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Forums :: Blog World :: Sean Maloughney: I'm So Proud of This Team
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Sean Maloughney
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Edmonton
Joined: 09.26.2010

Jun 25 @ 12:41 PM ET
Sean Maloughney: I'm So Proud of This Team
Joined: 07.03.2011

Jun 25 @ 12:49 PM ET
One last shot next season โ€ฆ.before Draisaitl, McD , and Bouchard have new contracts for a combined $37M or more
Joined: 11.09.2015

Jun 25 @ 1:12 PM ET
The Oilers have a hell of a team. I don't expect the Panthers to be in the Stanley Cup finals next year, but I know the Oilers will be there to finish what they didn't accomplish this year.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: I'm a figment of your imagination.
Joined: 11.09.2006

Jun 25 @ 1:15 PM ET
Great playoff run, the players should hold their head high.
They could have packed it in after going down 3-0 in the series but they fought back hard.

While it's no consolation for losing game 7, McJesus fully deserves the Conn Smythe Trophy.
Joined: 11.09.2015

Jun 25 @ 1:23 PM ET
I know Connor McDavid didn't come out to accept the Conn Smythe trophy because he's not selfish and only cares about his team. Team first, attitude makes him a true winner in my book.
Montreal Canadiens
Location: I'm a figment of your imagination.
Joined: 11.09.2006

Jun 25 @ 1:25 PM ET
I know Connor McDavid didn't come out to accept the Conn Smythe trophy because he's not selfish and only cares about his team. Team first, attitude makes him a true winner in my book.
- madhatter56

This is a non story, he was first in line to shake the Cat's players hand after the game. He probably felt this moment belonged to the winning team (on home ice).
Kevin R
Calgary Flames
Location: E5 = It aint gonna happen.
Joined: 02.10.2010

Jun 25 @ 1:36 PM ET
Congrats Oilers & Oiler Fans!
That was a helluva run! Was kind of De Ja Vu for us from 2004 when we lost to Tampon Bay in game 7 by the same score of 2-1.
We know the pain of losing like this but yes lots to be proud of & hope/anticipation for the future.
Well done!
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Kenny will bring us to the promised land
Joined: 06.12.2012

Jun 25 @ 2:13 PM ET
Last night I was plenty pissed and upset the Oil lost after a comeback for the ages.

After the high emotions (and alcohol) have worn down I really am proud of this team. After dealing with so much adversity starting from day 1 of the regular season all the way through the playoffs this team has proved that they are the real deal and true Stanley Cup contenders.

I am proud of every Oiler, there were no passengers in these playoffs. Yes, so tinkering is needed in the offseason but there are so many positives to take from this season moving forward.

First and foremost, these playoffs have shown us that Stuart Skinner is a bonafide #1 goalie in the NHL. His numbers in the most crucial playoff games (4-7) were out of this world.

I'm also just as if not more proud of our penalty kill and I really hope the Oil can keep those players together for another season. They were an absolute rock and besides Skinner, the reason we made it to game 7 Finals.

Evan Bouchalrd made a huge leap this season and is close now to becoming a true #1 defenseman. (Not there yet)

The team has shown they can play a high scoring open game or a shutdown 2-1 type game. They're physical and tough and aren't bullied by other teams.

Evander Kane has taken a lot of flak this season but the real Oiler fans know he was dealing with a ton of injuries and still played in the playoffs up until the Finals when it became too much to handle. I'm expecting a huge season from him next year.

Whether he stays on or not, GM Ken Holland has done more good than bad in my books and built a damn fine team. Well done.

I thought it was unlikely before the playoffs started but after this run I have zero doubt now that Drai and McD will re-sign and probably for max term. This team will be perennial contenders for years to come.

A couple upgrades to our defense (Ceci) and wingers and this team will be ready for another serious run at Lord Stanley next year.

Well done Oilers, were all proud of you.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: My Parents Basement, BC
Joined: 07.14.2008

Jun 25 @ 3:13 PM ET
I know Connor McDavid didn't come out to accept the Conn Smythe trophy because he's not selfish and only cares about his team. Team first, attitude makes him a true winner in my book.
- madhatter56

You're acting like if he actually would have accepted it everyone would be mad at him for "not being a team player"

Calgary Flames
Joined: 08.23.2019

Jun 25 @ 3:41 PM ET
Mc crybaby again shows he is no captain no leader by not accepting the conn boo hoo ๐Ÿ˜ข

love watching them lose !!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคญ
Joined: 07.03.2011

Jun 25 @ 3:48 PM ET
Should be proud and happy. Just saved $5-$6M in cap with this result. McD would take no less than $16.5-$18M aav with a Conn Smyth and a Cup to his name. Draisaitl woulld command $14-$16M. Bouchard $10-$11M.
Joined: 11.09.2015

Jun 25 @ 4:21 PM ET
Everybody put the pressure on McDavid. His nickname McJesus made it like he could walk on water. Hockey is a team sport and not and should not be focused on one player. ESPN had him as their narrative for the whole Stanley Cup series. It was ad nauseam to the point you couldn't take any more of the guy. This was the downfall of the Oilers, putting the team on that guy's back.
Detroit Red Wings
Location: All Ontario Scientist (Masters Level III)
Joined: 04.11.2018

Jun 25 @ 4:21 PM ET
Last night I was plenty pissed and upset the Oil lost after a comeback for the ages.

After the high emotions (and alcohol) have worn down I really am proud of this team. After dealing with so much adversity starting from day 1 of the regular season all the way through the playoffs this team has proved that they are the real deal and true Stanley Cup contenders.

I am proud of every Oiler, there were no passengers in these playoffs. Yes, so tinkering is needed in the offseason but there are so many positives to take from this season moving forward.

