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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Wrap: Flyers Earn 4-3 (1-0) Shootout Win in Pittsburgh; Phantoms Lose in OT
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Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Dec 3 @ 10:40 PM ET
Looking through your fantasy glasses again. Your ability to properly assess an NHL player remains atrocious. So here are some facts for you.

Couturier has 5 goals and 11 assists for 16 points in 22 games. I'd like to see his goal scoring increase but solid numbers. Puts him on pace for 18 goals 41 assists for 59 points.

Now his underlying numbers

CF% 56.79% GF% 55.88% xGF% 59.59% SCF% 57.44% HDSCF% 63.03

Not only are these numbers good, they're beyond good. They're elite!

This is all for a player that missed almost two seasons of hockey due to injury and coming off of major surgery. What does this factual information really tell us? That you don't have a fricken clue at what you're looking at!


Is this all you know how to do, spew stats? I have nothing against stats but watch the games once in a while! If you did you would see what a lot of people see, that Couts is struggling right now. He looks fried out there. He has no acceleration and doesn’t seem to be able to keep up. Right now your constant attacks of me just make you look stupider and stupider!
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Dec 3 @ 10:45 PM ET
You never see Frost do anything, which is why you labeled him an AHL player. Yes, compare him to Foerster. Has Foerster led the team in ES scoring for a full NHL season? HAs Foerster led the team in overall scoring for a 5 month period of NHL action? The most important thing in hockey, is scoring goals.

"You have doubts whether York is an NHL player.

"you don't see it in Farabee, better suited for the 3rd line."

Frost is an AHL player, now he is what he is. Which is not good enough.

Blah,blah, blah, blah


Yup you keep quoting those irrelevant stats from last year’s lost season. In the meantime I am watching this years Flyers and so far this year Tyson Foerster is one of the best and most consistent Flyer forwards, and as I predicted, once he scored his first goal they would come in bunches and that is what is happening. Just face it, you are wrong about Frost, and every game that is played you look dumber and dumber!
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Dec 3 @ 10:50 PM ET
Well, he was tossed from a couple and most of his shifts started on the fly. He's at 44.3 percent on the season. It's not good but it's not disastrous, either. Laughton is at 44.4 percent.
- bmeltzer

Yes I noticed he got tossed from the dot a few times in the game and frankly he should have because he broke the rules which the league had been trying to emphasize. Look, I’m not saying he is disastrous in any part of his game. I’m just saying IMO he did not have a decent game and he is getting the minutes including pp time and playing with good players.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Dec 3 @ 11:25 PM ET
Yes I noticed he got tossed from the dot a few times in the game and frankly he should have because he broke the rules which the league had been trying to emphasize. Look, I’m not saying he is disastrous in any part of his game. I’m just saying IMO he did not have a decent game and he is getting the minutes including pp time and playing with good players.
- jd250

Why is your criticism always aimed at Frost? He is a young player that is getting dlcked around by a coach. How can he play with any kind of confidence when you have Torts pulling you after playing well? Are you even a Flyers fan? Do you cheer for their players and prospects to be a success, or do you hope they fail, so you can win some bs online arguement on a forum of maybe 200 or so hockey fans?

Other players on this team have played worse than Frost, yet every single day you are on here running down Frost. The stats have been given to you, yet you continue. GIVE THE KID A FREAKING BREAK FOR GOD SAKES!!!!!!!

He is never going to be a Point or Marner, but a complimentary piece playing top 6 minutes is exactly what he is going to hit. You do realize that NO player shows up for every shift, every game and is an allstar every second they are on the ice, right? The game moves fast, and things happen fast. You call out Frosts penalties, yet the holding in the dzone was not a penalty at all. They weren't "lazy" penalties or from being disengaged in the play, so it feels like you see a couple penalty minutes on the score sheet and boom...he is not playing well. I also don't think Frost's job is to be laying out the body...he doesn't back away from bumping for the puck along the boards, but he is a skill player, and hits, fights, and the sort should not really be a big part of his game. Marner has 19 hits, Frost 9 and Point 5 hits. That's 1 hit every 5+ games for Point.....

