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Jan Levine
New York Rangers
Joined: 09.16.2005

Jun 25 @ 8:05 AM ET
Jan Levine: Rangers’ off-season clock now gets started in earnest Off-season has now officially started
New York Rangers
Joined: 07.24.2021

Jun 25 @ 8:30 AM ET
Great blog Jan! We appreciate you.

Regarding Kakko--I feel this one is a tougher call than most think. While Kakko hasn't lived up to expectations, he is still very young and plays well defensively. We can expect 15-20 goals which isn't bad for a third liner and he has the potential to put up more. However, we have Othamnn waiting for his shot and he is going to need top 9 minutes. We don't have enough room for them both to play regularly unless we make no moves during free agency and give that IRW spot to Kakko(not happening). This is why I think they will ultimately trade him to move up in the draft. Yes, we are in win now mode...but I think the Rangers brass feels Othmann can replace any production lost from Kakko.

Zegras-- Pass for the reasons you mentioned. We need to get bigger and tougher to play against. Zegras will play 3C and doesn't fit that style of play. Plus he will likely cost a lot to acquire

Vatrano-- Would entertain for Kakko +. Wish Drury would have just done that at the TDL

McGoarty- YES please, but I don't think it happens

Kane- No thank you. Just think there are better ways to spend our money than a 35+ year old who is fragile. Also want no part of him for 3 years

I also don't think they shake up the D much. Replace Gus with Jones, resign Lindgren, and relegate Trouba to third line minutes

some low cost signing for 7D

Time for the fun to start. Let's see what Drury has up his sleeve
New York Rangers
Location: Bucks County, PA
Joined: 01.18.2008

Jun 25 @ 8:36 AM ET
Great blog Jan! We appreciate you.

Regarding Kakko--I feel this one is a tougher call than most think. While Kakko hasn't lived up to expectations, he is still very young and plays well defensively. We can expect 15-20 goals which isn't bad for a third liner and he has the potential to put up more. However, we have Othamnn waiting for his shot and he is going to need top 9 minutes. We don't have enough room for them both to play regularly unless we make no moves during free agency and give that IRW spot to Kakko(not happening). This is why I think they will ultimately trade him to move up in the draft. Yes, we are in win now mode...but I think the Rangers brass feels Othmann can replace any production lost from Kakko.

Zegras-- Pass for the reasons you mentioned. We need to get bigger and tougher to play against. Zegras will play 3C and doesn't fit that style of play. Plus he will likely cost a lot to acquire

Vatrano-- Would entertain for Kakko +. Wish Drury would have just done that at the TDL

McGoarty- YES please, but I don't think it happens

Kane- No thank you. Just think there are better ways to spend our money than a 35+ year old who is fragile. Also want no part of him for 3 years

I also don't think they shake up the D much. Replace Gus with Jones, resign Lindgren, and relegate Trouba to third line minutes

some low cost signing for 7D

Time for the fun to start. Let's see what Drury has up his sleeve

- NYR11

The only problem is if you keep both Lindgren and Trouba it’s gonna be hard to come up with enough cap space to find that top 6 winger we all want. Why we may be stuck with someone like Kane lol
New York Rangers
Joined: 07.24.2021

Jun 25 @ 8:52 AM ET
The only problem is if you keep both Lindgren and Trouba it’s gonna be hard to come up with enough cap space to find that top 6 winger we all want. Why we may be stuck with someone like Kane lol

Yeah, I hear that. That's why I wouldn't be opposed to Vatrano back for that RW spot. Him for Kakko + could round out the roster nicely.

I would also hope Drury is doing his best exploring all trade options. Tuch is someone I keep mentioning who I'd love. We have a good amount of trade chips we can offer in Kakko, Othmann, Sykora, Berard, Garand, and Perreult (I know he is coveted) + draft picks
New York Rangers
Location: Bucks County, PA
Joined: 01.18.2008

Jun 25 @ 8:59 AM ET
Yeah, I hear that. That's why I wouldn't be opposed to Vatrano back for that RW spot. Him for Kakko + could round out the roster nicely.

I would also hope Drury is doing his best exploring all trade options. Tuch is someone I keep mentioning who I'd love. We have a good amount of trade chips we can offer in Kakko, Othmann, Sykora, Berard, Garand, and Perreult (I know he is coveted) + draft picks

- NYR11

Tuch would be perfect but he is a pipe dream. Drury tried to get him last year but Buffalo has no intention of trading him
New York Rangers
Location: Handsome Eddy, IA
Joined: 07.30.2010

Jun 25 @ 9:06 AM ET
Tuch would be perfect but he is a pipe dream. Drury tried to get him last year but Buffalo has no intention of trading him

Kevyn Adams would rather lose and not help the Rangers. Almost have to respect his level of pettiness.
New York Rangers
Joined: 07.24.2021

Jun 25 @ 9:42 AM ET
According to Vince Mercogliano, both Kakko & Trouba can be had for the right deals. Not anything we weren't already aware of, but it does show that Drury is serious about shaking it up a bit. Can't see the market being that hot for either of those players. Kind of a sell low spot for us, but somethings gotta give
New York Rangers
Location: Bucks County, PA
Joined: 01.18.2008

Jun 25 @ 9:52 AM ET
According to Vince Mercogliano, both Kakko & Trouba can be had for the right deals. Not anything we weren't already aware of, but it does show that Drury is serious about shaking it up a bit. Can't see the market being that hot for either of those players. Kind of a sell low spot for us, but somethings gotta give
- NYR11

They will need to eat about 2-3 million per year to move Trouba. Just think it’s a huge issue to have your third pair defensemen making 8 million a year. Hope Drury can find a deal
Joined: 07.09.2009

Jun 25 @ 9:55 AM ET
Great blog Jan! We appreciate you.

