PM ET
According to a report at the beginning of the year, Boston was bottom half of the league in both height and weight. They play hard hockey. It does not really have a basis in size.

One of the toughest guys on the Hawks is Caggiula and he is listed at 5'10" 176 lbs. At the other end of the spectrum you have Perlini who is 6'3" 211 and is really fast, but is definitely not known for "playing big".

- Chunk

100% agreed. Shaw wasn't a huge guy, nor was Bolland but they played "big". STL really needs to adjust tonight and not try and run around to hit people or else it will be a short series. Boston has far more skill then any team STL has faced so far, depth wise.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 2:32 PM ET
I have heard several time over these playoffs how awful Chara looks, how slow hw has become....and on and on....

Yet, he sits at +11...the HIGHEST on the Bruins....maybe the highest of ALL players in the playoffs.

He may have slowed down, but dammit....just how much are other teams taking advantage of him if he is +11!!!!!!

(and before you metric chums tell me how +/- is a flawed stat. + 11 and BEST on the team is not an irrelivent stat!!!)

- hawk35

Hes not chasing people but hes making a LOT of turnovers per the eye test.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: DraftSite com, IL
Joined: 05.14.2008

May 29 @ 2:32 PM ET
Not to get in the way of a narrative, but after some quick research, it looks like Boston and St. Louis rank 25th and 7th in average height and 22nd and 6th in average weight, respectively. They don't even rate as the two biggest teams in the playoffs. It looks like that data was pulled from an early season article on The Athletic: https://theathletic.com/5...by-age-height-and-weight/ (which I do not subscribe to, so I'm unable to verify).

To be fair, they are the two biggest teams remaining.

For reference, Chicago ranks 27th in height and 30th in weight.

- tgentry1084

so Byran is a tad over six foot and 190

Turcotte is under six foor and 190 ish and

Cozens is under 6 3 but has a frame than can get in the 230 range...
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 09.06.2018

May 29 @ 2:34 PM ET
Not to get in the way of a narrative, but after some quick research, it looks like Boston and St. Louis rank 25th and 7th in average height and 22nd and 6th in average weight, respectively. They don't even rate as the two biggest teams in the playoffs. It looks like that data was pulled from an early season article on The Athletic: https://theathletic.com/5...by-age-height-and-weight/ (which I do not subscribe to, so I'm unable to verify).

To be fair, they are the two biggest teams remaining.

For reference, Chicago ranks 27th in height and 30th in weight.

- tgentry1084

Hawks need some more fat guys
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 2:35 PM ET
I though Koek looked OK considering he had not been in Coltans system very long. he had some speed and was also not afraid to hit people. I think his upside is much higher then both forsling and dalhstrom considering those guys have been playin with coltan for 2 years. IE I think Koek could get better and he has way more natural talent then the other 2. his Corsi numbers also did show that he was not the weak link.
- kmw4631

I guess, but they already have 6 signed for this year in Seabrook, Keith, Murphy, everyones hate child Gus, Koekoek, and Dahlstrom...with Forsling a RFA. So while it's late May, that's 6 guys and I believe 5 (everyone but Dahlstrom) that can't be sent back to Rockford. I could be wrong about the last part.....but if I'm right, that's essentially bringing back the same group from a dreadful D last year.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 2:37 PM ET
no question...i thought he was done after the hawks beat them in 2013...but he is coming back for another year...

but he is always good for several slashes and crosschecks a game

- bogiedoc

Yeah, absolute BS he got away with the slash on Bozak on the PP....should have been a 2 man advantage for STL for over 1 minute +...complete game changer, and Im not one for tin foil hat conspiracy theories.

How 2 guys miss that is beyond me....especially when the stick broke in half.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

May 29 @ 2:38 PM ET
Hes not chasing people but he made some bad turnovers in game 1.

