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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Draft Wrapup, RFAs, Develoment Camp
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 30 @ 8:38 PM ET
The rest of the scouting world? How many of the so-called scouts in that "scouting world" are actual full time scouts working for NHL teams? How often has that scouting world been wrong about a player? Didn't that same scouting world state in 2017 that it was the Nolan Patrick draft? Or how about in 2022, didn't they call that the Shane Wright draft? Why can't you accept that the Flyers scouting concensus was they wanted Jett over Buium? They may be wrong, who knows. Its useless to lament until we see how it turns out.
- jd250

How often are actual full time NHL scouts wrong? How often have the Flyers scouts been wrong? Again, you don't have the common sense that the same applies to both sides. Implying that I can't accept that the Flyers had him rated higher, is a stupid statement. It's not about not realizing that obvious fact. It's about questioning their decision making process. Again, if you can't criticize the pick because we don't know until we see how it turns out. Then you can't praise the pick based on that either. Yet here you are repeatedly praising Flahr. You aren't capable of having the common sense to see both sides of that coin.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 30 @ 8:41 PM ET
How often are actual full time NHL scouts wrong? How often have the Flyers scouts been wrong? Again, you don't have the common sense that the same applies to both sides. Implying that I can't accept that the Flyers had him rated higher, is a stupid statement. It's not about not realizing that obvious fact. It's about questioning their decision making process. Again, if you can't criticize the pick because we don't know until we see how it turns out. Then you can't praise the pick based on that either. Yet here you are repeatedly praising Flahr. You aren't capable of having the common sense to see both sides of that coin.

The thing that makes me laugh the most, he doesn't know who writes MOST of those scouting reports he regurgitates as experts knowing more than the armchair GMs on the BuZz...

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 30 @ 8:51 PM ET
The thing that makes me laugh the most, he doesn't know who writes MOST of those scouting reports he regurgitates as experts knowing more than the armchair GMs on the BuZz...


- Glak18

Exactly. The fool after posting that the scouting reports used aren't equal to the full time NHL scouts. Posts a Youtube video from the Locked on NHL prospects Youtube channel. Which NHL team does Hadi Kalakeche and Sebastian High work full time for?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: "It's pretty big loogie on my face, so I was pretty psssted".", PA
Joined: 06.26.2007

Jun 30 @ 8:55 PM ET
Exactly. The fool after posting that the scouting reports used aren't equal to the full time NHL scouts. Posts a Youtube video from the Locked on NHL prospects Youtube channel. Which NHL team does Hadi Kalakeche and Sebastian High work full time for?


I'm not even talking about that YT video, the scouting community across the globe is huge. I guarantee they do the bulk of the work for the team scouts because they can't see every game.

When I picture the Flyers scouting meetings, I always picture that scene from Money Ball.

"His girlfriend is ugly, he lacks confidence"
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jun 30 @ 9:05 PM ET
Good day in France
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 30 @ 9:09 PM ET
Good day in France
- flyer_nutter

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 04.27.2018

Jun 30 @ 9:13 PM ET
- MBFlyerfan

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jun 30 @ 9:15 PM ET
Good day in France
- flyer_nutter

Did Macron get thrown out on his arse?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jun 30 @ 9:16 PM ET
- WhiskeyMan

No world events!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 04.27.2018

Jun 30 @ 9:26 PM ET
Did Macron get thrown out on his arse?
- bird_dog_pa

His party came in 3rd in the first voting event. More to come
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 06.29.2017

Jun 30 @ 10:10 PM ET
You continue to oversell and overrate Flahr as a drafter. Luchenko having a big year in juniors next season, won't change the decision making that the Flyers used in this draft in passing up a higher rated player. He is 17, going on 18. There is little chance that he makes the Flyers in 2025. He is likely at least 4 years away from playing in the NHL full time.