Your nonsense is getting tiring.

I do agree that Coots looks off, but I chalk it up to the adrenaline running out from coming back, and the wear and tear of the travel and play has caught up. Might have a groin or core muscle issue, but he doesn't look like he can move properly..a bit stiff or ginger.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Dec 4 @ 7:32 AM ET
Is this all you know how to do, spew stats? I have nothing against stats but watch the games once in a while! If you did you would see what a lot of people see, that Couts is struggling right now. He looks fried out there. He has no acceleration and doesn’t seem to be able to keep up. Right now your constant attacks of me just make you look stupider and stupider!
- jd250

What I know how to do is to use the facts to counter your empty rhetoric. While the best you can come up are fallacies such as watch the game or a lot of people see it. That is the extent of what you can offer. I don't attack you. I attack your opinions. Which are stupider and stupider.

Couturier, for a player that is coming off of a major surgery and missed almost two full seasons. Is playing pretty well. The facts I supplied support that opinion. While you can offer nothing to support your opinion.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Dec 4 @ 7:36 AM ET
Yup you keep quoting those irrelevant stats from last year’s lost season. In the meantime I am watching this years Flyers and so far this year Tyson Foerster is one of the best and most consistent Flyer forwards, and as I predicted, once he scored his first goal they would come in bunches and that is what is happening. Just face it, you are wrong about Frost, and every game that is played you look dumber and dumber!
- jd250

Honestly, did a 6 year old type your reply? Did one of your kids get into your account?

What Frost did over a 50+ game sample doesn't matter because the season didn't count. Meanwhile, what Foerster has done in 20 something games, which I don't know of this season qualifies as a lost season or not? Shows that he is better?
You labeled Frost as an AHL player and now you're going to tell me I'm wrong and I look dumber and dumber? With all the nonsense you spew every single day?
Is this the best you can come up with? My goodness, I feel sorry for you.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Dec 4 @ 7:44 AM ET
Why is your criticism always aimed at Frost? He is a young player that is getting dlcked around by a coach. How can he play with any kind of confidence when you have Torts pulling you after playing well? Are you even a Flyers fan? Do you cheer for their players and prospects to be a success, or do you hope they fail, so you can win some bs online arguement on a forum of maybe 200 or so hockey fans?

Other players on this team have played worse than Frost, yet every single day you are on here running down Frost. The stats have been given to you, yet you continue. GIVE THE KID A FREAKING BREAK FOR GOD SAKES!!!!!!!

He is never going to be a Point or Marner, but a complimentary piece playing top 6 minutes is exactly what he is going to hit. You do realize that NO player shows up for every shift, every game and is an allstar every second they are on the ice, right? The game moves fast, and things happen fast. You call out Frosts penalties, yet the holding in the dzone was not a penalty at all. They weren't "lazy" penalties or from being disengaged in the play, so it feels like you see a couple penalty minutes on the score sheet and boom...he is not playing well. I also don't think Frost's job is to be laying out the body...he doesn't back away from bumping for the puck along the boards, but he is a skill player, and hits, fights, and the sort should not really be a big part of his game. Marner has 19 hits, Frost 9 and Point 5 hits. That's 1 hit every 5+ games for Point.....

Your nonsense is getting tiring.

I do agree that Coots looks off, but I chalk it up to the adrenaline running out from coming back, and the wear and tear of the travel and play has caught up. Might have a groin or core muscle issue, but he doesn't look like he can move properly..a bit stiff or ginger.

- TheFreak

First of all, he keeps criticizing Frost because he think it's a way to get at me. The same way he repeatedly will bring Hextall into situations that have nothing to do with Hextall. He has shown zero ability over literally years, to accurately assess a player, a coach, a GM, a trade, or any other situation in the sport of hockey. I just let him keep on embarrassing himself on a daily basis. While using facts and simple logic in response. For the pure entertainment value of it.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Dec 4 @ 8:02 AM ET
Why is your criticism always aimed at Frost? He is a young player that is getting dlcked around by a coach. How can he play with any kind of confidence when you have Torts pulling you after playing well? Are you even a Flyers fan? Do you cheer for their players and prospects to be a success, or do you hope they fail, so you can win some bs online arguement on a forum of maybe 200 or so hockey fans?

