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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Draft Wrapup, RFAs, Develoment Camp
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Bill Meltzer
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 07.13.2006

Jun 30 @ 8:50 AM ET
Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Draft Wrapup, RFAs, Develoment Camp
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 10.03.2012

Jun 30 @ 9:07 AM ET
Thank you, Bill. Your work, imo, is unparalleled when it comes to team coverage and analysis. Your insight and pragmatism is what I appreciate the most.

In terms of Hart, Flyers’ brass has a helluva decision to make, one I don’t envy.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 30 @ 9:10 AM ET
Agree on your synopsis of their first pick. I like Jett. At 17 it’s hard to project. He definitely has the tools. It’s also what a so called rebuilding team is in no position to do…Reach in the 1rst round.
I must admit I came into this week thinking this was a week DB could really change the direction of the franchise and kick start his vision and plan.
I come out knowing his path is not an actually rebuild at all and my expectations of what I think he’s capable of have been lowered.
At least I get to look forward to Michkov.
landros 2
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 30 @ 9:13 AM ET
Thank you, Bill. Your work, imo, is unparalleled when it comes to team coverage and analysis. Your insight and pragmatism is what I appreciate the most.

In terms of Hart, Flyers’ brass has a helluva decision to make, one I don’t envy.

- BroadSTmayhem

If it’s a business decision. You qualify him. He’s still a somewhat valuable asset until he’s found guilty.
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.30.2023

Jun 30 @ 9:33 AM ET
If it’s a business decision. You qualify him. He’s still a somewhat valuable asset until he’s found guilty.
- landros 2

That's what I would do, it will sort it's self out afterwards
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 30 @ 9:36 AM ET
I do think the McGroarty situation did impact GMs with Buium. I cannot provide concrete proof, but can only speculate. NHL GMs are genrally risk averse to begin with, makes sense they would not want to use an early pick on a prospect who could immediately diminish in value.

Briere has an opportunity to acquire at least one 1st rd pick for '25 or '26. The Metro has seen all the teams try and get better (not sure the Pens logic). An arms race is developing in the Atlantic.

This year should be about Michkov adjusting to the smaller rink and put the organization in a spot to easily draft one of those coveted centers in the '25 draft.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Hightstown, NJ
Joined: 07.13.2010

Jun 30 @ 9:40 AM ET
Innocent until proven guilty this situation will work itself out but asset management says you have to tender an offer. If he is found not guilty (which I understand is a very real possibility) then you have him if found guilty he will never play this league anyway. The bad press concerns seems absurd if we are truly innocent until proven guilty
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 30 @ 9:58 AM ET
Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Draft Wrapup, RFAs, Develoment Camp
- bmeltzer

seems like a BS hard line stance by the league not to freeze the rights.

As far as the agent thing, it is plausible that played a part in the flyers decision making process. Maybe the flyers didnt want to deal with him and are bitter.

They are 100% that type of organization who holds a grudge.

If you had a choice of Rutger or Jett what would have done Bill?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 30 @ 10:02 AM ET
I do think the McGroarty situation did impact GMs with Buium. I cannot provide concrete proof, but can only speculate. NHL GMs are genrally risk averse to begin with, makes sense they would not want to use an early pick on a prospect who could immediately diminish in value.

Briere has an opportunity to acquire at least one 1st rd pick for '25 or '26. The Metro has seen all the teams try and get better (not sure the Pens logic). An arms race is developing in the Atlantic.

This year should be about Michkov adjusting to the smaller rink and put the organization in a spot to easily draft one of those coveted centers in the '25 draft.

- Trox88

Interesting. The top 2 picks were college players as well, but after that only Buium.

As for Michkov, he already played in an NHL sized rink for most of his games as the KHL uses majority NHL sized rinks. .
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 30 @ 10:04 AM ET
Interesting. The top 2 picks were college players as well, but after that only Buium.

As for Michkov, he already played in an NHL sized rink for most of his games as the KHL uses majority NHL sized rinks. .

- MBFlyerfan

is it possible the flyer thought Luchanko was russian?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 30 @ 10:07 AM ET
Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Draft Wrapup, RFAs, Develoment Camp
- bmeltzer

Bill who is your sleeper flyers pick from yesterday you see having a possibly good nhl career outside of Jett.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 30 @ 10:12 AM ET
Interesting. The top 2 picks were college players as well, but after that only Buium.

As for Michkov, he already played in an NHL sized rink for most of his games as the KHL uses majority NHL sized rinks. .

- MBFlyerfan

Maybe I should have widened my scope on Michkov playing in North America in light of the uncertainty of Kosolov. This year should be about Michkov being very comfortable with his surroundings.