Stan was also upset after the exit/Butt whooping Nashville put on them in April of 2017 and they haven't sniffed the playoffs since then....actions > words

- SteveRain

I hear you on Stan. The only thing that gives me the idea that there is a good chance for change is that Stan won't be trying to fit players into Q's system. I don't want to go down the rabbit hole of Q vs. Stan relating to personnel, but it was pretty obvious that certain moves were made with that in mind.
Location: Edmonton, AB
Joined: 11.30.2015

May 29 @ 2:43 PM ET
I guess, but they already have 6 signed for this year in Seabrook, Keith, Murphy, everyones hate child Gus, Koekoek, and Dahlstrom...with Forsling a RFA. So while it's late May, that's 6 guys and I believe 5 (everyone but Dahlstrom) that can't be sent back to Rockford. I could be wrong about the last part.....but if I'm right, that's essentially bringing back the same group from a dreadful D last year.
- SteveRain

In terms of wavier exempt, none of the Dmen are anymore. Only Keith and Seabrook can't really be sent down (due to NMC), but the other 5 Koekok, Dahlstrom, Forsling, Murphy and Gus all would need to pass through waivers.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.28.2013

May 29 @ 2:46 PM ET
that is why i think even if Chicago take a defenseman, Colorado takes Cozens because he is a BIG Center forward who scores and plays 200 feet over even Turcotte.
Turcotte fits in many ways for many teams but think about the Avs right now and the playoffs what guy of the two makes your current roster better as a playoff contender?

- wiz1901

Wiz, I'm wondering if maybe Zegras might not be the Hawks' pick based on Kelley calling him I believe maybe the most skilled player in The Athletic article. Just seems like a Hawk pick to me for some reason. How much more do you like Cozens over Zegras?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: AB
Joined: 01.26.2018

May 29 @ 2:48 PM ET
I guess, but they already have 6 signed for this year in Seabrook, Keith, Murphy, everyones hate child Gus, Koekoek, and Dahlstrom...with Forsling a RFA. So while it's late May, that's 6 guys and I believe 5 (everyone but Dahlstrom) that can't be sent back to Rockford. I could be wrong about the last part.....but if I'm right, that's essentially bringing back the same group from a dreadful D last year.
- SteveRain

Does the season start tomorrow? I don't think it does. But maybe. Or maybe there is still time to change the roster this summer?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.23.2012

May 29 @ 2:50 PM ET
Does the season start tomorrow? I don't think it does. But maybe. Or maybe there is still time to change the roster this summer?
- GPHawksfan

Nope, the season is over. Let's start talking about the 2020 draft lottery.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 2:51 PM ET
In terms of wavier exempt, none of the Dmen are anymore. Only Keith and Seabrook can't really be sent down (due to NMC), but the other 5 Koekok, Dahlstrom, Forsling, Murphy and Gus all would need to pass through waivers.
- breadbag

So that's my concern. You already have 6 slots filled and risk losing 1 for "free" if you decide to send them down.

I don't think the market for Slater Koekkoek was ready to pounce if left unsigned. Unless he's going to deal 1 or 2, hard to imagine any UFA or trade happening for more then 1....which IMO, they desperately need. Gus is a 5. Seabrook is a 5. Keith is a 3 at best. Murphy is a 4/5 at best. Dahlstrom and Koekkoek are borderline 6/7s in the NHL

THIS is the problem with getting overly excited by their 2nd half of last season without some influx of talent on the back end. Again...I'll wait until opening night to get overly upset, but something to keep an eye on.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 2:53 PM ET
Does the season start tomorrow? I don't think it does. But maybe. Or maybe there is still time to change the roster this summer?
- GPHawksfan

Nah, instead lets look at half a sample size for a team that didn't make the playoffs and envision 1 or 2 pieces added that vaults them past superior teams, and ignore the breakout/career years from many...….Gus, DeBrincat, Toews and just assume those WILL happen again.

I can play this game as well...……..
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 2:54 PM ET
Nope, the season is over. Let's start talking about the 2020 draft lottery.
- DarthKane

Does your boy have a brother....they can be 2/3 of a line for the 2020-21 Stanley Cup champions.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 2:55 PM ET
I hear you on Stan. The only thing that gives me the idea that there is a good chance for change is that Stan won't be trying to fit players into Q's system. I don't want to go down the rabbit hole of Q vs. Stan relating to personnel, but it was pretty obvious that certain moves were made with that in mind.
- Chunk

100% agreed....no question Stan tried catering UFAs to Qs liking and Im sure some of the retreads, see Kruger, were Qs pushing.