Other players on this team have played worse than Frost, yet every single day you are on here running down Frost. The stats have been given to you, yet you continue. GIVE THE KID A FREAKING BREAK FOR GOD SAKES!!!!!!!

He is never going to be a Point or Marner, but a complimentary piece playing top 6 minutes is exactly what he is going to hit. You do realize that NO player shows up for every shift, every game and is an allstar every second they are on the ice, right? The game moves fast, and things happen fast. You call out Frosts penalties, yet the holding in the dzone was not a penalty at all. They weren't "lazy" penalties or from being disengaged in the play, so it feels like you see a couple penalty minutes on the score sheet and boom...he is not playing well. I also don't think Frost's job is to be laying out the body...he doesn't back away from bumping for the puck along the boards, but he is a skill player, and hits, fights, and the sort should not really be a big part of his game. Marner has 19 hits, Frost 9 and Point 5 hits. That's 1 hit every 5+ games for Point.....

Your nonsense is getting tiring.

I do agree that Coots looks off, but I chalk it up to the adrenaline running out from coming back, and the wear and tear of the travel and play has caught up. Might have a groin or core muscle issue, but he doesn't look like he can move properly..a bit stiff or ginger.

- TheFreak

Yes I am a Flyers fan. I am just being objective when it comes to every player and coach on the team. My intent is not to keep criticizing Morgan Frost. I have posted many times I want to kid to play and develop a market so he can be traded for at least something decent in return. Right now the market for Frost is poor. Contrary to you, Bill and others on this site, I don't think Frost has been "Richarded around". I just don't think he is that good of a player overall, and I am confident what Frost is good at will not translate when the games mean something more than just a Tuesday night in Buffalo. Bill made a statement that Frost had a decent game. I disagree with that statement. I believe Frost had a poor game and stated my reasons why. I use a rookie like Foerster for comparison because Frost's age and experience is brought up all the time. Foerster has played quite a few less games than Frost and is 3 years younger than Frost, and yet night after night makes a much larger impact to the Flyers than Frost does. This is just the fact. I don't make it up, it's there for all to see.

Overall I think the amount of attention Frost has garnered this season has been over blown. I believe we have all seen what he is and is going to be, a nice little player that has good playmaking ability but little else. I don't see Frost has part of the solution here. If I'm wrong, that's fine with me because that means Frost is helping the Flyers win games and get back to being a contending team, and that is what I solely care about.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Dec 4 @ 8:03 AM ET
Is this all you know how to do, spew stats? I have nothing against stats but watch the games once in a while! If you did you would see what a lot of people see, that Couts is struggling right now. He looks fried out there. He has no acceleration and doesn’t seem to be able to keep up. Right now your constant attacks of me just make you look stupider and stupider!
- jd250

Or, you could look at those stats and reevaluate your personal opinion on what you think you see regarding Couts.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Dec 4 @ 8:06 AM ET
First of all, he keeps criticizing Frost because he think it's a way to get at me. The same way he repeatedly will bring Hextall into situations that have nothing to do with Hextall. He has shown zero ability over literally years, to accurately assess a player, a coach, a GM, a trade, or any other situation in the sport of hockey. I just let him keep on embarrassing himself on a daily basis. While using facts and simple logic in response. For the pure entertainment value of it.

Yes, that's right, I spend all my waking hours thinking about you! Wouldn't that just make your day? On the contrary, my opinion about the game Frost played against Pittsburgh was in response to a statement from Bill who stated Frost had a decent game, which I don't think he did.

However, I thought Risto had a another good game, and Hextall is still looking for a job in the league. But you are right, I don't have the ability to assess a player, coach or GM. You keep talking though, because you're right about one thing, its pure entertainment.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Dec 4 @ 8:10 AM ET
What I know how to do is to use the facts to counter your empty rhetoric. While the best you can come up are fallacies such as watch the game or a lot of people see it. That is the extent of what you can offer. I don't attack you. I attack your opinions. Which are stupider and stupider.