As far as Buium, 2 top 15 picks used the college rule to go pound sand to the clubs drafted them very recently. Maybe it's a coincidence or an anvenue more collge kids will use to get a preferred destination. I do think a certain amount of GMs are unwilling to take that gamble. Bill Guerin was not one of them.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 30 @ 10:17 AM ET
That's what I would do, it will sort it's self out afterwards

I thought innocent until proven guilty? They dont have to gonads to support a guy who has been accused of a crime when he was 18? If they choose not to it will in line with this organization’s last week where by it’s been one stupid decision after another.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 10.03.2006

Jun 30 @ 10:18 AM ET
To be honest, I'm not wild about the logic that the Flyers bypassed Zeev Buium mainly because they already have too many averaged-size/smallish defensemen who are still young. I also don't have enough evidence to say that the fact Buium's agent/advisor is the same one who represents Cutter Gauthier and Ryan Johansen was an actual factor in the final decision. I am a firm believer in BPA (best player available) regardless of position in the first round. There's no such thing as "too much talent" at one position. Either make room for them at the NHL level or trade from a position of strength and depth to fill a different need, which is how good hockey deals get made.

The Flyers have said they had Buium and Luchanko very comparably rated, so that's where position came into play.

Last year, the Flyers would've been a laughing stock if they had passed on Michkov, who also unexpectedly fell to them, and used the reasoning that they already had enough right wingers.

#1 defensemen is one of the hardest positions to fill in the entire league (and no, playing the team's best defenseman in the #1 spot does not mean he has the talent to be playing those minutes) so until that is filled, it is irresponsible to to pass on a defenseman with that projection and his accolades.

Chicago drafted their projected franchise dman to go with their franchise center and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

SJ drafted their projected "elite" center and #1 dman, all before the Flyers made their 1st pick. If the reason the Flyers traded down was because they wanted Richardenson, who was there 1 pick before them and they didn't trade up, it's massive egg on their faces. SJ got it's man at a reasonable price and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

All these rebuilding teams are actually rebuilding "the right way". They have the projected traditional building blocks of Stanley cup teams. All drafted projected great players and all have multiple 1sts going forward to help continue with the rebuild.

The Flyers ended up with no projected 1st line/1st pairing players (except some belated media PR after the fact) but did end up with multiple 1sts next year.

This is not a knock on Jett who is a perfectly fine late 1st rnd pick, a young guy a little harder to project but to evaluate him as a prospect equal to Buium questions the scouts professional ability.

At 11th, there were 2 consensus top pairing, potentially #1, dmen (required cornerstones for Stanley cup teams) and the Flyers, who have ZERO proven #1 dmen came away with neither is professional malpractice. If Richardenson was your guy, you trade the 2nd, if needed, instead of using it on the guy who scouting report says "Agonizingly unremarkable, across the board".

I've never known a team to lament having to many good defensemen (a situation that does not currently describe the Flyers) and not being able to get value for them, have you?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 30 @ 10:22 AM ET
Last year, the Flyers would've been a laughing stock if they had passed on Michkov, who also unexpectedly fell to them, and used the reasoning that they already had enough right wingers.

#1 defensemen is one of the hardest positions to fill in the entire league (and no, playing the team's best defenseman in the #1 spot does not mean he has the talent to be playing those minutes) so until that is filled, it is irresponsible to to pass on a defenseman with that projection and his accolades.

Chicago drafted their projected franchise dman to go with their franchise center and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

SJ drafted their projected "elite" center and #1 dman, all before the Flyers made their 1st pick. If the reason the Flyers traded down was because they wanted Richardenson, who was there #1 pick before them and they didn't trade up, it's massive egg on their faces. SJ got it's man at a reasonable price and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

All these rebuilding teams are actually rebuilding "the right way". They have the projected traditional building blocks of Stanley cup teams. All drafted projected great players and all have multiple 1sts going forward to help continue with the rebuild.

The Flyers ended up with no projected 1st line/1st pairing players (except some belated media PR after the fact) but did end up with multiple 1sts next year.

This is not a knock on Jett who is a perfectly fine late 1st rnd pick, a young guy a little harder to project but to evaluate him as a prospect equal to Buium questions the scouts professional ability.

At 11th, there were 2 consensus top pairing, potentially #1, dmen (required cornerstones for Stanley cup teams) and the Flyers, who have ZERO proven #1 dmen came away with neither is professional malpractice. If Richardenson was your guy, you trade the 2nd, if needed, instead of using it on the guy who scouting report says "Agonizingly unremarkable, across the board".

I've never known a team to lament having to many good defensemen (a situation that does not currently describe the Flyers) and not being able to get value for them, have you?

- Flyers_01

correct, you make a trade to get your guy in that spot. no issue with that if you believe that strongly in him.

tells me they didnt want him and wanted jett all along more than likely.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 30 @ 10:31 AM ET
Last year, the Flyers would've been a laughing stock if they had passed on Michkov, who also unexpectedly fell to them, and used the reasoning that they already had enough right wingers.