Regarding Kakko--I feel this one is a tougher call than most think. While Kakko hasn't lived up to expectations, he is still very young and plays well defensively. We can expect 15-20 goals which isn't bad for a third liner and he has the potential to put up more. However, we have Othamnn waiting for his shot and he is going to need top 9 minutes. We don't have enough room for them both to play regularly unless we make no moves during free agency and give that IRW spot to Kakko(not happening). This is why I think they will ultimately trade him to move up in the draft. Yes, we are in win now mode...but I think the Rangers brass feels Othmann can replace any production lost from Kakko.

Zegras-- Pass for the reasons you mentioned. We need to get bigger and tougher to play against. Zegras will play 3C and doesn't fit that style of play. Plus he will likely cost a lot to acquire

Vatrano-- Would entertain for Kakko +. Wish Drury would have just done that at the TDL

McGoarty- YES please, but I don't think it happens

Kane- No thank you. Just think there are better ways to spend our money than a 35+ year old who is fragile. Also want no part of him for 3 years

I also don't think they shake up the D much. Replace Gus with Jones, resign Lindgren, and relegate Trouba to third line minutes

some low cost signing for 7D

Time for the fun to start. Let's see what Drury has up his sleeve

- NYR11

If that’s the defense expect a PO exit early. Middle of the pack defense wont cut it
Joined: 07.09.2009

Jun 25 @ 9:58 AM ET
They will need to eat about 2-3 million per year to move Trouba. Just think it’s a huge issue to have your third pair defensemen making 8 million a year. Hope Drury can find a deal

Rangers need puck movers back there. Build around Fox Schneider miller. Could cares less about the rest. Jones might take a leap also
New York Rangers
Joined: 07.24.2021

Jun 25 @ 9:58 AM ET
If that’s the defense expect a PO exit early. Middle of the pack defense wont cut it
- nyrangers2

We just made it to the ECF with this defense....in which Trouba Fox & Lindgren were playing with serious injuries. I'm not sure what kind of upgrade you are thinking of that will make them a notch better without limiting our ability to make moves for our offense. What/who do you have in mind?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 25 @ 10:00 AM ET
"McGroarty has made it fairly clear he won’t sign with the Jets. "

He has? haven't seen much saying that one can speculate.
New York Rangers
Location: ON
Joined: 02.04.2016

Jun 25 @ 10:02 AM ET
Rangers need puck movers back there. Build around Fox Schneider miller. Could cares less about the rest. Jones might take a leap also
- nyrangers2

We certainly could use that. And, I agree, it appears possible at the very least. But, he won't make that leap while in the press box, so I hope he gets a legitimate shot.
Joined: 07.09.2009

Jun 25 @ 10:10 AM ET
We just made it to the ECF with this defense....in which Trouba Fox & Lindgren were playing with serious injuries. I'm not sure what kind of upgrade you are thinking of that will make them a notch better without limiting our ability to make moves for our offense. What/who do you have in mind?
- NYR11

Trade trouba get chycrun or Tanev. Lindgren can stay on 3 year deal at a reduced role. Get Domi mangipane spriong or ehlers on the wing or make a trade
New York Rangers
Location: Handsome Eddy, IA
Joined: 07.30.2010

Jun 25 @ 10:10 AM ET
We certainly could use that. And, I agree, it appears possible at the very least. But, he won't make that leap while in the press box, so I hope he gets a legitimate shot.
- Tonybere

Too little. Probably will always be too good for the AHL and not good enough for the NHL. I could see a trade in his future.
New York Rangers
Location: ON
Joined: 02.04.2016

Jun 25 @ 10:11 AM ET
"McGroarty has made it fairly clear he won’t sign with the Jets. "

He has? haven't seen much saying that one can speculate.

- hello it's me 2050

First hit of a simple Google search:


Jan Levine
New York Rangers
Joined: 09.16.2005

Jun 25 @ 10:14 AM ET
"McGroarty has made it fairly clear he won’t sign with the Jets. "

He has? haven't seen much saying that one can speculate.

- hello it's me 2050

One of many examples
New York Rangers
Location: Putnam, NY
Joined: 06.14.2011

Jun 25 @ 10:22 AM ET
We just made it to the ECF with this defense....in which Trouba Fox & Lindgren were playing with serious injuries. I'm not sure what kind of upgrade you are thinking of that will make them a notch better without limiting our ability to make moves for our offense. What/who do you have in mind?