Couturier, for a player that is coming off of a major surgery and missed almost two full seasons. Is playing pretty well. The facts I supplied support that opinion. While you can offer nothing to support your opinion.


did you get the required 8 hours sleep last night.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Dec 4 @ 8:10 AM ET
Or, you could look at those stats and reevaluate your personal opinion on what you think you see regarding Couts.
- MBFlyerfan

I love Couts. Contrary to others on this forum I was happy he extended with the Flyers. I am also happy Couts is playing and got off to a good start this season, which is what these stats show. All I am stating is in the past several games Couts has looked off to me. He has no acceleration, his passes are off and he is slow to get to pucks. This is what I see watching the games, and I think he is fighting an injury. If you haven't noticed it, that's fine. Maybe tonight you will watch the game for yourself and draw your own conclusion.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Dec 4 @ 8:13 AM ET
What I know how to do is to use the facts to counter your empty rhetoric. While the best you can come up are fallacies such as watch the game or a lot of people see it. That is the extent of what you can offer. I don't attack you. I attack your opinions. Which are stupider and stupider.

Couturier, for a player that is coming off of a major surgery and missed almost two full seasons. Is playing pretty well. The facts I supplied support that opinion. While you can offer nothing to support your opinion.


I am not talking about Couts overall this season, I am talking about what I have noticed the past several games! He is fighting through something; he is not the same player, that's my opinion. If you want to throw stats in my face that are completely irrelevant to this opinion, go right ahead, but it's clear you are doing so to contradict me, not to actually have a hockey discussion.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Dec 4 @ 8:24 AM ET
I love Couts. Contrary to others on this forum I was happy he extended with the Flyers. I am also happy Couts is playing and got off to a good start this season, which is what these stats show. All I am stating is in the past several games Couts has looked off to me. He has no acceleration, his passes are off and he is slow to get to pucks. This is what I see watching the games, and I think he is fighting an injury. If you haven't noticed it, that's fine. Maybe tonight you will watch the game for yourself and draw your own conclusion.
- jd250

I despise this line of thinking. so maybe his play as dropped off, must be because of an injury.

This year for ex selke is all about getting back into it and for lack of a better relearning the game and getting your body adjusted. There are gong t be high and low periods.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Dec 4 @ 8:32 AM ET
Yes I am a Flyers fan. I am just being objective when it comes to every player and coach on the team. My intent is not to keep criticizing Morgan Frost. I have posted many times I want to kid to play and develop a market so he can be traded for at least something decent in return. Right now the market for Frost is poor. Contrary to you, Bill and others on this site, I don't think Frost has been "Richarded around". I just don't think he is that good of a player overall, and I am confident what Frost is good at will not translate when the games mean something more than just a Tuesday night in Buffalo. Bill made a statement that Frost had a decent game. I disagree with that statement. I believe Frost had a poor game and stated my reasons why. I use a rookie like Foerster for comparison because Frost's age and experience is brought up all the time. Foerster has played quite a few less games than Frost and is 3 years younger than Frost, and yet night after night makes a much larger impact to the Flyers than Frost does. This is just the fact. I don't make it up, it's there for all to see.

Overall I think the amount of attention Frost has garnered this season has been over blown. I believe we have all seen what he is and is going to be, a nice little player that has good playmaking ability but little else. I don't see Frost has part of the solution here. If I'm wrong, that's fine with me because that means Frost is helping the Flyers win games and get back to being a contending team, and that is what I solely care about.

- jd250

I got to here and wondered why? Why are you obssessed with getting rid of Frost.
Why don't you post how Cates needs to score as a center to stay in the lineup?
How about Cates? who is having a pretty disappointing season by any measure. Frost showed last year, when given talented wingers, and not the fourth line knuckle draggers, he excels and LEADS the team.
Yet, yes, lets trade a skillful, playmaking, point getting player because he doesn't body check enough for you.

YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Dec 4 @ 8:36 AM ET
jvr - 23 games - 16 points.

tony d - 16 games - 7 points. -10

uncle- ivan - 23 games - 15 points.

ghost - 22 games - 18 points.

hayes - 23 games - 11 points.

