Listened to Shane O'Brien on the NHL Channel on Sirius today and he said something that confirmed what my unprofessional eye has been seeing. He thinks Gibson's checked out and not putting in enough effort while he's in the net. His body language is sh!t again and Shane noted that too. Personally, it bugs me that every time another player talks about him they mention how he's "our rock". It reminds me of helicopter parents whose little Johnny never does anything wrong. Contrast Gibson's effort with Dostal's effort. Lukas is out there battling every game, even when he has a bad one you can't criticize his effort.
The problem is what to do about it. $6.4 million for 5 more years, seemed like a bargain when he signed it what with the Bobrovsky and Price contracts but now it's an albatross. Who's going to take a gamble on that contract what with his declining numbers the past 3 years? GMPV is going to have to eat half of it just to get someone interested and then you have to factor in his 10-team trade list. Not good.
- duxcup07
He’s been very clear about not wanting to be part of a rebuild. He was told a bold faced lie by Verbeek. It’s not hard to understand how he feels betrayed. He’s under constant duress and he’s got the GM not doing anything about a horrid D. 63% on the PK ???
He’d probably be in a better spot if -
A. Verbeek didn’t lie to his face -
B. Verbeek did something about a D that’s basically beer league level.
C. Fired a coach who’s completely lost.