We made it to the ECF but look how we did it, we steam rolled a poop Caps team, basically rode Igor past the Canes and got smothered by the Cats.

All things need to be considered when evaluating, I know Im more pessimistic but thats how I see it.

If we had beaten the Cats, could we have kept up to the Oilers? Would our forwards have played as well defensively as the Panthers forwards did?
New York Rangers
Joined: 07.24.2021

Jun 25 @ 10:23 AM ET
Trade trouba get chycrun or Tanev. Lindgren can stay on 3 year deal at a reduced role. Get Domi spriong or ehlers on the wing or make a trade
- nyrangers2

Chychurin is a UFA at the end of next season. I highly doubt Ottowa is on Troubas approved lit of teams so unless you're trading Trouba somewhere else and then making a seperate deal for Chychurin, I don't see it. Tanev sure for the right price if they move Trouba. He is getting up there in age too. I think he is approaching 35 but still serviceable

I don't think Domi or Sprong move the needle enough for the Rangers. Domi makes us tougher to play against and I know you've mentioned him a few times, but idk I just don't think he is going to be the #1 RW we are all seeking

Don't mean to come off negative and shoot down all of your proposals. I like the idea of Sprong for our bottom 6. But money is going to be tight
New York Rangers
Joined: 07.24.2021

Jun 25 @ 10:28 AM ET
We made it to the ECF but look how we did it, we steam rolled a poop Caps team, basically rode Igor past the Canes and got smothered by the Cats.

All things need to be considered when evaluating, I know Im more pessimistic but thats how I see it.

If we had beaten the Cats, could we have kept up to the Oilers? Would our forwards have played as well defensively as the Panthers forwards did?

- Brukie

I get that. But all factors have to be considered, right? As I mentioned in the post you quoted, 3 of our top 4 D were hurt for >50% of the playoffs. Would they have looked differently with a fully healthy Fox? I'd like to think so. Could we have kept up with the Oilers....who knows. I know Skinner isn't Bobrovsky and the NYR found ways to score against lesser goalies like Anderson & Lindgren

I just don't agree that a D unit of Fox, Lindgren, Miller, Schneider, Troubs, and Jones automatically equates to an early playoff exit
Joined: 07.09.2009

Jun 25 @ 10:42 AM ET
Chychurin is a UFA at the end of next season. I highly doubt Ottowa is on Troubas approved lit of teams so unless you're trading Trouba somewhere else and then making a seperate deal for Chychurin, I don't see it. Tanev sure for the right price if they move Trouba. He is getting up there in age too. I think he is approaching 35 but still serviceable

I don't think Domi or Sprong move the needle enough for the Rangers. Domi makes us tougher to play against and I know you've mentioned him a few times, but idk I just don't think he is going to be the #1 RW we are all seeking

Don't mean to come off negative and shoot down all of your proposals. I like the idea of Sprong for our bottom 6. But money is going to be tight

- NYR11

Not trading trouba to ott. Just try for Chycrun via another trade.
New York Rangers
Joined: 11.08.2013

Jun 25 @ 10:43 AM ET
If that’s the defense expect a PO exit early. Middle of the pack defense wont cut it
- nyrangers2

You don’t win the grind of the playoffs with a 5’10 175 lb defenseman and a 5’11 185 lb defenseman as regulars. Fox is our small puck mover, no room for 2 in the playoffs.
New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 25 @ 10:47 AM ET
Back to the game last night. I would be so pissed if the Rangers won the cup and the Conn Smyth went to the loser. Total horsepoop. if he was so valuable they would have won and he should have scored a point in game 6 or 7. Bob should have gotten it. Stop with the forced love to McJesus already. No fault of his, but I am starting to despise him because of the special treatment.
New York Islanders
Location: NY
Joined: 11.03.2008

Jun 25 @ 10:51 AM ET
Back to the game last night. I would be so pissed if the Rangers won the cup and the Conn Smyth went to the loser. Total horsepoop. if he was so valuable they would have won and he should have scored a point in game 6 or 7. Bob should have gotten it. Stop with the forced love to McJesus already. No fault of his, but I am starting to despise him because of the special treatment.
- Greschnergy#4

Conn Smythe is not the Final MVP, it covers the entire playoffs. McDavid broke Gretzky records that nobody though would ever fall. Bobrovsky faltered in the middle of the series as much, arguably more, as McDavid did at the end.

There wasn't a clear winner after either of those two and I think it went to the right player. Bob would have been a fine choice, but McDavid had an all-time playoff performance
New York Rangers
Location: NY
Joined: 12.10.2018

Jun 25 @ 10:52 AM ET
Conn Smythe is not the Final MVP, it covers the entire playoffs. McDavid broke Gretzky records that nobody though would ever fall. Bobrovsky faltered in the middle of the series as much, arguably more, as McDavid did at the end.

There wasn't a clear winner after either of those two and I think it went to the right player. Bob would have been a fine choice, but McDavid had an all-time playoff performance

- eichiefs9

not good enough though
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