First and foremost, these playoffs have shown us that Stuart Skinner is a bonafide #1 goalie in the NHL. His numbers in the most crucial playoff games (4-7) were out of this world.

I'm also just as if not more proud of our penalty kill and I really hope the Oil can keep those players together for another season. They were an absolute rock and besides Skinner, the reason we made it to game 7 Finals.

Evan Bouchalrd made a huge leap this season and is close now to becoming a true #1 defenseman. (Not there yet)

The team has shown they can play a high scoring open game or a shutdown 2-1 type game. They're physical and tough and aren't bullied by other teams.

Evander Kane has taken a lot of flak this season but the real Oiler fans know he was dealing with a ton of injuries and still played in the playoffs up until the Finals when it became too much to handle. I'm expecting a huge season from him next year.

Whether he stays on or not, GM Ken Holland has done more good than bad in my books and built a damn fine team. Well done.

I thought it was unlikely before the playoffs started but after this run I have zero doubt now that Drai and McD will re-sign and probably for max term. This team will be perennial contenders for years to come.

A couple upgrades to our defense (Ceci) and wingers and this team will be ready for another serious run at Lord Stanley next year.

Well done Oilers, were all proud of you.

- Oildrum

Only if the PP and 97/29 keep rolling.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Kenny will bring us to the promised land
Joined: 06.12.2012

Jun 25 @ 4:31 PM ET
Mc crybaby again shows he is no captain no leader by not accepting the conn boo hoo ๐Ÿ˜ข

love watching them lose !!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคญ

- Hockeyfan4life14

Just grasping at anything you can, no matter how ridiculous. Go wallow in your rebiuld while we contend for the Cup for the next 10 years.

You must be really jealous that your stars bolted for greener pasture while ours are going to re-sign.
Quinn's Quest
Vancouver Canucks
Joined: 08.08.2022

Jun 25 @ 5:16 PM ET
So Cup or bust next season then?
Aaah so close.
Nashville Predators
Location: Old Hickory, TN
Joined: 07.22.2007

Jun 25 @ 5:23 PM ET
Not verified. Maybe old news in Edmonton but first I've heard.

"Draisaitl with multiple broken bones.."

Calgary Flames
Joined: 08.23.2019

Jun 25 @ 5:35 PM ET
Just grasping at anything you can, no matter how ridiculous. Go wallow in your rebiuld while we contend for the Cup for the next 10 years.

You must be really jealous that your stars bolted for greener pasture while ours are going to re-sign.

- Oildrum

Coming from a team that canโ€™t win when gifted what 10 top 10 picks 4 firsts and still bust when it counts go lick your wounds ass clown your an idiot and always will be
Boston Bruins
Location: ON
Joined: 06.20.2012

Jun 25 @ 5:39 PM ET
So Cup or bust next season then?
Aaah so close.

- Quinn's Quest

Closer than your team asshat. Didn't the Oilers eliminate Vancouver.

And when is Vancouver gonna sign Lindholm?

It's just pathetic that you losers come out of the wood-work like cockroaches to chirp a team that made it to game 7 of SCF. Pathetic.

Montreal Canadiens
Location: QC
Joined: 10.27.2006

Jun 25 @ 6:39 PM ET
Excellent blog. While Edmonton is not my favourite team, itโ€™s in my top five and I was certainly pulling for the comeback. Few finals in the cap era can claim to have been more impressive. Hereโ€™s hoping they can make another run next season and win it (my Habs wonโ€™t be contenders until McDavid is past his prime, so Iโ€™m fine pulling for the Oilers for awhile). Sucks to lose when coming so close but the team should hold its head high.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Kenny will bring us to the promised land
Joined: 06.12.2012

Jun 25 @ 6:44 PM ET
Not verified. Maybe old news in Edmonton but first I've heard.

"Draisaitl with multiple broken bones.."


- blueline

I knew Drai was playing injured. Broken finger and ribs, explains his lack of production in the Finals. Panthers got lucky and were a lot healthier team.
Vancouver Canucks
Location: My Parents Basement, BC
Joined: 07.14.2008

Jun 25 @ 6:45 PM ET
Good write up. I tip my hat to the Oilers. Hate the team and their fans with a passion, but there's no denying they had something special this post season.

Incredible run. Unfortunately (kinda) ya'll came up short.

They finally got over the hump, no reason they cant do it again next year.


Edmonton Oilers
Location: Kenny will bring us to the promised land
Joined: 06.12.2012

Jun 25 @ 6:45 PM ET
Coming from a team that canโ€™t win when gifted what 10 top 10 picks 4 firsts and still bust when it counts go lick your wounds ass clown your an idiot and always will be
- Hockeyfan4life14

I sense a lot of anger in this one.
Boston Bruins
Location: ON
Joined: 06.20.2012

Jun 25 @ 6:58 PM ET
I sense a lot of anger in this one.
- Oildrum

Well, the player that refused to play for his team just won a Cup.

Calgary Flames
Location: K town
Joined: 09.02.2014

Jun 25 @ 6:58 PM ET
I knew Drai was playing injured. Broken finger and ribs, explains his lack of production in the Finals. Panthers got lucky and were a lot healthier team.
- Oildrum

Someone tell Jlo
The Judge
Seattle Kraken
Joined: 08.30.2021

Jun 25 @ 7:11 PM ET
Closer than your team asshat. Didn't the Oilers eliminate Vancouver.

And when is Vancouver gonna sign Lindholm?

It's just pathetic that you losers come out of the wood-work like cockroaches to chirp a team that made it to game 7 of SCF. Pathetic.

- Nasty_Duck

There is currently not a word in the English language to describe just how sad and pathetic that asshat is.
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