Luchanko could turn out to be the best player in this draft. And while that would be absolutely wonderful, the fact of the matter is they could have still had him with a later pick and accumulated some more assets in the process....A lot of people are missing that point. This is not a player selection issue. It is an asset management issue - something the flyers are horrible at. They pulled the same mis-management with #32 and almost every other pick thereafter
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 30 @ 10:31 PM ET
How is picking the best available C on your board that you ranked comparably with players in other positions a reach? By all account, Luchenko was going to be picked before 20, and the Flyers got their guy at 13. I was more disappointed with the Flyers not trading up from 32 and getting Solberg. In the end, the only conclusion I can make is the Flyers really didn't like this draft class that much and are looking to 2025.
- jd250

You really are mentally challenged I think. If so please say it so when every lone reads your post they don’t immediately think what a retard you are. Or some other same type things. I’m being serious and truly not trying to offend anyone at all. Are you mentally disabled?

“By all accounts everyone had Jett going before 20”? Really?

He’s the truth. Jett initially was rated to go in 2nd round then started to rise. Cracking 1st round. By end of season most had him somewhere likely in the 20’s. Some had him toward back of 1st round some had him toward lower 20’s. Some even said he might get into the teens and MAYBE a few MAYBE a handful had him as POSSIBLE TO GO MID 1st round. You might even find 1 or 2 that had him in that 12-14 range.

You continue to believe and try to push that he was this consensus mid 1st round pick. Which is retarded yet you continue to knock a player like buium saying things like why did teams pass on him like he sucks while completely ignoring what truly is alEVERYONE had zeev in top 10. It’s amazing just how dumb you are. Please please let us know if there’s mental disability so we can feel not feel guilty for thinking and picking on you
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 30 @ 10:34 PM ET
In 2019, many complained that Flahr and Fletcher picked York over Caufield. Now four years later, York was the right pick. In 2020, people complained about picking Tyson Foerster who many stated could not skate well enough to be in the NHL. This past season Foerster got Calder and Selke votes. 2021 the Flyers had no first round pick. In 2022 many complained the Flyers should have picked Jiricek over Gauthier. The jury is out on this one but based on what I read on this forum, there are a lot of Gauthier fans these days. In 2023 many complained the Flyers should not have picked Bonk who was projected as a 2nd rounder, and wanted the Flyers to draft Gabe Perrault. Now after Bonk's +1 year, many can't wait for him to get to the Flyers. Now in 2024 many are complaining that the Flyers picked Luchenko over Buium.

My point is Flahr's first round picks have been criticized since day 1 with the Flyers, but in the end Flahr has done a damn good job picking in the 1st round. I am going to make a bold prediction. Luchenko is going to have a monster +1 year and make the Flyers roster out of camp in the 2025 season.

- jd250

In another example of how stupid you are…. Why exactly is York the “right pick” over Cole merely 4 years later? What has York done? At best the jury is still out on that.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 30 @ 11:47 PM ET
Luchanko could turn out to be the best player in this draft. And while that would be absolutely wonderful, the fact of the matter is they could have still had him with a later pick and accumulated some more assets in the process....A lot of people are missing that point. This is not a player selection issue. It is an asset management issue - something the flyers are horrible at. They pulled the same mis-management with #32 and almost every other pick thereafter
- mr4tno

But if you pick another college guy with cutters agent (and this player knows his agent made it happen with this team in the past with cutter) couldn’t that also be asset mismanagement? Doing the same thing and expecting different results?

The way some here talk about how much of a dumpster fire this org is, what makes you think these prospects don’t feel the same?
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 30 @ 11:49 PM ET
In another example of how stupid you are…. Why exactly is York the “right pick” over Cole merely 4 years later? What has York done? At best the jury is still out on that.
- Stayin alive

I’m really happy with York
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Monday @ 12:46 AM ET
I’m really happy with York
- anti-lame

I am too but saying York was the correct pick is crazy talk. We don’t know yet. To be fair I’d say they are basically on par as of now to this point
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Monday @ 12:49 AM ET
But if you pick another college guy with cutters agent (and this player knows his agent made it happen with this team in the past with cutter) couldn’t that also be asset mismanagement? Doing the same thing and expecting different results?

The way some here talk about how much of a dumpster fire this org is, what makes you think these prospects don’t feel the same?