CC - 19 games - 17 points. Team in last place.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Dec 4 @ 8:39 AM ET
Yes I am a Flyers fan. I am just being objective when it comes to every player and coach on the team. My intent is not to keep criticizing Morgan Frost. I have posted many times I want to kid to play and develop a market so he can be traded for at least something decent in return. Right now the market for Frost is poor. Contrary to you, Bill and others on this site, I don't think Frost has been "Richarded around". I just don't think he is that good of a player overall, and I am confident what Frost is good at will not translate when the games mean something more than just a Tuesday night in Buffalo. Bill made a statement that Frost had a decent game. I disagree with that statement. I believe Frost had a poor game and stated my reasons why. I use a rookie like Foerster for comparison because Frost's age and experience is brought up all the time. Foerster has played quite a few less games than Frost and is 3 years younger than Frost, and yet night after night makes a much larger impact to the Flyers than Frost does. This is just the fact. I don't make it up, it's there for all to see.

- jd250

Foerster also doesn't play with knowing one mistake, and he is out for 3 games. Foerster has made plenty of mistakes, and when he wasn't putting up points, he was allowed to play through it, and continue to to do the little things. Frost wasn't. 2 different standards for 2 young, offensively minded players.
It is actually a prime example of how Torts has dlcked Frost around.
I am thrilled with Foerster's play, as I want all Flyers to be successful. I also think Frost would be up there leading the team in points, if he was just allowed to play.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Dec 4 @ 8:39 AM ET
jvr - 23 games - 16 points.

tony d - 16 games - 7 points. -10

uncle- ivan - 23 games - 15 points.

ghost - 22 games - 18 points.

hayes - 23 games - 11 points.

CC - 19 games - 17 points. Team in last place.

- hello it's me 2050

What's the point of harping about a player who hadn't played here for 2 seasons?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Dec 4 @ 8:44 AM ET
What's the point of harping about a player who hadn't played here for 2 seasons?
- TheFreak

how is providing an update on former flyers harping? please do tell
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Morgantown, PA
Joined: 01.21.2011

Dec 4 @ 8:47 AM ET
jvr - 23 games - 16 points.

tony d - 16 games - 7 points. -10

uncle- ivan - 23 games - 15 points.

ghost - 22 games - 18 points.

hayes - 23 games - 11 points.

CC - 19 games - 17 points. Team in last place.

- hello it's me 2050

Ghost would really help this team. He is a quality PP d-man.

I am happy for JVR. He is a likable dude. Thought he got somewhat of raw deal his second time around with the Flyers.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Dec 4 @ 9:08 AM ET
Yes, that's right, I spend all my waking hours thinking about you! Wouldn't that just make your day? On the contrary, my opinion about the game Frost played against Pittsburgh was in response to a statement from Bill who stated Frost had a decent game, which I don't think he did.

However, I thought Risto had a another good game, and Hextall is still looking for a job in the league. But you are right, I don't have the ability to assess a player, coach or GM. You keep talking though, because you're right about one thing, its pure entertainment.

- jd250

Your opinion like the majority of opinions you offer, lacks not only a grasp of the facts but also a lack of simple common sense. The most recent example is that you lack the logic to realize that regarding Frost, he has been yanked in and out of the lineup. After having a strong season last year. Yet you claim he hasn't been Richarded around. You claim that Foerster's 20 some game sample shows that he is a better player than Frost while dismissing Frost's play last season due to a new ridiculous spin of a lost season. Yet if you were discussing a player you favor, such as Tippett You'd gladly reference his 27 goals last season. It's only a lost season when it fits your narrative. Facts such as statistical information, only matter when it fits your narrative

Yes, I'm right, you don't have the ability. There are literally years of a public record to prove that.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Dec 4 @ 9:10 AM ET
I am not talking about Couts overall this season, I am talking about what I have noticed the past several games! He is fighting through something; he is not the same player, that's my opinion. If you want to throw stats in my face that are completely irrelevant to this opinion, go right ahead, but it's clear you are doing so to contradict me, not to actually have a hockey discussion.
- jd250

Here comes the BS spin. Here is what you posted on this very thread.

