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Forums :: Blog World :: Tyler Cameron: The Blackhawks Draft Cole Caulfield if…
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Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Frankfort, IL
Joined: 06.26.2012

May 29 @ 4:58 PM ET
If a deal was there that was heavy advantage Chicago, they wouldn't turn it down.

But it won't happen because the Pens need to replace his scoring with somebody that can post near the offensive same numbers - Hawks don't have anybody to give.

- RickJ

Sorry but the Pens aren't going to get somebody to replace Kessel's scoring from one player. He's a 40 goal scorer.... as is Debrincat. There's NO WAY on this planet that we make that trade if they would even be stupid enough to ask. Kessel is old so they're going to have to settle if they want their cap relief, just like Bowman had to in cap hell.

Saad will give them the 25+ and a young stud like Forsling should make them happy to be rid of him. For that, we'll take their #1.
Joined: 03.28.2013

May 29 @ 5:11 PM ET
Byram is not playing in nhl next year and maybe the following year so stop penicilling him in for next year roster. Joki is the only young d that could be ready for full time action in the nhl. The other d prospects should be ready in the next couple years.
- Scott1977

Ye of little faith.
Location: Edmonton, AB
Joined: 11.30.2015

May 29 @ 5:26 PM ET
Byram is not playing in nhl next year and maybe the following year so stop penicilling him in for next year roster. Joki is the only young d that could be ready for full time action in the nhl. The other d prospects should be ready in the next couple years.
- Scott1977

No sure things, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone gets a shot. Bowman talked about the Hawks bringing in the young Dmen along in a staggered approach where maybe one or two guys are ready next year. Maybe it will just be Joki, but if the Hawks come into camp with guys banged up like last year, there could be opportunity.

Joki is the front runner, but some of these guys could surprise and are a similar age or older.

Krys 21
Beaudin 19(20 in Oct)
Gilbert 22(23 in Oct)
Carlsson 22

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Frankfort, IL
Joined: 06.26.2012

May 29 @ 5:34 PM ET
While I can see the benefit of Kessel when things are going good for Kessel I also remember the Kessel when he completely lost interest in playing for Toronto and had 3 or 4 points in the last 20 games of the season making him expendable for basically nothing. Saad brings something Kessel doesn't and which the Hawks are in short supply, a guy who can play a solid defensive game. A Saad for Kessel trade makes the Hawks even weaker.

Bowman has been signing allot of forward free agents leading me to believe any trade he makes will be for a defenseman.

- paulr

I know, I know, I know.....I read your posts all the time on Saad's defensive abilities and his 200 ft game. I just don't necessarily agree with it. JMO.

Look at it this way. His value will never be higher because of his age and contract, and also because of the things you love about him. So NOW is the time to get something HUGE for him and my proposal for Kessel is solely based on trying to get the most out of Kane, Toews, Keith, and Crawford NEXT YEAR. I think that's part of their plan. Another lost year of playoffs will devastate the STH base....and I am one of those. It's up to Bowman to fix the backend and he's doing that with youth, however, he can find somebody through other trades to do that as well. (Gus). There are players that can step right in and help the D next year. IF he's a good GM.

Bowman now has at his disposal...... millions in cap space, a number 3 pick in the draft, a low AAV QB of the PP that is in high demand, several young defenseman in the pipeline, and a wealth of young forwards that are great trade pieces in Sikura, Perlini, Hayes, Kubalik, Kahun, etc.. a good 3C in Anisimov, along with some nice goaltending prospects. Cmon Paulie.....Bowman has a loaded deck and Saad should be the center piece to start the make over. His 200 ft game will not be missed if Bowman makes some GREAT moves.

Again.....Can He Do It ?

If not. ....he should be the next to go .