#1 defensemen is one of the hardest positions to fill in the entire league (and no, playing the team's best defenseman in the #1 spot does not mean he has the talent to be playing those minutes) so until that is filled, it is irresponsible to to pass on a defenseman with that projection and his accolades.

Chicago drafted their projected franchise dman to go with their franchise center and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

SJ drafted their projected "elite" center and #1 dman, all before the Flyers made their 1st pick. If the reason the Flyers traded down was because they wanted Richardenson, who was there 1 pick before them and they didn't trade up, it's massive egg on their faces. SJ got it's man at a reasonable price and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

All these rebuilding teams are actually rebuilding "the right way". They have the projected traditional building blocks of Stanley cup teams. All drafted projected great players and all have multiple 1sts going forward to help continue with the rebuild.

The Flyers ended up with no projected 1st line/1st pairing players (except some belated media PR after the fact) but did end up with multiple 1sts next year.

This is not a knock on Jett who is a perfectly fine late 1st rnd pick, a young guy a little harder to project but to evaluate him as a prospect equal to Buium questions the scouts professional ability.

At 11th, there were 2 consensus top pairing, potentially #1, dmen (required cornerstones for Stanley cup teams) and the Flyers, who have ZERO proven #1 dmen came away with neither is professional malpractice. If Richardenson was your guy, you trade the 2nd, if needed, instead of using it on the guy who scouting report says "Agonizingly unremarkable, across the board".

I've never known a team to lament having to many good defensemen (a situation that does not currently describe the Flyers) and not being able to get value for them, have you?

- Flyers_01

Well written and completely logical. I thought I was reading an article written by a well respected and experienced national analyst.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 30 @ 10:35 AM ET
correct, you make a trade to get your guy in that spot. no issue with that if you believe that strongly in him.

tells me they didnt want him and wanted jett all along more than likely.

- hello it's me 2050

maybe they tried and san jose said no way, we want d!ckenson. You think thats posible?
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 30 @ 10:40 AM ET
So 32 Thoughts is saying that the Kosolov issue is not resolved. Shocking the Flyers are saying they don’t know of any issues… shades of the “playing stupid” Cutter Guathier situation. Transparency is not this organizations strong suit… I wonder if they could swing a trade with Nashville for their young Russian goalie who’s blocked by Saros and his new contract but a few years older then Kosolov.
Maybe Koslov and a 2nd for Askarov.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 10.03.2006

Jun 30 @ 10:41 AM ET
correct, you make a trade to get your guy in that spot. no issue with that if you believe that strongly in him.

tells me they didnt want him and wanted jett all along more than likely.

- hello it's me 2050

Are they really any better going into next year's draft, than they were this year? They refuse to trade their "core" and will likely end up in the same general area, just missing or 1st round loss so they will be forced, if they want a pick in the top 4, to trade all 3 of those 1sts for one player and will declare it a success instead of , like SJ/CHI, using their pick on one franchise guy and using the other picks on other potential franchise guys.

Imagine how different SJ's team would be today if they had finished in the middle of the pack? And had to trade the farm for their franchise center?

Who here prefers the Flyers season to being able to draft Celebrini and Richardenson? Was the Flyers grinding through last season before tapping out due to exhaustion a better memory than missing out on franchise players who would be generating memories the next 10+ years?

Is anyone going to be telling their kids/wifes/friends about the great 2023-2024 season what great grinders they were and how they blocked shots with their faces? That last part was a nod to Ian LaPerriere. That freaking culture was Stanley Cup level. Woohoo.

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 30 @ 10:41 AM ET
Last year, the Flyers would've been a laughing stock if they had passed on Michkov, who also unexpectedly fell to them, and used the reasoning that they already had enough right wingers.

#1 defensemen is one of the hardest positions to fill in the entire league (and no, playing the team's best defenseman in the #1 spot does not mean he has the talent to be playing those minutes) so until that is filled, it is irresponsible to to pass on a defenseman with that projection and his accolades.

Chicago drafted their projected franchise dman to go with their franchise center and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

SJ drafted their projected "elite" center and #1 dman, all before the Flyers made their 1st pick. If the reason the Flyers traded down was because they wanted Richardenson, who was there 1 pick before them and they didn't trade up, it's massive egg on their faces. SJ got it's man at a reasonable price and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

All these rebuilding teams are actually rebuilding "the right way". They have the projected traditional building blocks of Stanley cup teams. All drafted projected great players and all have multiple 1sts going forward to help continue with the rebuild.

The Flyers ended up with no projected 1st line/1st pairing players (except some belated media PR after the fact) but did end up with multiple 1sts next year.