- anti-lame

No top of the draft player that goes to college wants to spend 4 years there. They want to do 1 maybe 2 years and turn pro to make money. It’s simply too much of a risk to not do that.

It’s a nothing burger this college excuse and simply the teams fault for caving and not playing hardball.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Monday @ 7:07 AM ET
In another example of how stupid you are…. Why exactly is York the “right pick” over Cole merely 4 years later? What has York done? At best the jury is still out on that.
- Stayin alive

I agree with you on this…still early. (Not the stupid part …lol)I think both teams would be happy.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Monday @ 7:28 AM ET
Last year, the Flyers would've been a laughing stock if they had passed on Michkov, who also unexpectedly fell to them, and used the reasoning that they already had enough right wingers.

#1 defensemen is one of the hardest positions to fill in the entire league (and no, playing the team's best defenseman in the #1 spot does not mean he has the talent to be playing those minutes) so until that is filled, it is irresponsible to to pass on a defenseman with that projection and his accolades.

Chicago drafted their projected franchise dman to go with their franchise center and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

SJ drafted their projected "elite" center and #1 dman, all before the Flyers made their 1st pick. If the reason the Flyers traded down was because they wanted Richardenson, who was there 1 pick before them and they didn't trade up, it's massive egg on their faces. SJ got it's man at a reasonable price and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

All these rebuilding teams are actually rebuilding "the right way". They have the projected traditional building blocks of Stanley cup teams. All drafted projected great players and all have multiple 1sts going forward to help continue with the rebuild.

The Flyers ended up with no projected 1st line/1st pairing players (except some belated media PR after the fact) but did end up with multiple 1sts next year.

This is not a knock on Jett who is a perfectly fine late 1st rnd pick, a young guy a little harder to project but to evaluate him as a prospect equal to Buium questions the scouts professional ability.

At 11th, there were 2 consensus top pairing, potentially #1, dmen (required cornerstones for Stanley cup teams) and the Flyers, who have ZERO proven #1 dmen came away with neither is professional malpractice. If Richardenson was your guy, you trade the 2nd, if needed, instead of using it on the guy who scouting report says "Agonizingly unremarkable, across the board".

I've never known a team to lament having to many good defensemen (a situation that does not currently describe the Flyers) and not being able to get value for them, have you?
- Flyers_01

I can't argue with how SJ, Chicago and Anaheim have been aggressive at the draft. That are doing what I expect a rebuilding and hungry franchise would do to rebuild, and what I expected the Flyers would do. I don't know if this is Briere showing his lack of experience or a general malaise from the entire leadership when it comes to menuvering the draft board. My hope is the Flyers just didn't think highly enough of this draft to go for it, and they may be right, who knows. But I came away Friday night disappointed the Flyers could not make a deal and trade up to the 9th pick with Seattle to jump ahead of NJ and get Siliyev, who everyone knew was not getting past NJ. But it appears the only player the Flyers truly wanted other than Lindstrom at center was Luchenko. Trading their 32nd pick with Edmonton was actually a shrewd move, but that again screams the Flyers just didn't think highly enough of the players in this draft.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Monday @ 7:35 AM ET
F the league… it’s stupid business to give away an asset before the asset is worthless.
- landros 2

I am disappointed also .. in Carter Freakin Hart for being that incredibily STUPID!! He and his buds would not be arrested and charged with a crime if there was not substantial evidence to do so. He was there in the room, either partaking in this disgusting act or watching and doing nothing about it. Either way, I want nothing to do with him. Karma, he is getting what he deserves. And this is coming from someone that consitently believed and voiced that Hart was the answer in nets for the Flyers and a franchise goalie. Just more bad luck that seems to follow the Flyers for some reason.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Monday @ 7:37 AM ET
In another example of how stupid you are…. Why exactly is York the “right pick” over Cole merely 4 years later? What has York done? At best the jury is still out on that.
- Stayin alive

This comment shows how stupid you are ...
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Monday @ 7:47 AM ET
You really are mentally challenged I think. If so please say it so when every lone reads your post they don’t immediately think what a retard you are. Or some other same type things. I’m being serious and truly not trying to offend anyone at all. Are you mentally disabled?