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Frankfort, IL
Joined: 06.26.2012

May 29 @ 5:40 PM ET
You didn't read my posts about Saad's 200 foot game because I don't think that and have never posted it. Saad is a solid defensive forward who has limited offensive upside. I'm also of the belief no one is expendable, including Saad in the right instance. If a trade is made for Saad or anyone else I'd prefer to see a defenseman in return. Kessel doesn't address the weaknesses of the Hawks.
- paulr

Sorry. ...my apologies. I thought it was you that loved his 200 ft game.
As for a dman, who are you thinking would be available in an exchange for Saad ?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 01.09.2018

May 29 @ 5:50 PM ET
totally agree! Take a center who will contribute soon than later, maybe even now and spend some free agency dollars on 1 or 2 men.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: VA
Joined: 09.27.2011

May 29 @ 6:39 PM ET
Krug got his though when charged Thomas later in the shift.

I know he didn't leave his feet, but he didn't play the puck and took a helluva lot more then 2-1/2 strides for that hit. Loved the hit, but it was a charge.

- SteveRain

as i said they suck...and Bettman and minions are completely responsible for this sorry state pf psss poor ref decision making...
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Itasca, IL
Joined: 06.19.2012

May 29 @ 6:41 PM ET
Great point. Excited to see how he looks in training camp.
- Tyler Cameron

Great deal its a low-risk, high reward type of contract.
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Chicago Blackhawks
Location: 37,000 FT
Joined: 07.09.2009

May 29 @ 6:46 PM ET
SteveRain is off his meds again, and I don’t have the time or energy combat him point by point. Suffice to say, Saad’s game is built for the playoffs. Replacing him next season with Phil (frank)ing Kessel will probably work out fine in the regular season, but come game 83 next season prepare to be one and done.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

May 29 @ 6:46 PM ET
Sorry. ...my apologies. I thought it was you that loved his 200 ft game.
As for a dman, who are you thinking would be available in an exchange for Saad ?

- Hawkytalk

I have no idea who would be available? I liked Bowman's outside the box deals for Caggulia, Strome and Perlini, getting guys who were highly rated and who didn't pan out with the previous clubs. Is there a 21-24 year old defender or two out there that haven't secured a spot on their current team and are available? Or is there a team in cap trouble and who have a solid defense willing to move a youngish defenseman if the Hawks pick up a bad contract?
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 07.03.2011

May 29 @ 6:49 PM ET
as i said they suck...and Bettman and minions are completely responsible for this sorry state pf psss poor ref decision making...
- bogiedoc

If his minions include the owners.

They are not just ultimately - but intimately - responsible for the presentation of the league. If they wanted better referring, they would get it.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Vegas, NV
Joined: 06.25.2015

May 29 @ 6:52 PM ET
SteveRain is off his meds again, and I don’t have the time or energy combat him point by point. Suffice to say, Saad’s game is built for the playoffs. Replacing him next season with Phil (frank)ing Kessel will probably work out fine in the regular season, but come game 83 next season prepare to be one and done.
- Ogilthorpe2

Kessel 87gms - 77pts (should have won the Conn Smythe over Crosby)

Saad - 72gms - 37pts
Joined: 08.24.2009

May 29 @ 6:55 PM ET
SteveRain is off his meds again, and I don’t have the time or energy combat him point by point. Suffice to say, Saad’s game is built for the playoffs. Replacing him next season with Phil (frank)ing Kessel will probably work out fine in the regular season, but come game 83 next season prepare to be one and done.
- Ogilthorpe2

In an attempt to be Switzerland here, Kessel had a lot of consideration for the Conn Smythe a few years ago as he lit it up. And the following year he didn't do poop and now he's older. But for a year or two he might be the lightning in a bottle as they say because he can shoot the pill.

I'm not a Saad guy, don't like his IQ for his salary and his aloofness. So if they can get something good for him then see ya later.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.15.2013

May 29 @ 6:57 PM ET
Jeff Gorton is the new GM for the NYR; he had served in another role for the team the past four years. There is no way to know how he feels about the choices for the #2 overall. We could expound upon it all day and up until the selection is made. I am guessing there is a 50/50 chance they take the dman or the Russian. Gorton is not going to come out and say what his intention is and he is not going to give an absolutely truthful hint either.