This is not a knock on Jett who is a perfectly fine late 1st rnd pick, a young guy a little harder to project but to evaluate him as a prospect equal to Buium questions the scouts professional ability.

At 11th, there were 2 consensus top pairing, potentially #1, dmen (required cornerstones for Stanley cup teams) and the Flyers, who have ZERO proven #1 dmen came away with neither is professional malpractice. If Richardenson was your guy, you trade the 2nd, if needed, instead of using it on the guy who scouting report says "Agonizingly unremarkable, across the board".

I've never known a team to lament having to many good defensemen (a situation that does not currently describe the Flyers) and not being able to get value for them, have you?

- Flyers_01

I have not read anyone think that D!ckenson will be a #1D. From what i have read, and i am no expert in the prosepects. But there was 8-10ish top of the lineup players in this draft. Flyers with the 12th pick does not help. They need to tank if they want to rebuild successfully. That means trading talent like TK, SL, maybe joel. When i say tank, i dont mean trying to lose, i dont think anyone tries to lose (with the odd exception). But teams tank all the time, Chicago and SJ are doing their tank properly, and it will pay off in a couple of years. NJs tank is complete. They are ready to roll now.

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 30 @ 10:43 AM ET
So 32 Thoughts is saying that the Kosolov issue is not resolved. Shocking the Flyers are saying they don’t know of any issues… shades of the “playing stupid” Cutter Guathier situation. Transparency is not this organizations strong suit… I wonder if they could swing a trade with Nashville for their young Russian goalie who’s blocked by Saros and his new contract but a few years older then Kosolov.
Maybe Koslov and a 2nd for Askarov.

- landros 2

Transparency for a GM should never be a strong suit. With these situations, injuries, draft plan etc.... Why would they
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.14.2007

Jun 30 @ 10:44 AM ET
If the flyers tanked and lost a few more games we would have had Richardinson but y’all too proud zeev hasn’t played 1 game in the NHL and y’all think he’s better than York and Drysdale was a 6th overall pick and York was gasp 14th lol
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 10.03.2006

Jun 30 @ 10:45 AM ET
maybe they tried and san jose said no way, we want d!ckenson. You think thats posible?
- bradster

San Jose traded up with Buffalo, right before the pick. It cost them a 2nd rounder, because they really did want Richardenson.

Buffalo was more than willing to trade that pick and did , to the team that actually wanted Richardenson. The rest is all PR.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 12.09.2018

Jun 30 @ 10:49 AM ET
Last year, the Flyers would've been a laughing stock if they had passed on Michkov, who also unexpectedly fell to them, and used the reasoning that they already had enough right wingers.

#1 defensemen is one of the hardest positions to fill in the entire league (and no, playing the team's best defenseman in the #1 spot does not mean he has the talent to be playing those minutes) so until that is filled, it is irresponsible to to pass on a defenseman with that projection and his accolades.

Chicago drafted their projected franchise dman to go with their franchise center and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

SJ drafted their projected "elite" center and #1 dman, all before the Flyers made their 1st pick. If the reason the Flyers traded down was because they wanted Richardenson, who was there 1 pick before them and they didn't trade up, it's massive egg on their faces. SJ got it's man at a reasonable price and still have multiple 1sts for next year.

All these rebuilding teams are actually rebuilding "the right way". They have the projected traditional building blocks of Stanley cup teams. All drafted projected great players and all have multiple 1sts going forward to help continue with the rebuild.

The Flyers ended up with no projected 1st line/1st pairing players (except some belated media PR after the fact) but did end up with multiple 1sts next year.

This is not a knock on Jett who is a perfectly fine late 1st rnd pick, a young guy a little harder to project but to evaluate him as a prospect equal to Buium questions the scouts professional ability.

At 11th, there were 2 consensus top pairing, potentially #1, dmen (required cornerstones for Stanley cup teams) and the Flyers, who have ZERO proven #1 dmen came away with neither is professional malpractice. If Richardenson was your guy, you trade the 2nd, if needed, instead of using it on the guy who scouting report says "Agonizingly unremarkable, across the board".

I've never known a team to lament having to many good defensemen (a situation that does not currently describe the Flyers) and not being able to get value for them, have you?

- Flyers_01

I agree that the Flyers seem directionless at the moment, proper rebuild or re-tool and try to remain competitive, but, we’ll probably never know the truth of how things played out in the draft for them.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 12.09.2018

Jun 30 @ 10:51 AM ET
San Jose traded up with Buffalo, right before the pick. It cost them a 2nd rounder, because they really did want Richardenson.

Buffalo was more than willing to trade that pick and did , to the team that actually wanted Richardenson. The rest is all PR.


- Flyers_01

That doesn’t mean they would’ve done it with an Eastern conference rival in the Flyers. Your comments are purely speculative.
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