Joined: 03.28.2013

May 29 @ 3:05 PM ET
Does it surprise you it was for only 1 year?
- RaleighHawk

It was the only option available to a 1st year player who will be 24 before Sept. 15th.

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Vegas, NV
Joined: 06.25.2015

May 29 @ 3:06 PM ET
Once JC learns how to install a NHL system and the importance of line matchups and defensive accountability, inwonder if Stan will then sign UFAs to fit that system?

But since all it is all helter skelter and let Kane play 30min a night, my guess is Stan can sign anyone since theres no structure. Or just continue signing tier 2 swedish players, since that's the level of this staff's experience
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

May 29 @ 3:20 PM ET
Once JC learns how to install a NHL system and the importance of line matchups and defensive accountability, inwonder if Stan will then sign UFAs to fit that system?

But since all it is all helter skelter and let Kane play 30min a night, my guess is Stan can sign anyone since theres no structure. Or just continue signing tier 2 swedish players, since that's the level of this staff's experience

- PatShart

JC comes in halfway through the season, turns the team around and has them playing much better by season's end, doing it with a rag tag group of defensemen and all you see are the negatives? Colliton may or may not be an NHL calibre coach but there were more positives than negatives to what he brought last season in terms of coaching.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 3:26 PM ET
JC comes in halfway through the season, turns the team around and has them playing much better by season's end, doing it with a rag tag group of defensemen and all you see are the negatives? Colliton may or may not be an NHL calibre coach but there were more positives than negatives to what he brought last season in terms of coaching.
- paulr

Agreed. I think once he gets his system in he'll be OK. Players seemed to like him.

rag tag group of defensemen.....be careful around here throwing those names out....
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.23.2012

May 29 @ 3:31 PM ET
Does your boy have a brother....they can be 2/3 of a line for the 2020-21 Stanley Cup champions.
- SteveRain

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

May 29 @ 3:31 PM ET
Agreed. I think once he gets his system in he'll be OK. Players seemed to like him.

rag tag group of defensemen.....be careful around here throwing those names out....

- SteveRain

Most posters understand and agree the defense, outside of Keith, who isn't the Keith of 3 years ago are pretty weak. It's scary to think that the second best defenseman on the team is still Seabrook and he's a shadow of himself.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Frankfort, IL
Joined: 06.26.2012

May 29 @ 3:33 PM ET
Eh.....being the best PK guy on a dumpster fire unit doesn't do much for me. Blame it on others (fair point), on the system (fair point) but mostly....Saad didn't carry his weight when he was paired with skill guys and why he found himself on the line with AA.

Sorry....the ROI vs what he's being paid makes him a trade candidate for me. Not saying you give him away, but Bowman's first instinct on NOT paying this kid massive money after 2015 was the correct one...….

- SteveRain

I totally agree with SR on Saad.
The trade was a disaster plain and simple. Yes he had a better year last year but he's a 3rd line LW because he has poor hands and very little playmaking ability, hence he wasn't on the PP first unit. As for the PK, he wasn't all that special anyway based on the worst PK team in the league.

If Bowman can package him with a Forsling to Pitt for Kessel and their #1, it's a Win...but the #1 has to be included. If Pitt wants cap relief, then they'll have to pay for it, just like Stan did in all his atrocious deals for cap relief.
Let's see if Bowman can reverse the trade dealings and get the "extra" for once.

Adding a Kessel strengthens your PP and your top line with Toews and Kane.

You then have to move AA for whatever picks you can get and replace the 3C with a Cody Eakins type.

Bowman is on the clock as far as I'm concerned. He can turn this organization around immediately with some creative moves. The question is.....
Can He Do It ??
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 3:36 PM ET
- DarthKane

I had no idea he had a bro. Classic.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Connor Murphy Sucks, IL
Joined: 05.07.2010

May 29 @ 3:37 PM ET
Most posters understand and agree the defense, outside of Keith, who isn't the Keith of 3 years ago are pretty weak. It's scary to think that the second best defenseman on the team is still Seabrook and he's a shadow of himself.
- paulr

yeah and those warts aren't going any way. Both of those guys are a year older.

Desperately need a top 4 d man.
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