I just know that if he does pull off a surprise move and comfound the draft gurus, then either Hughes or the Finn falls into our lap. Darth Kane will be crushed.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Vegas, NV
Joined: 06.25.2015

May 29 @ 6:58 PM ET
And the team system is try to outscore everyone, so Kessel>Saad in that regard

Might as well load up. They wont win a cup but I'm all for 7-6 games for entertainment purposes

Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: 37,000 FT
Joined: 07.09.2009

May 29 @ 7:03 PM ET
Kessel 87gms - 77pts (should have won the Conn Smythe over Crosby)

Saad - 72gms - 37pts

- PatShart


I forgot points are all that matters. Playing a 200 ft game with speed and power mean nothing without the points.
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: 37,000 FT
Joined: 07.09.2009

May 29 @ 7:07 PM ET
In an attempt to be Switzerland here, Kessel had a lot of consideration for the Conn Smythe a few years ago as he lit it up. And the following year he didn't do poop and now he's older. But for a year or two he might be the lightning in a bottle as they say because he can shoot the pill.

I'm not a Saad guy, don't like his IQ for his salary and his aloofness. So if they can get something good for him then see ya later.

- 6628

8th in goals for, 31st in goals against.

The team has all the offense they need. They need more defensively responsible forwards, not less. If they trade him it should be for defense, not for a soft, defensively deficient, scoring wing.
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: 37,000 FT
Joined: 07.09.2009

May 29 @ 7:08 PM ET
And the team system is try to outscore everyone, so Kessel>Saad in that regard

Might as well load up. They wont win a cup but I'm all for 7-6 games for entertainment purposes

- PatShart

Yeah, ok.
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: 37,000 FT
Joined: 07.09.2009

May 29 @ 7:08 PM ET
I’m surrounded by morons.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.13.2015

May 29 @ 7:08 PM ET
Sorry but the Pens aren't going to get somebody to replace Kessel's scoring from one player. He's a 40 goal scorer.... as is Debrincat. There's NO WAY on this planet that we make that trade if they would even be stupid enough to ask. Kessel is old so they're going to have to settle if they want their cap relief, just like Bowman had to in cap hell.

Saad will give them the 25+ and a young stud like Forsling should make them happy to be rid of him. For that, we'll take their #1.

- Hawkytalk

I'd have to check to be sure but I don't think a Kessel for Saad trade saves Pens cap space as Toronto is still paying a portion of Kessel salary
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.23.2012

May 29 @ 7:27 PM ET
Byram is not playing in nhl next year and maybe the following year so stop penicilling him in for next year roster. Joki is the only young d that could be ready for full time action in the nhl. The other d prospects should be ready in the next couple years.
- Scott1977

Who cares, the Hawks are drafting Caufield anyway.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

May 29 @ 7:28 PM ET
I have no idea who would be available? I liked Bowman's outside the box deals for Caggulia, Strome and Perlini, getting guys who were highly rated and who didn't pan out with the previous clubs. Is there a 21-24 year old defender or two out there that haven't secured a spot on their current team and are available? Or is there a team in cap trouble and who have a solid defense willing to move a youngish defenseman if the Hawks pick up a bad contract?
- paulr

That was Koekkoek last year.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

May 29 @ 7:29 PM ET
Who cares, the Hawks are drafting Caufield anyway.
- DarthKane

Who did you say the Hawks were going to draft last year? Was it Hughes?
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.23.2012

May 29 @ 7:29 PM ET
SteveRain is off his meds again, and I don’t have the time or energy combat him point by point. Suffice to say, Saad’s game is built for the playoffs. Replacing him next season with Phil (frank)ing Kessel will probably work out fine in the regular season, but come game 83 next season prepare to be one and done.
- Ogilthorpe2

Agreed about Saad, I have zero interest in trading him. There’s no need to trade Saad and every need to keep him. If Stan upgrades the 3C position the Hawks will have a really solid 3rd line with Saad.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.23.2012

May 29 @ 7:29 PM ET
Who did you say the Hawks were going to draft last year? Was it Hughes?
- Chunk

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