“By all accounts everyone had Jett going before 20”? Really?

He’s the truth. Jett initially was rated to go in 2nd round then started to rise. Cracking 1st round. By end of season most had him somewhere likely in the 20’s. Some had him toward back of 1st round some had him toward lower 20’s. Some even said he might get into the teens and MAYBE a few MAYBE a handful had him as POSSIBLE TO GO MID 1st round. You might even find 1 or 2 that had him in that 12-14 range.

You continue to believe and try to push that he was this consensus mid 1st round pick. Which is retarded yet you continue to knock a player like buium saying things like why did teams pass on him like he sucks while completely ignoring what truly is alEVERYONE had zeev in top 10. It’s amazing just how dumb you are. Please please let us know if there’s mental disability so we can feel not feel guilty for thinking and picking on you

- Stayin alive

The problem you and others are making is you are basing your opinions on whether the Flyers reached or not on the elite prospects ranking. I'm sorry but what basis is that? How many people that work on those rankings actual work for an NHL team and scout players full time? I will answer it .. NONE! For example, Russ Cohen is one of the people that write and rank for elite prospects. I like Russ, but but he is not someone that watches kids develop every single game. Buium was projected to go in the top 5 by several mock drafts and elite prospects rankings. OK, then why did he fall to 12? The answer is right there in your face ... elite prospects rankings as well as every other mock draft prediction is just that ... prediction. What matters are the opinions of the actual NHL scouts in each team's draft room and apparently there were several teams that didn't rank Buium as high as elite prospects ranked him.

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Monday @ 7:49 AM ET
I agree with you on this…still early. (Not the stupid part …lol)I think both teams would be happy.
- landros 2

Right, I'm not saying Caufield is a bad player, he plays with Nick Susuki and scores some goals. If I played with Susuki, I would score some too. In the end, I'll take a potential top pairing defenseman over a 25-30 goal winger any day of the week.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Monday @ 7:58 AM ET
You continue to oversell and overrate Flahr as a drafter. Luchenko having a big year in juniors next season, won't change the decision making that the Flyers used in this draft in passing up a higher rated player. He is 17, going on 18. There is little chance that he makes the Flyers in 2025. He is likely at least 4 years away from playing in the NHL full time.

I blelieve Luchenko wil make the team in 2025 because .1 he will have a monster +1 year and there will be nothing left to gain by him playing another year in juniors, 2. he will be too young at this point to play in the AHL, 3. he already has an NHL body at 5'11" 195 lbs. and 4. centers develop faster than defenseman, especially when they are already 200 foot players which Luchenko is. Thus, I do not believe he is 4 years away.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Monday @ 8:01 AM ET
The problem you and others are making is you are basing your opinions on whether the Flyers reached or not on the elite prospects ranking. I'm sorry but what basis is that? How many people that work on those rankings actual work for an NHL team and scout players full time? I will answer it .. NONE! For example, Russ Cohen is one of the people that write and rank for elite prospects. I like Russ, but but he is not someone that watches kids develop every single game. Buium was projected to go in the top 5 by several mock drafts and elite prospects rankings. OK, then why did he fall to 12? The answer is right there in your face ... elite prospects rankings as well as every other mock draft prediction is just that ... prediction. What matters are the opinions of the actual NHL scouts in each team's draft room and apparently there were several teams that didn't rank Buium as high as elite prospects ranked him.
- jd250

Your posts are an exercise in not only a lack of knowledge of the sport but also a lack of simple common sense. When the opinions of non NHL scouting resources are used, to criticize the pick. You reply that they don't know as much as the NHL scouts do. Then you'll post a link to a Youtube channel and a scouting opinion on the player from non NHL scouts sources. When it suits you, non NHL scouts opinion are relevant. When you don't like what is being said, well, they don't work for an NHL team.
Let me ask you a question. Why did Luchanko fall to 13th? The answer is right there in your face.
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