"Couts has been a very good player, but this year already you can see he is not close to the same player."

Sure, the facts that show that what you're saying is BS are completely irrelevant. Somehow in your world, injecting facts into the conversation, is not having a conversation. LOL

Actually, comments like "watch the game" and "everyone else sees it" are examples of not having a conversation. At least not an intelligent one.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Dec 6 @ 4:46 PM ET
Yes, which is why I posted edge to the Niners with defense.

"Edge" to the 49ers is like saying that between Makar and Sanheim the edge goes to Makar. I used the symbol ">>" which means much greater (which is stronger than edging out).

The Eagles D ranks worst in the NFL over the past 5 weeks. Other than the Buffalo game, they are being gashed on the ground. They were always among the bottom in the pass and yards given up. They now are barely getting sacks, hardly getting turnovers, and are horrible on red zone defense, and putrid on 3rd completions given up. They were being propped up by the determination of Hurts and the skill play of their offensive stars.

So we are in agreement about who is better, but disagree about degree.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Dec 6 @ 5:01 PM ET
I think their offense lost the game. 2 long drives; field goals. 3rd drive no points, etc. Hurts was rattled, OL looked bad at times. Bottom line, you gotta score. The 49ers took the early hit and then remembered that they are the better team. No excuses, they are the better team. Better roster, coaching… they showed it. No shame in losing to a better team.
- FlyerLifer

I dunno why you say that, man. OL was stellar in pass protection. Mailata stoned Young, Lane stoned Bosa, both without help.

Here are the PFF grades: you see, they are right about average over the season, very good in their own right, and there are plenty of times they have been worse.

As the 49ers have now admitted. They messed with Jalen Hurts' mind. They came in with all this talk of their fearsome rush. But they rarely blitzed and even their front four focused on gap containment. They had a spy who looked out for Hurts taking off and also those deep handoffs to RB from the shotgun, going between the tackles.

Hurts sensed more pressure than there was. When he stayed in the pocket, there were often 5 secs + with a cleam pocket. Problem is, there were 7 in coverage. Too often, he took off to his right even with a clean pocket, always a bad sign. They wasted a body like Stoll to keep him in pass protection. There was no need.

What they should have done is run some screens, some pulls by OL on the sides, anything that deviated from just running up the gut which they gave up after 10 odd tries anyway. Did you see a single designed run with Kelce/Mailata/D1ckerson pulling, like Trent Williams did for Mccafferty?

Our Eagles D is now so very bad, that 49ers win a game like this probably 8 out of 10 times. But, given the Eagles ability to turn close games in their favor, their coaching on the offensive side was pretty poor. There was no adjustment whatsoever.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Dec 6 @ 5:42 PM ET
"Edge" to the 49ers is like saying that between Makar and Sanheim the edge goes to Makar. I used the symbol ">>" which means much greater (which is stronger than edging out).

The Eagles D ranks worst in the NFL over the past 5 weeks. Other than the Buffalo game, they are being gashed on the ground. They were always among the bottom in the pass and yards given up. They now are barely getting sacks, hardly getting turnovers, and are horrible on red zone defense, and putrid on 3rd completions given up. They were being propped up by the determination of Hurts and the skill play of their offensive stars.

So we are in agreement about who is better, but disagree about degree.

- PT21

That's making a semantics argument. Saying edge to the Niners simply means that they are better in that area. I agree that the offense has been carrying the team this year but the defense has also made key plays. That's how the Eagles have been winning. They've been making plays on both sides of the ball while the opposition hasn't been. In key moments of the game. That didn't happen against the Niners obviously. On both sides of the ball.

Head to head is of course the best gauge but I don't think the Eagles played well on either side of the ball against the Niners. I don't think the gap between the two games is as big as it was last weekend. I also think the game meant far more to the Niners than it did to the Eagles. I think the Eagles can be much better. Enough to beat the Niners? We'll see if they meet in the playoffs.
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